장음표시 사용
SEVERA L mercurial proparations have been empl0yed onaccount of their uiathelmintic potver. The blacla sulphurei, ethiops minerat, as it was named, prepat'ed by tritui atingsulphur and quiasilver in equat paris, has been givon in thodose Os a sew graius to childron, and of a scrupte or hiat adrachm to adulis. Mercury has been Supposed to provenoxious to the claSs of vermes, and Doni this may essicae3 bc-l0nging to this preparation has heen inserved to ari se . There is another mode in Whicli it may operate. Sulphim et ted hydrogen is deleterious to animais of this class, and the natural sulphurous waters imprognated with it, heiace sonti'- times prove powe utly anthelminti c. I lie sulpitiaret ted mei cu may, by iis chemicat acti an on the fluids of the intestines, cause a production os Sulphuretted hydrogeo, Whetice mayarise iis anthesmintic power. of the Other mercurialS, calomel has the aduratage, besides any direct anthelmintio potuerit may exert, os exciting the action os the intestines, and evacuating the intestinat mucus. It is givon aloue in a doso of one or two gratus to children, and os spolii 5 to I 0 graiusto an adicit; or in sinalter doges combined with jalu , Scam- , mony, or gamboge. It is also generalty the basis of the cu thartio whicli is usualty administered after a courge of any
ANTHELMINTIUS. STANNUM. Tin. TIN is reduceti to a poWder, consisting os sinali roundod particles, by heating it ne ly tu iis melling potui, and agitating it briskh. Elther this poWder, or what lias been recommended in prosereuce, the metal, in silings, is used aesau authesmintic, in a dose of one or two drachms, or even in a much larger quantity. Ιt is tinen repeatedj in the morn-ing, and a cathartio is asterru ds administered. Iis effeci,so far as it operates, has been supposed to be mechanicat, dist0dging the worin froni the mucus of the intestines by thegrittiness of iis particies. It is mi improbabie, toο, that it may act by generating hydrogen gas in the intestinat canat whicli proves noxious to the animal ; and iis emcacy hasbeen said tu be increased by combination ivitii sulphur, bywhieli sulphuretted hydrogen gas will be evolved. The suuphuretted oxide of tin, aurum mi Dum, WaS Once in use asau anthelmintic, and there is an empirical preparation, Blano spowder, celebrated as an anthesmintic, of whicli it is sata tobo the basiS. OLEUM OLEAE EUROPAE E. Olive Oil. Oleum Olivarum. Diand. Monogyn. Sepiariae. South of Europe.
OLIvE Oil, or any other eXprcssed od, tineia in the m6ming to the extent of hau a po-d, or much as the stomachcan hear, has been said to prove anthelmintic, but in thestate os diffusion and mixture in Whicli it must aci on Wornas in the intestines, it can scarcely be expected to have a certain ΡΟΠ Cr. OLEUM PINI LARICIS. Oleum Terebinthinae. Oil os Tur
this has been repeated in fix or eight hom)s; these quantities generalis produce purging, and frequently Sichness, Theworm is evacuat , and is usualty liseless on iis eXpulsion ;while, en evacuated by other methods, it generalty retalias signs os life . The turpentine there re evidently operates by iis deletorious power. Though these large doses have
in the larger quantity, Seems to prevent iis absorption ; and there re obviates iis action on the urinary organs ; and ithas been stated in conformity to this, that this actiongiving rise to strangu , is more liable to happen Doni sinali than froni large doses. Analogy leads to the employment of the remedy sor the expulsion of the other Wortiis Which lodgo in ille intestinat canal, and in one or two cases ille lumbriciliave been expelled by it. It has also been employed uuder the forin os enema, half an cunce being diffused in starch, mucilage, or in Water by the medium of the yolk of an em. The nauseating effect on the stomach is thus avoided, butthis modo os application is frequently productive Of considerablq patia.
SPIGELIA MARILANDIcA. Indian Pinla. Pontand. M6-- gyn. Stellat e. Irad ι. North America TisIs plant is a native of Virginia and Marylan I. Thestender stallas of iis root have a bitter iaste und are used iumedicine, on the supposition of their anthelmintic power; in a large dose they prove purgative, and alSo SometimeS narcotic. They are usualty administered in the forna of theri alco infusion ; in the quantity of hulf a drachm, or evento the extent of two or three drachms to an adest. Iis Operation as a narcotic has been sa id to Occur Dom iis adminis
POLYPODIUM FILIX MAs. Aspidium Filiis Mus. Male Fera. Cryptogamia. Filices. Radii. Indi gensus. The root of this plani V as Once highly Celebrated as a' remeth against the tape Worm ; two or three drachms of thepou der of it heing tution in the moriaing, and a Strong cathartio of jalap ox gainboge given Soon after it. The essicacvos the prescription probably depended cnt clyon thecathartic. ΓANACETUM VULGARE. Tan Sy. Syngen. Polyg. Supers. Compositae. Folia et lures. Indigenores. ΤΗΕ leavos and fio vers of this plant have a Strong bitteri aste. They have beon recommended as anthesmintic, and Ospecialty as capabic os expelling the lumbrici, and arcsomelimes used as a popular remedy. The dose, in pori der,
us ually operates as a cathartic, and in an over-dose is li leto occasion sic ess and vomiting. The Same symptoms are
Is concluding the liisto of the articles of the Materia II dica, I have thought it proper to present a view of that ar-rangement in ivllicli they are associaled, according to their natural characters, this being the arrangement I fosso v in mycourge of Lectures, and a View of it therelare mill facilitaten reseretice to the preSent Work. In classing them onthis principie, they have usually been comprised under thethree leaduig divisions os Minerat, Vegetabie, and Animal substances. The sint of these divisions, hora ever, is either
must be given to the signification of the term applied to the class, so as to bring under ii substances whicli cannot hereserred to either of the others, and Whicli, at the fame time, cannot be regarded aS belonging to what is strictly denominated tho Minerat Κingdom. A more coi rect division is, into the two great Classes of UnorganiZed Substances, and of Substances Whicli are the Producis of organiZation, the lalter compriZing tlio vegetabi aud animul producis, whilo the former may include est thoother articios of the Materia Medica. The substances bo- longing to tho si si, may be subdividod according to thoirchomicat relations ; iliose belonging to the seconii, a cord ingt0 tbeir naturat amnities. Thus, under the one Will be
APPENDIX. placed the ordhrs of Salis, Earilis, Inflammabies, Metala, Walers, and Aius. Under the other, both Voget te and Animal Substancos may be arran ged according to tho usualet asscs of the Linnaean System illi rogard to vegetabies, some have preseri ed associating them as they bolong to thenatural families or oriters of planis ; sor as in these the ar- tangoment is Dunded not on arbitrary Characters, hut On similarity of structure and organiZation, those substances, ithas been imagine I, Will be brought together, Whicli axe p0 Sessed os similar potvers. But this system os natural classi- scalion is stili so dosociive, that this has been hitherio very impersectb attained, and , inader ille sanae order, plantS Ofthe most discordant qualities are placed. There is theressere
iit profer Ic to associato them With the substances to whichthey pppear to lime the nost strici velationias vom the progress of botauical linori sed , changes arct necessariiy. made With regarii to the specific or generio di
tinctions of the planis employed in medicine. Wherevorthese appear to be sully estahlislied, I have admitted thom in the following tables: but Wliere they have been onlylately introduced, and Iemata sonte bat doubilat, I have thought it preserable to rotain the old nauae and arxangemunt, indicating only in a note tuo change that has licen proposed, and the Pharmacopoeia in Whicli it has licen adopt- ed. Under thc history of the substance resorred to in- the
- nitrosum nit icum muriaticum - ΟΠ-muriaticum -- Phosphoricum
tartari cum -- citricum benetoicum
CL. IL ERRAE. alx Carbonas calcis Affurias calcis Ρhosphas calcis Baryta Murias barytae Magnesia Carbonas magnesiae Sulphas magnesiae Murias magnesiae
Argilla Super-sulphas argillae et potassae CL. IIL INFLAMMABILIA Sulphur
Ether sulphuricus Ether nitricus CL. IV METALLA. Argentum Nitras argenti Hydrargyrum Oxidum hydrargyri per triturationem Oxidum hydrargyri cinereum idum hyd rargyri rubrum Sub-sulphas hydrargyri flavus
Sub-estras hydrargyri ruber Murias hydrargyri corrotivus
Murias hydrargyri mitis Murias hydrargyri et ammoniae etas hydrargyri Sulphuretum hydrargyri nigrum Sulphuretum hydrargyri rubrum
Oxidum ferri nigrum Oridum ferri rubrum Sulphas ferri
Murias serridiurias ferri et ammoniae Carbonas serri Aeetas serri Tartras ferri et potassae Carbonas serri et potassae Cuprum Sulphas cupri tab-acetas cupri Ammoniuretum cupri Ρlumbumoxidum plumbi semiavitreum Sub-acetas plumbi Acetas plumbi Super-acetas plumbi
Stannum Zineumoxidum glaci Carbonas ginci Sulphas etlaci Acelas Zinci , Bismuthum Antimonium Sulphuretum antimonii Oxidum antimonii sulphuretumoridum antimonii hydro-sulphuretum Oxidum antimonii vitrificatum-Οxidum antimonii albumoxidum antimonii cum phosphate calcis Murias antimonii Tartras antimonii et potassae
Arsenicumoxidum arsenici album Arsenias potassae CL. V. . T. Aqua pura Aquae minerales