The catechism of the Church of Geneva

발행: 1815년

분량: 180페이지


분류: 미분류


ΤΗΕ ollowin translation is designen to A hibit the doctrinal sentiments of Calvin to the Eng- Iista readeri in that for in Which he himself Wish-ed posterit to ascertain them. In ever inStancelli Transhator has been anxious to ive a literat an sat expressionis that Reformer Dideas TheCopy, Dom hicli the translation a made, is in therath vol. of his orlis Amsterdam ditiona 667. The Gyden dition o 159 1, in Latin. Greela, and Hebreis, has been examined, and HSothe rench copy at the endis Calvin s and Beza s Testament of 1563, and the copy at the end of the large rench Bible of 1641. These disserent

Copies and editions have served to correct achother, and Dominem considerable assistanc hasbeen derived in ascerisimng the use of appropri,


RS a prima means o obtaining it That at the Churches houldie meed in ne solem Confession, and in one formi Catechism. That bellatinone spirit, and declaring the truth With one moum, ali miratae directe to the sanie Christ. That imion in the sormis catechising at least, among the Churches, hicli ere nee in doctrine ouldhenefit nolint the present generation, hut PoSter- ity. That he published his Catechis in Latin, that those Churches hicli ere distant Domiacliother, and of disserent linguages, mirat have a mutua intercourse in the doctrines of Christ. That he considered, a Catechism ould afforesto posteri the pures document, Dom hicli the mi bascertain the doctrines of their departed Fatiae s. Tl atquch a Catechism ould e ille solemn symbolistheir fuith and communion That among ther rea-SOns the requeS O many personilia inducediimi prepare a Catechism, hicli mira supercede, in me se of the Churches, the horter one di hich he had


the Catechisuis, a themare culled, of Cyrillos Ierusalem, and in the treatis of .Augustinde CatechiZandis udibus, in the 4th vol of his orks, p. 894, area be fomui the est illustrations of the orde os catechetica instructions in the early ages of Christianity. The postles: creed is a very bries summata of the doctrines, discorta sed vo in the an erit schooIs of the Catechisis.


10 The Cuteehis in of the

C. Because e do ut deserve stat heshould exerti liis power formur assistance, Ormanifestiis Eoodnes formur benest.


clare to iis his mercy, and testistes his love se iis, in Christ.

a se Woriis, the sum of this knowledge pC. It is contained in si Consession os Falth, o raster Formula os Confession.

which ali Christians avo always hela in


braces algo the whole subject of man s redemption the hird, themoly Spirit and the Durili, the Church, and the henesis f

tho sol Spirit Θ