장음표시 사용
Abel, II 2. Abraham, patriarch, IOO. Adamnan, abbo o Iona, 74,
attached by Hunimund 72 i. the Alamanni deleate ut, 24, 77 .stormed by the Thuringi, 24,
Colman Irishitigrim 36 n. a. Columba, aint, biography i, by Adamnan, 74 n. 2. Comagenis, town in Riverside Noricum, 21, 25, O, 33, 87. earlhquake at 3 i. Constantius, bishopii Lauria-Cum 53 n. 2 83.
abominabie sacrifice at 53. miracle o the aper o theiaithiullat, 22, 53AE. I 23,
Danube, the 29, 33, 34, 8, 4I n. I, 46, 49, 2, O 67, 7a, 73 70, 8, O4, O S. Danube sotilla, the 66 n. 2. Deogratias, bearer o letters,
Flaccitheus, hing of the Rugii,
Fredericus, prince of the Rugii,
hostile to FlaccitheuS, O. destitution Os 66 n. L. beleague Tiburnia, I n. 1,
Lauriacum, miracle o the ossat, 24, 794. 123 124.
Lucania district in Italy, 5. Lucillus, aint, PrieSt, 26, 9,
Noricum Mediterraneum Noricum), 24, 65, P, 75,
123 124. Onoulius, rother i Odoacer, IO4, 25 i. Orestes, patrician, 8, IO7 n. I, 25. Orient, the 37, . . Ostertiosen, se Quintanis. Ostiarius, 3O n. I, I n. 2.
warne by Severinus of the incursionii the Alamanni, 24, 75 .
Severinus declines the office os bisho9, 2 2, O. iam Oi, 38, 5a, Q. care so captives and theneedy, 23, 63 I. 122 123,
third translation, to the Benedictine monaster OiSaint Severinus in apleS,
Silvinus, pries o QuintaniS, recalle Miro the dea by
Visigotiis, the 67 n. I. Vulgate, the 52 n. 3.Wester Empire, the, I n. I,