Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

분량: 111페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류





Write an exhaustive orcum Latin composition, ut merobrio in the labor of both pupi an Macher easter, is putun into compaci or Variova ointa hic mo have found it necessar constanti to miterate to ou puplis. kno ledge os forma an os syntax, and om practi in turnin eas narrative prose into Latin has Me pre-

Feolin that ili succes in Latin Wriuniis largeindue totho habit os translatin the worda ather than in thought, me havo aime in the Introductor Remain and tho Suggestion a fastoning attention um in thought, an haustrie to the learne hoWrio expres in Latin forinthoideas hic he has gras durom in Englis morda.

havo endem e to mine u suggestion a concise a possibie, an have pumosely used example rather spa

ingly, in the hope of enmuragin clos attention on the parto pupila.

Wo have trie to Moae exercises hic seeme to uato eis more genera application, an les like Chinoso Ρ gles than inoae eo noni used many of hich, evenWhen satisfactorii morked ut, do not in araegre at ali proportionale to the labor involved increas the pupil's Werrio deal With in nexi exerciso. have grado the




tributo to the though as a Whole, is ut into a sente ea itself These sentences are somelime looselyjoine together by mord like or,' but,'' and V;somelime succeed ac other Without an connective. In Latin, o the ther haud some ne idea is seigedas a central oin and expresse in the main sentence, While ali in other ideas are groupe about it in moreo les subordinate relations. The mos common Wayso expressin theae subordinate relations are in Abi

livo Absolute, the articipies of Deponent Verbs, the Secondar Tenses of the Subjunctive mith oum, theΡortio Indicativo With ubi or postquam, and the Present

Indicativo it dum me disserenoes in these comstructions are to subile toas profitably discussed here. Ρracticali in student may be recommendedri choose, in ny grue case, in construction hicli mines inosentence moOthest, o largetting that variet is an excellent thing.


Another important disserenoe et een Englis and Latin Ways of expressing thought is in the ordor of tho orta. In an ordinar Englis sentenc theraret placo is occupio by the subject Wit iis modissera arrangedabout it partly beformandiarib after, in the way Whichmos conduces o clearnem; the ver comes nexi, sol-lomed by the object orither Word necessarrio complete in sentence Certain Worda may be made emphatio bythei position in the sentenoe, ut in lac o inflectional ondings allom thisininto a very limite extent. In Latin, o the contra , emphasis is in ining Whichplay the mos important par in determining the os, tionis the words. To illustrate, in the sentence, Thebo inde mitti me in the arbor esterdam' Vario

stiades of meaning are grue accordis a the emphasis is utipon one Wor or another, is stres of voice, itine sentenceris spolien, by italios o some similar device, it mritton. hese hades of meanin are mos frequently expresse in Latin by putting the emphatio

Wor fini in the sentence so that hil puer heri inportu mecum navigavit means the bo salied mit me in the arbor esterday, heri puer in portu mecum navia gavit ould mean me salie YESTERDAY, ather hantoda or last,eeli in portu heri puer mecum navigavit, me salie in the HARBOR ather inanis the rive orlahe mecum heri puer in portu navigavit, he salied With

ME, notoo o any one else navigavit puer heri mecum in portu, e SA ED ather inan SWam.

No , in the norma sentenc the subjec is homin-phatic Word, and theresore standa first then solio. themord Whic modis it the losest coming nearest thevor Minciis modifiers immediately besore it, the closest