장음표시 사용
cretion is such that there is a separation os phosphale ollime, or phosphate of ammonia and magnesia, they pre-vent this by their solvent powor; but this is comparativelyaeare. Where there is a too copious secretion of uvio acid,
they must increaSe it, and prove projudiciat, and in such cases accordingly they almost uniformiy occasion irritationand patia. It is singular, however, that in Some Cases theyliave afforded relies, even when they caused a deposition ofanatter froni the urino. Is this consisted of phosphate os magnesia and ammonia, it might be supposed that tho acidhad acted on a calculus composed of this, and by iis solvent
obtained, the sediment has heon Dund to bo urio acid ; and Scarceb any other supposition can he made ivitii regard tothis, to account for the Polios received, thnn .that it had
guavd against the separation of uric acid by their too Dee orlong continue i use. The obvio iis rule is, to give the acidio iliat extent which shali afford relies sponi irritation, and .remove the deposite os phosphate of lime, or the more Common one of phosphate of magnesia and lime, eastly x cogniZed by iis ivlii te colour, and to diministi the dose, ora ather intermit the use of them, Whene 'ex any deposite ofurio acid appears. Different acids have been employed. Mucii relies hasbeen obtainod Doni some of the vegetable acids, particulariuthe citi ic acid, under the form of temon juice, tinen to the extent of half nn ounce daib. The muriatic acid hasbeen used with advantage in a doso os front 30 to 50 dropst vice or thrice a-day, and the diluted nitrio acid of the usual strength, in a dose of 40 drops. siccording to Amurande's observations, the vegetable acids, particularly the citrio and tartario, a re less liable than the mineres acids to. produco the Separation os urio acid, even radien they areta ken in large dosos for a considerable time. Carbonic acid
LITHONTRIPTI S. . 6 1it does so sar succedit, it must be preserable to any of thoothor acidf, both as bcing less likely to cauSe any Separationos uvic acid, and as having tho aduantam that it can beta ken sor any tength of time without any reluctance, haS noinjurious offect on the stomach, and admits of being used in that irritabio state of the Uadder whicli sonaetimes precludes the use of the others. BITTERS and astringenis, such as Uva Ursi, have been found of service tu calculous cases, evidently by restoring the tone of the stomach, and thus preventing the generationos acid. But they cannot be considered as Lithontriptios.
animal solids. This they do, ei ther by combining with the
animal mattei', and Drming a Sost pulp, or a species of eschar, or by a resulting ininity, causing the elements of thesost solids to enter into new combinations, whence their cOhesion is subverted, and their composition is changed. laboth cases the life of the part is destroyed. They a re employed principesj to remove excrescences, to est listi an ulcer, or to change the Surface of an ulcerated pari, converting it into a Simple sore; and the principat distinctionamong them is that s unded on the enero of their action,-some eroding inexely the cuticle or external sucta e to whichthey may be applied, as nitrate os silver, or Sulphate of cop-per ; others, as Ρ0ta Sh, producing the decomposition of the unimal matter to a much greater depili. The action of Someos them too, that os arsenic for example, appears to be solar specific, that effecis are obtained Dom their operation, not casily obtained Dum the others.
ALUM, I rona iis excess os acid, has a degree os escharoticlio ver; and under the sorm of driod aliam, in Whicli iis water os ci stalligation is expelled, is sumetinios used in suo
PURE potasti, in iis solid state, forins a powersul escha .rotic, whicli has long been in use nuder the namo of Caunicum Commune Acerrimum. When iis solution, besere be-ing evaporated eruit eIy to dryness, is mixed with a portionos lime, iis operation is rendered rather weaker: this preparation is named Causticum Commune Mitius. Elther of them is made into a paste with soap, and applied to the pari. This application is frequently employed to est listi an ulcer, and somelimes in preferenco to incision to open a tumor: iis action is attended with a considerabIe demee of pain, and ai sense of burning hev after it is removed, a cataplasm is applied, by Whicli this is relieved, and suppuration est lish-ed Ir Simmons lias recommended potasti in preserence toother escharotios, to prevent the effecis froin the bito of arabid animal; it is applied Deely to the bitten pari; and thepreventative operation os excision, he has supposed, may berendered, more Certain by touching the su face With potasti. NIΤRAS ARGENTI. Nitrate of Silver. Causticum Lunare. Lunar Caustic.
THIs preparation is obtained by dissolving silver in nitrio acid, cVaporating the solution to dryness, melling the massby a gentie heat, and whilo liquid running it into cylindricalmoulds, in Which, as it coois, it hecomes concrete. It is the caustic Whicli is in most common uso sor checking the
ESCHAROTIC S. 675 o vili os fungous excrescences, or elianging tho discased sursace of an ulcer, a litile of it heing dissolved in us smalla portion of water as is sussicioni, and being applied by apencit to the pari. MURIAS ANTIMONII. Muriate of Antimony. Page 317.)THIs preparation of antimony has been used as an esch xotic, but being liquid, it is not eastly confined to the parton whicli it is designed to aci, and it has no particular ad
THis sest is a mild escharotic, and Dom this mittaess os iis operation is adapted to particular cases. Iis solution in vater is Sometimes employed to Change the discased sui faceos fores, especialty of Venerent Sores ; and either in solution, or in pora der mixed with any milii vegetable powder, it is applied to remove SpeckS On the cornea.
THIs preparation os mercury is occasionalty omployed asan escitarotic. ItS SOlution m Water, tu the proportion ofone grain to the omice, is in particular applied to venereat ulcers. And stili more dilute, it is somelimes used as a l01ion to herpetio eruptionS. SUB-NITRAS HYDRARGYRI. Sub-nitrate os Mercu . -
WHITE Oxide os arsenic has been frequently emplοyed asan externat application to cancer, and though it has been re- gavded as in Some mea sure specific, . iis immediate action is that os an escharotic. It was first introduced as an empiri- eat remedy, and was applied, miXed u4th vegetable matter ;a diachm of whito arsenio, sive Scruples Os Sulphur, an ounce of the leaves of Meadow Crow ot, and an ounce of DogS
was changed ; aud by exciting suppuration by the applic
tion of cataplasms, this was thrown oss. It has since beenused under the form of ointinent or solution. The lalter hasbeen supposed the least pati ut forni, thougla perhaps it is
not the most effectual. Ten grains axe dissolved in One Ounce of water, and this solution is applied by a pencit to the Sore. It not infrequently amends the discliarge, causes the fore in Contraci tu siZe, and cases have even been related of iis hamitig effected a cure. Violent lancinating pa in is somelim . produced by iis application ; and in Some cases, frum iis Continuance, the generat System appears to be assected, alia Symptoms occur indicating affection of the stomach and lungs, whicli cannot he retioved but by suspending the application. When these appear, the use of the arsenic ought to be Stoptand the effecis abeady stated under the generat history of
caution even externalty, especialty MIen it is applied to auexcorialed furface. Cases are on record, in i lich, froni theloo Dee application of it in this manner, violent constitutionia Symptoms, Willi even a fatal termination, have been induceda Stis, even with these disadvant ages, the benefit derived Domthe application of arsenic in scirrhus and cancer, has osteuheen so striiung as to lead 1o iis occasiones employment, e- specialty with the view of reducing the fige Os a cancerous tumor Ox Sore, Or in those cases Maere either the patient ut illnot submit to the operation, or where it cannot be properly
persorine l. The original mode of applying it by cataplasmis proba ly the most effectual, as changing the whole disea