The life of Saint Severinus

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 157페이지


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ti learne of the deathisi allat Severinus, he determine to carr of the lothin allotted to the oor, and omemtherethings. Joining sacrilege to this crime, he ordere that the silve goblet and the est o the alta servicei carried off. Since the Serrice asinthe hol altars the ballisi ho as sent dare notstretch out his hand to suci a villainy but compelleda certain soldier, Avitianus y name, to commit therobbery Although Avitianus eXecuted the orde Un-Wilsingly, he was tro that moment plagued by an incessant tremblin in ali his limbs, an furthermore Was possessed by a deus Thereior he qui kl set right his in by adoptin a belle purpose. O he

Island play an exceedingi large par in the histor o monasticis in the occident. The fland of the editerranean the flesii Dalmatia and of the Tyrrhenian ea, Warmex in monks no tomention othe well-known examples LucasMolstentus Codex Regularum Monasticarum Augustae Vindelicorum 1750), i, D. ix Sulpicius Severus, De Beati Martini ita vi s Rutilius amatianus, De Reditu suo, i, 430 32 Capraria: quale lucifugis insula plena viris ); Hilarius Arelatensis De Vita Sancti Honorati, iii, I 6, 17, in Mime' Patrologia Latina, vol l coli. Ias i. Lerina). The enclacling ater barrier answere a threeioldi pose. ItServe a protectio aliae against the enticements of the worid, thesWord o the barbarian, an saccordin to the popular bellei the a


I ater Odoacer heard that Fredericus had returnedio his home. At nc he dispalched a great army, unde his brother notitius; beiore ho Fredericus fled again, and went toming Theodoric Who was then

dered ali the Roman to migrate to Italy. Themali heinhabitanis, ted orin ironi the dati depredations of

A long and entertaining account i a triumph celebrate by Odoacer a Rome aster his victory veni A. Thiero in his Recus de Histoire Romain au V Siecte iii Paris, 186o), p. 352 I., Spurei a productis hierry's luxuriant imagination. His inventioniS, hoWever unguSpectingly accepted as historical ac by Leopollvon Ranhe ineligeschichte iv, I, Leipsic, 1883, P. 377 and J. B. Bury The Later Roman Empire froni Arcadius to rene, London, 889, i, P. 289). Paulus Diaconus De Graiis Langobardorum, i, 10 says that Odoacer put Feletheus to death. Asrio Giso' late eano nothingheyond what is declared by Euippius. Thiero's Statement Recus, p. 353), tollowed by Buta Later Roman Empire, i, p. 280), that she



the barbarians a iro the hous Oi Egyptianion lage, recogniZed the oracles iciatnt eVerinus. λWhen Count ierius compellei allo depari, the Venerable LucilluS, thenmur priest, as notrunmindiuio the command o Severinus. Alter he had ended sining With the monks the Vesper psalms, heiade theplaceti buriat tot opened. When it Was OCOVered,

structure intact. For his miracle e returned un-

Julius Iuni Romer und Romane tu den Donaulanderu, P. OS)belleves that the exodus Walles genera than the word otiugippius would seem to imply. Whateve may have been the case illi respectrio the Roma population o Riverside Noricum, it is obvious that there asino generat,ithdrama iro Noricum Mediterraneum, where the provincia organigation a stili in operation in the time iTheodoriC. Cassiodorus, Variae, iii, O QuitZmann Die alteste Ge- schichte de Balern P. 23.



Probabi the present Macerata dimonte Felire, out os an



that his Ody ad illi great labor been rought

into Italy, andis to that time adiso been committed to artii, he invite by irequent letters urvenerable PrieSt arcianus, and also the wholebrotherhood Then illi the authorigation o Salat Gelasius, pontis o the Roman See, an received by

baria had bulli. δ


At this solemnit man amicte di diversiisenses, whom it,ould benedious to enumerate, Were in Stantlyhealed. Among them Was a venerable handmaid i

irom another manuscript unde the titiem Translatio Sancti Severini or Historia Translationis, in Atia Sanctorum, Janua , i 1643) PP. DO IIo3, and reprinted thence in Montintenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores Rerum Langobardicartim et Italicarum Saec VI-IX Hannoverae, 1878) P0 452 450. J Shouldie noted howeVer, that Luigi Par scandolo, in his Memorie Sloriche-Criliche-Diplomati he delia Chiesidi Napoli Naples, 1847-3I), i, p. 253 i. doubis the authentici tymi this narrative, hicli, he hinkS, oKes a leas it present torm to the laboro some Benedictine montali ving in the monaster o Saint Severinus at the time o the revivali learning. Descriptions of the monaStery, no io the ostiari seculariged and occupied by the Royal Neapolitan State Archives, and o the churchii Sainis Severinus and Sosius connected it it ma be ound in Napoli ci 1ιoghi Celebri desiesue Vicinante NapleS, 1845) h 99 233-243, and in the Current guide-

the large church, hut beneat in great altarii the malle primitive church, or Chapel, connected illicit. The inscriptioni in great alta is give in Acta Sanctorum, Ianuary, i, P. 499 Hic duo sancta simul divinaque corpora Patres Sosius unanimes et Severinus habent. Accordin to Sebastia Brunner Leben des Si Severin Vienna, 1879, p. 17o), the ollowin inscription a found in the crypt when it Wasopene in 18o7 Divis Severino Noricorum in Oriente Apostolo et Sosio Levitae . Ianuarii Episcopi in Passione socio Templum ubi eorum S. Corpora sub Altare majori requiescunt et Apostolico indultu cum oblatione sacra purgantes animae liberantur. The ourth remova wasinia 3o 18o7, aiter the dissolution iste monaster unde the rench domination to the own o Fratia

Magiore a se miles northi Napies. Stanislao d 'Aloe, in Napoli ei Liιoghi Celebri delle sue Vicinange, i, p. 24 d'Aloe err a to the date); G. A. Galante, Memori deli Antico Cenobio Lucullano di S. Seterino Abale Naples 1860), P. I Brunner, St. Sererin, Pp. 167'


vited by the virtve o the hol co Se , he hastenedi meet itin the way and when sit approached the vehicle in hicli the venerable od Was orne, immediately he was ire iro sic es in ali her

the spirit, an asked that he e te to the window;hom hicli ne possesse o sight could ehol aiar

172. There as, it ould appea iro Brunner' account, Some ecclesiastical as etl a civit authorit for the removalii the remains. Nevertheles Dr. Galante consider that the were fraudolente- mente rapi loci V p. 41), an in his dissertation pp. 41 i. stronglyurges thei return to Napies. Cives Fractenses,' he writes me tander dat o March o 1014 non . Severint, sed S. Sosii corpus repetebant, et occasionem nacti expulsionis Monachorum e coenobio et templo Severinianio, prope Archivium Magnum, Orpora utriuSque simul quiescentia rapuerunt, et ad oppidum suum transtulerunt, ubintinc in majori templo Fractensi quiescunt. Quamvis onachi postea redierint, haud curae fuit, sacra ipsana repetere. Superioribus anniSego nullum non movi lapidem ut corpus S. Severint Neapoli restitueretur, sed rustra praecordia tantum Sanguine intincta, et quatuor SSarestituta sunt, quae nunc in templo S. Severini asservantur. VFrom 18o to 1874 theiodies o Severinus and Sosius lay in a smallchapellaea the paris church o Fratia aggiore. The were thenremoved into the church, to a ne chapet, here the cossins, placessioneither side the altar, ere covered wit re vetuet, and distinguished by the gili letters S. S. M. Sanctus Sosius Martyr an S. S. A. Sanctus Severinus Abbas) Brunner, St. Selerin, P. 17 i.



buria an rendere to God thank and the sacrifice

I have related three i the numberless miracles Whichwere rought o the arrivalis the saint through his mediatio an virtues. et it sussice though many

monastery bulli at the fame place to the memoryo the lessed an stili endures. B his meriis many posseSSed illi deviis have received an doreceive healin through the essective grace o God towhom is honor and glornior eVer an ever Amen. Illustrious ministerii Christ thou hast the memoir. From it mine by thy editorial care a prositable Work.



PASCHASIUS the deacon to the oly and Ver ost

Dearest brother in Christ thou measurest me by the mensuremi thy Akill eloquence, and happycleisure, and disdainest to considerim Vexatious emptomeni and mantiol imperiections. et through the contemplationis thy love I sustain the injur tom mod-

Thou has sent me a memotruo Whicli in eloquenceo the trained writer can add nothing, and in a hortcompendium has produce a ork,hicli the wholechurch an read. The lite an character i aint Severinus, Who dweli in the province bordering on the Pannonias, thou has portraye With much faithiul-ness and thou has hande down to the memor offuture generations to remain through long ages, themtractes hicli divine virtve ath rought throughhim. The deed o the good cannot perish with time. At person to hom th narrative hal bring aint Severinus hal have hi beiore them, and shali perceive that in a certain sense hesdwelis illi them And

Paschasius here imitates Sulpicius Severus, De Beati Martini Vita, Praei. I Quid enim esset, quod non amori tuo vel cum detrimento me pudoris inpenderem p



so a thou has tot ver simply, and e latae veryclearly these particulars hicli thou didst assi me tonarrate, I have thought obest notri try to malae any addition to thy,ork. Indeed, it sine thinxto relate what, have been told, qui te another thing, to dram