A system of materia medica and pharmacy [electronic resource] : including translations of the Edinburgh, London, and Dublin pharmacopoeias, in two volumes

발행: 1813년

분량: 529페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



nutriticus jepy, prescribod in diari licea as a demulcent, and

lescents. Α jelly is prepared by boiling with water or milla, and it is undor this forni that it is talaen.


Ala P. I celand. Tug different lichens contain a secula, Whicli is extracted by boiling in water. The lichen istandicus, so Damed asbcing abundant in Iceland, ita ough it is a native also os othercoi tries of the North of Europe, consisis principalty of this, with a portion os extractive analter, having a degree of bittorness. Tliis bitte ess is removed by maceration in coldwater, and then by decoction with water a gelatinous solution is obtained. This is used as an article os diei in thecountries of which this lichen is a native; and it has heeu introduced into medicat practice as a demulcent, and a nutritious substance easy of digestion : it has hom these qualities hein used with some advantage in haemoptysis and phthisis ; and froni iis supposed efficacy, the dec0ction ii sieceived a place in the London Pharmacopoeia. c.. F γ.-Decoct. Lichenis, Lond. Dub.

ΠΟΗN consisis chicssy os indura ted albumcn ; the horas orthe deer, however, it is singular, are similar t O bone in composition, and contain a considerable quantity os gelatin, alongwith phosphate os time; they have theresere been received in to the Materia Modica. 'Γhey are Deed frona their o uterrough covcring, and tho internui Wilite part is rasped do un





in Whicli ille bitternoss of the ollior resides, is not weli us- certa ined : it contains, however, a portion Os prussio ac id, ou whicli iis odour depentis, and whicli appears to communicate io it some degreo os narcotic potver. The oti is obtain-ed by expression froin the sociis, or by decoction of them in wat P. It is very similar to the olive oti, but purer, and more Dee Dom any rancidity. In common with expressedotis, it has the properties of a demulcent; and diffused in water by the medium os naucllage, or a sexu drops of an al- Latine solution, it is given in catarrh. There is another mode in whicli this od is given as a demulcent, more gratefiat, that os emulsion. The su eet almonds, the externat rinii heing removed by immersion in V m Water, are trituraled with water ; tho Oil is diffusod in the water by the medium of the mucit age and secula of the

THE Oil obtained froin tho fruit os the olive by expression, is of a light yellowiSh or greenisti colou , without cither i teor Smeli, and is possessed of est the generat properties of CX- pressed oll. It is the oil of this class Whicli is most commonly used in medicine. It is employed as a demulcent in Catarrh, and some other affections, dissuscd in Hater by theraedium of mucilago, or by a very smali quantity os ovo of the ullialis, and is thus talacia in us largo quantities as clie


stomach can bear; it may be dot ted, hora ever, Whethor With any advantage. It is employed to involve acrid substances Which may have been introduced into the stomach. It is also given as an anthesmintic. Externalty it is used asau emollient, applied by Diction, Ox sorming the basis of l

nii nenis and oiniments. SEVUM CETI. Spermaceti. Physeter Macrocephalus. Manimalia. CelaCeae.

THIS salty matter is obtained froin the head of the partia Cesar species of whale above stated. The cavlty os the head Contains a large quantity of an olly fluid, Dom Which, onStandi iam a Concrete substance separates. This, Deed Domthe Oil by' expression, and purified by melling and botling Witha weah MLatine Solution, is the common spermaceti. It iSin masses of a salay texture, unctuous and Diable ; white, With some degree of lustre ; and has notther iaste nor Smest. It is fusibiti and inflammabie, and iis chemicat properties and relations are the fame as iliose of the expressed olis and satS, excepi that it does not eastly unite with tho assialis, and thatit is solubie to a certain extent in athohol and ether. I is medicines viriues are those of a mild demulcent, and as minit is givon in catarin and gonorrhoea, mixed with fugax, Orsomelimes diffused in Wator by the medium of the yolla os an

lar nature, Whicli, applied by the bce to the construction Osthe celis in whicli the honey is deposited, was .Supposuit iobe collected by that infeci suom illo aut horte of egetabi 'S.




The cxperiments of Huber appear, hoWever, to have proved, iliat it can be formed by the bee, froin changes produced oniis saccharine Dod. Stili it is to he regarded as a vegeta leproduci. It sorins a covering on the leaves, fruit, and so versos many planis, and sume, as the Myrica Cerisera, assord a substance persectly analogous in large quantity. Wax, in iis chemicat properties, resembles most nearly the expressed oss,

differing Doni them principalty in solidity, and in combining

Iess rea lily with the aikalis. When merely meited froin thecomb, it rei alias a portion os colouring matter, and forinsyollow wax ; it has also an agreeable odour. It may be de- privod os both by bleaching,-the wax being mclted and castinio thin calios, wllicli are exposed to the action of light, ala aud humidity. It then forins white wax, whicli is harderand more britile than the yellow, and raster tess fusil,le. Wax has been used as a demulcent in dysente , being di sused in wator by means of mucilage of gum Arabic, the wax boing fit si molied with a litile oti, to facilitate iis trituration ;but it has no particular quality to recommend it. It is used in the composition of Oiniments and plasters, communicatingto them consisteuce and tenacity.


495 ΗΑP. XXII.


ΤΗΕ class os Emollienis, according to the definition se hy Cullen, includes those medicines whicli diministi the Dirce of cohesion in the particles of the solid multer of the humanbo , and thereby render them more lax and sexible. Thoth operation is evidently mechanical ; they are insinuated toto the matter of the solid fibre, and either diministi iis densit , or losson the friction belwem iis pateticles. HenCe th Euscful where he fibres aere Tigid, or Ubere they are pvet naturiny extended, and thereire afford relics oheia topicassyapplied to inflamed paris, is tumors diSic ing the Shis, Grwhere the stan is dry and rigid. There may be includinunder the fame claSS, those Substances Whicli, applied in thesi face, by their bland quality, assord relies Doni iri tation. Heat, corioined with moisture, is the principat emollient. Varm water is of itself usesul; but whon applied by ilio

medium of some vegetable substances, as in the disserent fomentations and cataplasms, it is more advantagoOus,as the heatis longer rotained ; bread in crumbs, or the Mur Ur meat Atho common gravis, soritis the bariS Os the common cataplasm; tho flowers of the chamomite, Or the mali Ora , are osten uSed as the vehicle sor fomentations. The emollient pori er is litile increst sed by such additions, though sume havo Sup- posed that the iniici agitiuus vegetabius have sume efficacy os et his Lind.


they are mereb introduced by friction ; and in distension os the animal fibre, as in dropsical sivelling, afford sonae relies. Axmigia Porcina, H0g's Larii, is the pri cipes substance os ibis Liud not hitherio noticed. It is the sat of the hora seced om the cellular fibro with whicli it is intermingled. Thisis done by molting it with the addition os a litile water toprovent the heat froni rising too high. When cold, it hecomes Concreto ; has ali the properties of animal fat ; and Doni iis

and Sosiness, they excite no irritation. Tho thicla and blandliquid formed by the combination of lime-water With expressed olis, Linimentum A quae Calcis), is another emollient composition, usualty employed as a Suothing applicationto burns, and proving uSelal by a similar operation. There

BILIS), is of similar qualities, and is obta ined in the Samo muniter, the burries bruiscd benig boiled in Water. It is



OF ANTHELMINTIC S. ANTHELMINTIcs are remedies Whicli expet woruas froni the intestinat canes. They have been supposuit to produce this effect is various modes of operation, principally mechanicat. Some, M hicli are in co Se rough particles, as iron or tin-slings, or Consist of sharp spiculae, as the doram of the dolichos pruriens, are SuppoSed, by mechanicat action, to disiodge

been Supposed to prove noxious to these animals : it has also been imaginod, that so DP as ther prove uses ut, they do solis restoring the tone of the digestive organs ; the productionof wornas being supposed to proceed Doni debility of theso organs, in Consequence of Mitch, either the laod is notproperly assimilated, or the secreted sui is potired into the intestines are not properly prepared. Lastly, Other remedies of this class apparently operate bytheir cathartic poweP. Iliose cathartios which discliarge themucus of the intestines, as gainboge, Scammony, or Calomel, ave supposed more peculiarly to have this effeci: and per-haps it is this sub-division os anthelminiics that have mostonicacy. Sume anthelmintios, it is observed by Dr Hamilton, have been considered as specific polson to the insect,

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