장음표시 사용
crex . G rex long-legged hirci mentioned hysterodotus, Aristophanes, Aristolle, and other authors, since identilied with a wide variety of hirus including the Corncra on the assumption that thename is Onomatopoeic): Ortygometra' of
crini rons L. crinis hair: sto is forehensi front
crinisor I crinisor I criniserci criniger long-
crissolo I crissolis MOd. L. crissialis crissat, of the
cryptico I crypticus syn. Electron) I crypticus L
and 'Motacilla supra fusca, subtus albida, rectricibus fuscis: extima margine tenuiore alba ' of
curvirostro I curvi rostro I curvi rostris L. cum i s
Anas rostro semicylindrico viro, cera flava corpore
Diaceto and Cedolia of Alcedo ... Such verbal tristing as this is in very bad laste. and is espectat lycalculated to bring the science into contempl. Itsinus no precedent in the Augustan age of Latin. butcan be compared only to the puerile quibhlings of the midule ages And it is peculiarly ann ing tollie etymologist, who after feeking in vain throughthe Vast storehouse of human language for theparent age of such -ως. discovers at last that he has
grammari an Pompeius Festus dcicosos Moorish name Dracos for PuerteVentUrn, Canary IS.