장음표시 사용
C. hat God by his gratuito a goodnesS, Will pardon and remit the singis bellevers,so stat thershallieitlier come into judgnient,
nor have punishment exacted of them. 103 . enc it Dilows, stat e caub no means merit, by persones Satisfactions, stat pardonis sing wluch de obtain froni the
C. tris true. O Christ Mone, by suffering the penalty has finished the satisfac
of the Church. 105 M. B this rule ou determine, statilior is no condemnationi destruction, ex
gi ace, laidis fur u in Christ, untii the dar
accordin tu his testimon in the Gospei that he wil herio us D the saei Christ.
do e receiverit Do God pC. The scriptures leach us, stat it is the speciat is of God, and experience confirms
But themoly Spirit mahes us capsile, by his
C. So Uthinh. Theresere it is of his
C. o sor God has promised a reward tothem, both in his ori an in the lis to
40 The catechism of thegrae of the Hes Spirit, y hicli e uiu
Ex xxiv. 12, and xxxii. 15, and xxxiv. 1. multa v. 3, and X. 4.