장음표시 사용
31m. What is summarii containe in iliis pC. That the Sonis God is our SaViour .an at ille ante timeri explain the manner
C. Because the Scriptures appi anuintinxto these three uses anil also osten ascriberio Christ these three ossices, hicli,ementioned.
it, hicli is the substance repreSented by that externa anuinting.
C. It is the ossice ani prerogative Astandiri in the presence of God, o obtaining his mour, and fur appeasin his rath, by the oblationis a sacrifice, hicli is acceptablerio him. 59 . In has sense, do γο cali Christ
C. Because herile came into the worid,
upon the Sonis God sor his pe0ple the endis statio micti illuminate them in the truehnowledge of the Father, instruct them in thei ruth, and mahe them steriamily-discipies of
45m. his ilion is the conclusionis ali ou have falx The name, ChriSt, compre-
C. Because, is e stre ille sonsis God, ehaverit nos om nature; hut oni froni grace an adoption, oes God holdis in that condition. ut the Lord Iesus, hocis hegotienis the substance of tho Father, and is os the fame essence illi hi in is by the est right calle the oni Son o God since healone is o by nature. 47 . o understand then, stat this honour is due i him by the right of nature, and is personali his οwns ut it is communicated tu us by gratuitous indness, in as
C. Entii ely. Theres ore in respect to his communication, he is calle the si si ornamong many brethren. 48 . In hat ense do)ou understand
m The Cutechism of the 49 Μ. What is meant by that hich
have been here declared. 50 Μ. What do o mean by these Wo Sentences 'horicas conceived of the Holy
cent, theresere he wa no condemne a a malefactor.
C. t hecomes iis io observe both thesep0inis. For thus the jud)e oves the testimon of his innocence, stat it miglit he wit-nessed that he sufferet Dot fortis o vn Sing, but formurs; et, at the sanie time, he Wascondemned in solem forin by the Same Sentence, that it mi t e manisest, stat byundergoing, S ur substitute, the punishment whicli, merited hemio deliser usilaom it.
been a Sinner, he would ns have been a fit sui et for Suffering the punishment of thesin of thers. et that his condemnationinight he accounte to us for absolution it bocamelim to e numbere amon male