장음표시 사용
heterosynci I hotorosynus Gr. heteros different:
hibornico I hibornicus L. Hi hernia or literna
hirundinococi I hirundi noceum I hirundi noceus
Ηirundinoo I hirundinoo I hirundinous L.
named, and he considered illis to constitute a designation Of the type by Forster . . Aner Carefulconsideration of the matter. the Committee are of Opinion that Forster's use of Hiru ido in conjunctionwith ureicia hardly constitutes designation as under-stood under the cocle of Internationat Rules. and that Hirundo rusticia is the correct type of the Linnean
and Sterna cauda forficata: rectricibus duabus extimis albo nigroque dimidiatis' of Linnaeus lJ463. ΡPros Einar Li nnberg Ibis, l9l3. p. 30 l)has gone carefulty into the question whether S. hirundo Linn. should he applied to the Common orto the Arctic Tern. He has gi ven good rensons forreferring it to the former species, and the
l823-l8 93 German explorer, naturalist and collector in Costa Rica l854-l8 9 Formicarius Melanemes, Pyrrhunia, Saticemitia).
naturalist and novelisi resident in Argentinai 842 l869 insthenes, Phaestri CL S)
hocinthino I hocinthinus L. hyacinthinus
hybrido I hybridum I hybridus L. hybridia or
Anas cauda cuneata: rectricibus intermediis longis Corpore griseo, temporibus albis' of Linnaeus