장음표시 사용
rosopollicito I rosopollicitus rufus rumus: Palliatus
no circumstances can the name of Phyllos opus
Numenius rostri apice laevi. capite linea utrinque nigra, rectricibus nigris apice albisV of Linnaeus
representative, and in some cases severat V. Male
Socrificosor syn. 'lectinus) L. Sacrificator one whosacrifices siacrificiane to offer sacrifice): 'there is nomundation for the venerable legend of the Pelican laeding her yOung with hi Ood stom her own hreast whicli has gi ven her an important place in ecclesias
explorer, collector und ornithologist
scinctissimo L. stinctissimus very sacred super. Domstinctus holy Sancire to consecrate).
her Own sex, in a cult organisation devoted to
sciturosius I sciturosum i sciturcitus L. Saturiatus
saucius L. Saucius Munded sciui ''The term seu e was gi ven as a compliment to