장음표시 사용
Ming nearest, completes in period. In themidae ofine senteno remat an morda hic domo distinctly modis eliner subjecti vere, and whic have littio orno emphasis. An departur hom his norma ordermatas as emphati some ord ther han in subjeci. The mos emphati place a has been aid is in first;
The solio ing exercis may serve at oncerio illustrate these remarks, and to introduce some more specia Suggestions upon Latin idiom. Firs the genera arrangement of the clauses an sentences is discussed, and thensollom a more delaile consideratio of the constru tion and order of the morda.
Ad octavianum, cum Sami post pugnam Actiacam captivos inius vocari iussisset, adductus est inter alios vitellus senex, aetate et dobilitate confectus atque ita barba longa vestimentisque squalidis deformatus ut ipsius filius, qui forte inter iudices erat, vix
eum agnoverit. Qui tamen cum aliquando voltum senis record tus esset, tantum aberat ut patris eum puderet ut ad illum am-Ρlectendum multis cum lacrumis adcurreret. Tum ad tribunal reversus, Inimicus tuus,' inqui Caesar, fuit pater, ego autem legatus, quare meriti sum 'go laudem, poenam ille. Hoc igitur tantum a te peto ut eum mea causa Aerves aut me cum illo interfici iubeas.' Cuius facti admiratione non iudices solum graviter commoti sunt, sed ipse Octavianus exoratus seni vitam libertatemque
Theram idea in his passage hic a Roma mould Seige ponos a centra mini is perhaps the ringingos in prisoner besore Octavian. The principia Veis, theresore, of the re perio is aduolua est. The acto ordering the prisonem to e summoned Which took place besore in bringing may be thrown into a dependent claus Wit cum and the luperseo subjunctive. Thoriaci that Octavia Was a Samos canae expressed simplyi a nou in the locative case. The old manysdisfigurement is expresse by participies agreeing Withaeneae, While his son' salture t recognige him sol lom asa clause of result. The ac that the o Was among the udges is thrown into a simple relatiVe clause. The ex prominent idea, hic must be ad thecentrem a ne period is that the son, though among the judges Was soriar hom eing ashamed that he anto embrace his father, an mept. his is expresse bytantum aberat illi a doubie result clause, the Wo member of Whic describe in absence of sham ind
the way in hic the eelin Was inomn. me mee' in is to the Roman in no a thir result, ut an accompaniment of the runninito embraco the old man, and may bo put in the ablative mitti eum Besore, homever, the sonishome his seelingae had to recognigo hissather, and the recognitio ma be expressed by theptupersect subjunctive mit eum, While the whole periodthus constituted is connected mith in fidit by the rei
live pronou qui and tamen. Then the ounger etellus spolie, Whichaecomes themat clause, and for Varie 'a sine in prior actionifreturning to the tribunal is thrown into the perfectia ticiple, reveratia, ona deponent eis. In conversationthe periodi constructio is, of courae, muta les prominent than in other sines of expression, and the fimi parto Μetellus speech may beatve in Latin jus ascit is ove in English. The comes the ashing of the sinor, Whic may be represente by the main eis, While the favor iiset is expressed by hoe Wit subjunctive clausea in apposition. There are the lest two paralle main ideas, the sos, ening of the u es, and the pardon giveni octavian,
Whic are expressed by main verbs connected With achother by non modo . . . ed, and Wit the precedingsentence by the relatis pronoun uiua The relentingos Octavia mira seem to e parallel Wit these, buta Roman ould vie it a comin besore the pardon, and would expres ita a perfeci participIe. The arrangement L the clauses in the firs periodsetfled the nexi hin to conside is the constructionand arrangement of the individua mords It is notbest hero to ut in subject rst, parti because ita
connection illi the second period, and thus it thowhol bod of the piece, canae more distincti marhedis heopiniit for the las partis the sentence, and paribbecause there are severat ideas introducto do the sto whicli most moothi come in at the eonning of these, to the Roman miud in commander besore homthe prisoners ere brouo movi perii a firs occur. The relation here expresse in Englis by before V is. expressed in Latini ad With the accusative case Thenmould come mos naturali the place soliomed by the time a Whic the evenis appened, and these ideas the Roman would connect With theiret action, namely, theordering Theresore nexi comes the conjunctio eum;
the place, Ming the nam os a tom, is expressed by the locativo, and the time bypos With the accusative; hileth name of the batile is best pudias an adjective, Whose regula position is alter iis noun. The senteno then, thus sar reada Ad Octavianum eum Sami post pugnam
For triat V here modifies summoned' a closel asalmos to be a par of the fame idea, an is combinedwit it in an diomati phrase, - in ius vocare, - While the object accusative captivo precedes the Whole phrase;
voeare is ut in the infinitive dependiu on the verbiubeo, to order, and the clauso end with the ΡLUPERFECTsubjunctive os iubeo, because the ordering a finishedbesore the actionis the principat verbiegan. In the principat clauseriiself, esides the subjeci an Verb, there is ni the expression among thers, ' in Latininter alios, hic Ahould stan a Dearmetellus a possi-ble, and theresore solioW the ver adductu est. Gencomes the main subjeci, Metelisa soliomed by ita othermodissem, of Whic the cloaest is an id man,' aeneae.
The nexi modifier, oppressed,' Wllic in his sense is in Latinisoni eius, i ilaeis modified by the word withage and infirmities,' aetate et debilitate, hic are e pressed by the ablativo of means and in the natural orderplacedielare the participle. The nex modifier of the subjectris disfiguressi' deformatus, hic also has modi-fiers of us Wn in these the expression so much,Vita, modifiescit least closely, and is theresore placed fimi, alloWing the close modisserario stan neare the partibcipio. The phrasea, by a long eard ' and raraedolothe V are ut in the ablative, hominiliom the old mammas disfigured While the adjectives longa and aqvi Edis, no Ming emphatic come after thei nouns, barba an vestimentia, and theserim nouus expressing praci, catly one thought are connected by que, hicli is ablached, of courae, to the fimi Word of the secondi re Aion. his hole modisse is toto connected wit thoprerious modisse of the subjeci and since it is somωWhat more emphatio the connective hout be atque. Deformatus is further modissed by the result clauso that his son, etc. ' in hicli et stanta firat an comnecis it Wit the proceding. The subject of this clauso is in son,' μι- modine is his M'. and whoh pene to Mine of the udges,V-os,hio the firatis o emptatio that it ma be ut elare the noun. Tho or for his m,' standin in a subordinate sentence an referring to the subjectis the principalsentence, is ipse, here tot put in the genitive. Who h pened tot one of V is expressed in Latin by the idiomati phrase ,ho Marchano among VWhich, arrange o the principio Hready explained, read qui forte inter rudiae eras There is then lostoninoe ver of in rψημltii se eoosnlaed,' asNo8co,
aorist, an in Latin resul clauses idiomaticali by tho perfeci, even iter a historica tense, a that in firat porto is finiine a fosso si Ad Octavianum . . . viae
In therarat sentenos of the nox period the subjec is putiret, and might be a demonstratis pronou resediring to litia; ut in relative qui equivalent to et is oret ille, is accordingrio ae Latin idiom, more neatly used, servincto connect this period With the proceding. Next comes the word sor ver,' tamen, and thenthe tempora clause eginning Wit eum. thegenerat principi os arranon a verb' modifiere a veexplaiusd), the wor lar a len. V adiguando, comes
nexi, then the objec old an .seature ' voltum aenia, Whil in claus end wit the ver sor recollecting, Noordor, in the pluperfeci subjunctive sor the fame rea stias in the revio ueriod. 'Me was soriar hom Mingashamed 'cis expresse in Latin by the idiom tantum aberat ut eum puderet, into hichris to e inserte thovere' remote objecto lis sather,' curia Then comesthe secon result clause, in Whichahe two modiuers, toembrace im,' ad illum amplectendum, and Mept bibterly,' multi eum lacrumis, illis arranged differently by disserent persona according a thenthin one or theother modifies the ver more closely, and as ither
Rrrangement seem to them belle to secure a rhythmbcal sentenco. ver his V is padding in Englisti, and toto omitte in Latin.
The subjunctive of result, adcurreret, closes the period, Whic rein Qui tamen . . . adeurreret, an in linem' uner the exercis may be continuet to the end.
NERM SUGGESTIONS.I. Do notos in Englia,Latin Dictionary Mesa absolutet forcod to do so. Sometimes, sor instance, itis the quichest Wanto find the nam os an uncommon animal or veget te; ut Latin is a language of comparatiVel mox Vocabulary, and the individua mortacoincido much les With individualanglis morta thando thos os almos an other longue Therelare, pre- eminently in translatinitio Englis into Latin, ideas
an nodi orta are tot considered though, of co se, in the semcases here the exac construction an beretained the opportunit ma be gratesvij seiged. his Want os coincidenoe betWeen the word of the two lammages rendera it Ver dimovit, uiso impossibio, omine a goodranglia,Latin Dictiona . It is bellariaWays in tange the sor into ne more familia toyou than to ruit a dictionar in orde to kee tho Englis som. In faci, dictionaries of ali inta hocidb used a lituo a possibie so they have a tenden to cali aWay the min froin the spirit of tho Latin andio direct in attention undul to phrases. The est possibio Way to ge a Vocabular in Latin is to ead
10 GENERAL SUGGESTIONS.Π A good test Whether our Latin is in the Romanspirit is to mahe oursei as impersonat a possibie, and without a thought of the Englisti, o se Whether ouoan thoroughly underatand the Latin and Whether an ining in it,ould strihe o as a d monstrosit ityo me it in another riter.
m. horaret requisite os Latin stylo casis an other)
inine present participi reatly denotes past time, thoughloosely used in English, it must e translate by a past time expression So too the Εnglisti present used so tho future is future in Latin the Englis aοristimperfectris perfeci, and 8 On. . In determining the tens os our subordinate verbs an participies, be caresul to mahe ou standardos time, no the momentis Whichoo are riting, northo ou or amat hicli the event of the generalnarrative ook or mill tali place, but the time denoted
u. Whilo it is a hindrancori stylo to label particular Latin morda it the meaning o particular EnglishWords, it is o the contra 'areat et to si in themind, an have ready to order, various favoriis Latinexpressions O single orta an turn of thought suchas,onatat, the perfeci participi os deponent Verbs, etc. m. Remember that Latin has a sancyrior Verbal constructions ather han nouna, and that abstrac nou ,
excepi in philosophical Writings, are speciali distaste- fui torit. For instance, in subjectis discussion ' is in Latin id de quo agitur, etc. IV. Ideas hic in Englis ars represente by nouna are hequently HVeni adver constructions in Latin, a good Meda, benefacta, etc. v. Do no b deceived by the empi appearance of likenes bet eo certain Latin ord and the Englishmord derive hom inem. The Englisl Word were sorine mos par forme at a time hen Latin had salion into decay, and the orta hom hicli the wero derived ha in classica times ither disserent meaning or no existenue at all.
VI. In the se of common ord be speciali onyour guar against in ambiguities o hic yo areexposed, ecause thei familiarit prevenis our notio- in that hei meaning do no fuit coincido it thomeaning of the Englis Word in question An e ample is considero, hic is sed in the sense of i, serve,V reflectopon,' etc., ut no in the sense of instimato V or judgerio bera an so.'VM. e speciali carem to dra the rein tighuyoVer synonyma an technical Worda sed in combin tions although, it thesbe used separalely theymeed notbe so fh ply distinguished sor example, When pueritia an aduleaeentia are sed together, the mar imo demnite period of life although ither sed separalely mayroughi designate either age. VIII. Englisti V must e translate Variovaly, accordin to the relation it expresses. For it Vintroduce a remon, an appositiVe, a relatis clauSe Oronem almos an hind. . A special instance of confusion caused by tran latin Word instea of ideas, is here Latin distinguishes liades o meaning unknown to English; as, hostia, public,' inimicua, priVate,' nemy. x. A stili more dis trous instanc is here single Englis Word express shades of meaning Which in Latinare implied in the contexi, in caseis ambiguit can
Ahis,' alliance Visive hades of meaning hic in Latin the one or societas ill ordinarii express. Is hoWeVer, there is real dange of ambiguity the distinctineanin must e brouot ut by amplification as,