장음표시 사용
circumstances concur to induce me to heli eve that
cian, patron of the sciences syn ridosornis rusvertera ducolis L. ducalis of a tender or communde
ducorpsi I ducorpsit Subsequent spei lings of specific
l8 3) Australi an educationalist and collector.
Lophum, Psittaculi nostris). . 'Dedie a M. Edward Wilson, chateau de Lydstip. pres Tenby Angleterre): ornithologiste tres distingue, Mantrune des collections les plus completes en
Briti sit assistant coloniat secretary on Mauritiusi 859-l8J naturalist and collector in Madagascar
Motonsis Elate I. . New Ηebrides effutitus L. effutitus habbling. chaltering effutire to
ornithologist and doctor who collected the sirst specimen, but generousty sent a copy Of his paper 'to DL M LOuet te in October l980. shortly after ithad heen submitted for publication Dr. Lovette has since seen fit to describe lite new honeyguide without informing us of his intention . . His paper came to hand while this one was in proos and it hasbeen possibi e to do titile more than delete the proposed nume and substitute eisent mitti for it in
Elonoides Prom genus Elianus de Savigo. l809. kite:
electo L. electus choice. excellent seligere to selecti Electron Gn ele tron amber, CleCt n. electus L electus choice, excellent seligere to selecti elestans L. elegans elegant. sine 'Pic jaune lachete
enicum I Enicurus f enicurus GL lieni hos singular:
eryocophcilci Original spei ling of specific name Loxia
orythronoso l orythronothon I orythronotos I