The Helm dictionary of scientific bird names [electronic resource] : from aalge to zusii

발행: 2010년

분량: 432페이지


분류: 미분류


rarissimus L. niarissimus very rare super. hom niaruS


reductus L. reductus remote, distant, lonely reducere

gist holanisi and nomenclaturist innahathmis, syn Celeus elegans, Lodinian litis).

misnomer, hecause Linnaeus confused the


romistolis Mod remigitilis of the wings, remigial

Levaillant si T98) syn gittarius Sementarii S) r publiccino L. nespuhlicia republic. resplendens resplendens glittering shining resplendere to reflect. to glitter). respublicci respuhlicia republic The practice of naming new hircis of paradi se and Other heauti fulspecies after tangs and queens was anathema to thesiercely republican sentiments of Prince Bonaparte. In naming Wilson 's Bird of Paradige he voiced alack of respect for ali the rulers of the wOrid hut. at the fame time, expressed his disenchant ment withthe French Republic which he considered had heenturned into a hell hy the machinations and arrogance of so-called republicans. By coining this name heensured that, since there could not be a paradigeanrepublic. there should at least he a republican paradi se hird His hasty and succinct diagnosis 'Chlamyde ex plumis elongatis nuchae rubra'') ho ver concealed ille 'hi jacking' of the specimen purchased in Paris hy Edward Wilson and destinedio be donated to the Acade of Natural Sciences OfPhiladelphia, Uni ted States. and was publi hedhai ely si x monilis hefore Iolin Cassin's Piaradisea wilsonii. hased on the fame skin The Prince 'senthusiasm and precipitate action, those of a mandri Ven, were not appreciated by American authors who refused to use respuhlica for many years there-

after Diphyllodes). restricto I restrictus restrictus restrictest confined


manti C.

33 a




l 832 l9ll) Dutch coloniat administrator in the East Indies l8 3-l883 and naturalist Eclectus

ornithologist: Gn omis hird Rimolor Late rimator investigator rimari to

riporto I risorium I riportus L. ripiarius hank



collector and systematist, and Collections Manager Division Os ornithoi Ogy. Universi ty of Kansas since

'Owen's Sabre-wing . . It was collected in the Vera

prospector, and collector. Gn omis bird

request in honour of Mr von Roli, whO greatly assisted the former in his Zoological researches in Sumntra, and who actualty procured this hird


albis, macula alarum alba, gula pectoreque flaves

Colore suavissimo coccineo, albido et cinerascente lepide variegato Rubicilla antecellit Enucleat Drem colore miniato fusco undulato oculos minus assicientem. Rostri crassitie Coccothrausti cedit Rubi illa ... Familiae numerosissimae Euhicilliarum gregatim volitare et vocem Pyrrhulae imitare