장음표시 사용
Leucippus GR MYTH. Leucippus, son of OenomRUS, who devel Oped a passion for Daphne and disgui sed himself as a woman companion to be nev her. when his deception was revealed he was torn to pieces by the outraged attendants of the goddess
leucosterno I leucosternos i leucosternum f
engraver and naturalist who settied in Australia
liborios Liberin liboristis L. lihentitus Deest emancipaled lihertus set
gibus transversa alba macula: exceptis quatuor
PFringilla remigibus rectricibusque fuscis margine obsolete pallido. litura alarum albida'' of Linnaeus
linocifoco pillo I linoofoco pillus L. lineatus lined:
Linoso syn. Accinthis) French Linoite linnet linteolo I linteolus L. linteatus clothed in linen linteum linen)
linorolo I linorolis L. littortilis littorat. of the stiore
lochmici I Lochmicis I lochmius Gr. lo limatos
refers to the stom funereat progress and mournful