The life of Saint Severinus

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 157페이지


분류: 미분류







i There is a very curioustias displayed in some of the omissionS. These include the descriptions os the habit and dat lyclite o Severinus 4, 30); the rehabilitation o the repentant husbandman 12); and the exhortation to the mois to leadclives o practical gominess 43).



had the Lise complete in manuscript and printediearly a thirdii it in the Annal unde the year 454 473, 475, 482, 488, 93, 496. TheSe portion areaepeated in the subsequent edition o his ork, oi,hichahere are tenor more.

Marcus Velserus Historia ab Eugippio ante Annos circiter MC. Scripta, qua Tempora, quae Attilae mortem consequuta sunt, occaSione vitae S. Seperini illustrantur. Ex Bibliotheca S. Emmeravi Reginoburg nunc primum edita, cum scholiis. AuguStae Vindelicorum, Ι595.

A table of the ch tersit the Lite printed by Baronius may be iservice The irst columnaives the ear of the Annals the second, the sections, hic are ound in severat oi the editions in third, page referen es t tom. viii I75I of the best edition thalmi Lucca theio in the chapter of the Lite.


Same Volume, Coll. 39 i.

secundum Codicem antiquissimum, qui Romae aSSerpatur. Cum tabula specimen codicis LateranenSi continente.

Scaphusiae 1862. The sest edition to contain thetable o chaPterS. Johann Friedricli, in Kirchengeschichle DeutSchiands, Vol i Bamberg, 1867) PP. 43I 489. Hermann auppe Eurippii ita Sancti Selerini. Berolini 1877. In Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Auctores Antiquissimi tom i, parcii. Ρiui oeli. Eugippii ita Sancti Selerint. Vindobonae,1886. In Corpus Scriptorum Ecesesiasticorum Latinorum, Ol. Visi, pars i. Theodor Ommsen. Eugippii Ulla Severini. Berotini,1808. In Scriptores erum Germanicarum in Sum Scholarum ex Monumentis Germaniae Historicis recusi.



b German TranslationSIohannes a Via. Das Leben des R. Seperini origoreischen Aposteis, durch Eugippium beschriben. In his Historiende Lieben Heiligen Golles, aus dem Latein o Suriusl

Vienna, 1879.


A LATIN HYMN IN RAIS OF SAIN SEVERINUS Canticum laudis domino canentes Hunc diem testim celebremUS OmnOS, Quo Severinus penetraVit almus Celsa polorum. Quis stilo dives modulansque plectro Cuncta signorum replicare OSSit,

Quae potens Christus studiis opimis

Contulit ejus

Tillemoni, hos accurac is commota unimpenchable Say Oithe Lite Memoire poti seres a PHAloire Ecclesiastique de sis remieriSie leS, Paris, 17o1 - 12, xvi, p. 18oh ille est traduite en rancois dans es aint illustres de r. 'Andilli. V A caretes fearch, however has sociar attexto reveni suci a translation. The referenc tot in Rem Ceillier' Histoire Generale des Atile urs acres et EccleSiaS- liques PariS, 17 20 63), xvi, p. 158, may be borrowed rom illemoni. A remarhable Neapolitan hymnary, apparenti that o the monaster o Saint Severinus, is preserve in Wo loSely relate manuscript o about the en o the tenth century, Code Vaticanus 172 and S. 1 opam in Bibliotheque Nationale aliaris Guido Maria Dreves has printed it rom these, unde thenisse of Hγmnarius SeverianianuS, a volume i ait Analeci Hymnica Medii est Leipsic, 1803). Incit are two hymn. 34 and 33, in reves' edition in pratSeo Saint Severinus. The secondiates rom the tentii century, SIS shom by iis reference to the signs and wonder that accompatae the translationii the relics of the sain iromethe Lucullan casti to Napies. It contains nothingit biographical interest. The other asirst pub



Inclitus vates nimiumque elix, Saepius cui deus intimabat II, 39, Tunc ad oppressi populi salutem o)Multa utura, Voce praesaga laqueos latronum 1 o)Atque Praedonum machina retexens 4 5)Valde tutabat monitis supernis ΙΙ, 25, O)Oppida eSSa.

Dulce solamen miseris miniStrans

Horridam pestem amis amputavit, 3 18)Barbara plures feritate Victo 8, 9, Io I9)Solvit ab hoSte. Magne consessor humilis magister, 36)Tu quidem normam monachi dedisti, 4 9, 39)Calle demonstrans sobri SequaceSScandere Colum.

Vatica manuscript It is Zanam' opinio that it a composed shortly alter the preparation of the Lite. The classical purit o formand the unblurre oviline o the stor strongi support his Vie . Alter Zanam, Migne, Sauppe, oeli, andio sen in thei editions of the Lite, and Dreves as bove have printe the hymn. Dreves lone has sed the Paris manuscript He has also supplied, irom another h3 mn illi a simila ending the last three lines of thesina stanga, the Doxolo , hic is incomplete in the manuscripis. His ex is, o ever, caretessi printed Andre audrillari gives a French translation as an appendicto his Mint Severin 10o8ὶ Sebastia Brunne in his translatio of the Lise 1870) pp. 8 i. give in German a very ire metrica paraphrase, So arranged, V e sayS, that it mightie sungos a church hymni the festivalii the saint. VΙis sui tabili istior this purpose is tessened by the fac that Brunner has inadvertently substitute Silenus ' or Silvinus ' in his rendering of themini StanZa. The texi hic is here presente tollows that oi ommsen, Withwme Correctionis punctuation, and with the completin verses i the Doxolog from Dreves. The marginal numerat in parentheses reserto chapter os the Lise.