Handbook of Latin writing

발행: 1884년

분량: 111페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


SPECIA SUGGESTIONE. 23srom thoriounding of the cit ove in ordinal numbersmight e sed the Romana not haring tho in os

change an object in the dativo into the subjectis a passive Verb. Such Verba an only be sed impersonali in the passive, an retain the utive; as, Cicero

ostener With the interrogative enclitiumst as, to thinhtha Brutus Ahould have done so,' Brutumne ita fecisae.

gerundive construction, no the gerund is regularly used in Verba hic DVern abnorma cases, ut didonoe in the accusative, lihe utor, fru-r, medes M, Misaam fruendam. H. Inoonvit Arilois Enguin). - me indefinite article, i unemphatic, is no expresse in Latin is emphatic, is represente by quidam, aliquis, O ia, ac- cordin to the strenoli os emphasis. ML Inseroat an Rofori. - With intereat an refert, the person or hin intereste is ut in the genitive, excepi that instea os persona pronouns the ablative singula seminine of the correspondin possessive is used as, inceronia intereat, butavi interest the thingilia causes the interest is expresse by a nominatiVe,or a clause sed a subject of the verb; the degre oramount of interest is hoWn by an adver or an ad-


24 PECIAL SUGGESTIONS. verbia accusative. his las may also e expressed by a genitive o price When o WkWardnes camariae froni a combinationis genitives. AEVT Lotto Act Oanoa. In lette Writing the Romana

combine the add rem at the eonia in and the signa' ture into the formula X suo Y S. D. - salutem dirit,ati place this expression a the ea of the epistie. The dato is either omitted, o place at the end O cm Hlyiuniinto the course of the letter itseli.

-- Locatis Apponition. A noui in appositionmith a locative is ut in the ablative, an usuali takesa reposition as, Cicero a bor at Arpinum, asinal town in Latium,' incero Arpini parvo in oppido

Lati natu eat. SO, OO, a common Oun in appositionwith an accusative of the limitis motion mus have a preposition. x . Might,' Cotilct,' oto. - Distinguisti etween might,' could,' etc., sed as auxiliarie in potentiat clauses, and the fame morda sed a the imperfecta os may,V can,' etc. The first ense is expresse in

Latin by the mood, the last sense by poasum and certain impersonuis like licet, etc. So also, do no confuse Would,' When a conditionat, illi mould V used astho historica tense of the future Wili.' Notice too, that whil in mutilate statem Englisti Verbs requirea the se of phrases like mulit have dono,' the Latiupula more logicalty the infinitive in the present, and themat Ver in the past. πα illo an uiua Mille is singula an iud clinabie, an generali used as an adjective miliaris a plura substantive folloWed by the genitive, an is de-olin te.


SPECIA SUGGESTIONA. 25ππI. No x Non' me negative sed illi final, imperatiVe, and optative clauses, and With the rotases o condition is ne mith allisther clames, non. TITH Noacio quis. Observe that nescio quia is pracibcali an indefinite pronoun, an hasis effect upo themood of the fossoWing Verb.ππIII. Numerian Compotinct). - Compound numeralsare used in the sanie Way in Latinis in Englisti. Whenthe greater number precedes the connective is omitted, excepi in number above ne hundred, here it ma beused or omitte as ne leases. When the mallernumber precedes the connective is inserte&- viginti quingue r quinque et viginti. 00. NumexHa Distrilautino). - Distributive numerat ordinarii mean o many apiece, but When theyare se With humera adVerbs, ter deni, vitae sentena,

o mitti plural Which euher have no singular o havea disserent meanin in the singulari the have the

What ne might expect nuntio fines the accusative os motion OWards this mas reported a Rome,' hoo Romam nuntiatum eat, no the ablatis o place here, ite pono loco, fatuo, in the ablative, ather inanthe accusative, With in. MUL Iura for Singaeax. In phrases line 4 delictis tho ye,' in immortalit of the foui,' man,''used for manliind,' the Latin requires in pluria, as for the second example animorum immortulita8.

eaae in possessor is ut in the genitive hecis empli


predicate or belongin to the omitte subjectis an infinitive agrees With the subject of the ver on hichtho infinitive depends; as, Epicurus is thought ymany o have been a great philosopher,' A mcitia

Epicurus magnua philoaophua eaae reditur BD similaridiom, predicate ord after eoae depending pon impersonals like licet, are made to agre With the dative, expresse or understood, hicli is overne by the impersonat thos Who have a toWn totae to maybe comaria,' qui oppidum habent quo fugiant iret esse

ine necessit of considering the thought rather than themords, is furnished by Englisti repositio phrases. For instance, by the toWn V is praeter oppidum bystratagem,' is simpi dolo; by tens,' is dent; is his

lieutonant,' is per legatum, o a legato. παπ. Proponition voatoct. - The repositio must

enti simila form in hicli the participi reatly has an adjective force for instance, The it is sortifiod V represent a completed action, and it musti translated by the perfeci passive in Latin. αππII. Prios. - Definite rice is expressed by the



ablativo; indefinire price great or mali rice, etc.), by the genitise.

and libour pronouns do no Mem, refer easti and naturalin e ure that in thought is no arrange in Roman fashion, an trycit again.

in purpos is by uti ne illi in subjunctive; ut istae purpos is connecrad With som particular ord, therelative is tot used. His is also true os result exceptinatis, non is sed insisad os ne The gerun and gerundive os purpos are sed in hori expressions, where thei liraria translations ould e, it no proved, et intelligibi in Engliis With orbs of motion, in supine in m is the favoriis construction, and Wit comparat es, quo is used ruther than ut.

yo had expecis the genitive, iubeo an veto it theinfinitive, here ou ad expecsed the subjunctive, iuvo it in accusative here o had expecis the


ing to the hapo in hicli in thought the represent mould mos naturali occurri the mini in independent form. I the thought Would appea as a statement thes stantive claus is practicali indirect discourse, andis expressed by the accusative an infinitive is, as a question the subjunctive os indirect question is sed; is, as a commandi reguli, the subjunctive Wit ut mustbe employed is as a simple faci, quod Min the indic tive is the specia formis substantive claus to e

the relation etWee two substanti Vescis regulari e pressedi pulting one of them in the genitive depend- in Mon the ther, and do notor to expres this relatio by repositions inus maring them a sor of conjuncti On. For instance, town in Greece V is oppidum Graeciae, not in Graecia. αππIT. Tena Amni a. - Though, as has beensaid it is raret true of ooda, it is me of enses that certain ord have an amnit for certain tenses; namely, dum for the present, ubi an postquam for tho perfeci though, is it is important to mar a particular time, the genera prefereno must e cheerfuit resigned.

onia virtua maior erat uam Metelli. xlla mine of Da an Night. - The time os da Was


SPECIA SUGGESTIONE. 29- Too,' in Comparisona. - Me carescit in theneloborhood os expression os comparison here Enylis uses too,V Latin quam pro quam ut, quam qui. It was to good to berime,' is melisa erat quam quod

Verbs compounde Wit ab de eae, pro an Sometimesarub tine the dative of the person somelimes of thething hom homo hincis ahen the action einglooke at a done to an obieci, though indirectiy, and

notis an instance of separation.

matchlal ove Verba compo de Wit ad ante com cin, inter ob, οδι, prae sub auper. When the have areali transitive force, andis require a direct objeci, the tali it in the accusative. Some of them tine the


mas recogniZed by EgeuS, an declare his successor. Among his many memorabie nchieVementa, the mos famous

Was his deliverance of Athena rom the rightsul tributo imposexupon it by Minos sor in murder of his son. his

consiste os even ouin and even maidens, hom the Athonians ere compellexto Sen everymine bears to Crete,

thoro tote devoured by the inotaur, a monster With a bul head Whic Minos hept concealed in an inextricabie labyrinth. The thies his as Hready on the oin os saltin Wit ita carmis innocent victims, When Theaeus offere in m Withthem hopinxto put an endrioreve to the horribi tributo. 2. Ariadne in daughterit,inos, ecam enamoured of the ero, an havin supplied him it a clueri traco homindings of tho labyrinth, Theseus succeede in illing the monster, and trachin his Way ut of the mainy lair As hereturned toWard Alliens, in pilo forgo to hoist the whito


name Theseus, avin no ascende the throno, pr

coede in lay the oundations of the future reaines of Athena. e united into one political ody the welve indo- pendent states into hic Cecrops ad divide Attica, and mado Athon in capital of the ne hing m. In orde toaccommodate the incremediopulation of the city, he covered Miniuilling the ground lying to the Quin os the Cecropianciladel; and in commemoration of the union, he instituted tho festivias of the Panathenae and Synoinia in honor os Atheno, the patrona des os the city. e then divideo in cuigens into three classes,- the nobisa the huabanomen, and the artigans Horia surther sal to have established a constitutionalgoVernment, retaining in his oWn handa oesy certain donnitemWers an privileges, o that he was regarde in a laterage a the founderis civit equalit in Athena. 3. The Spartans encampod at the laotis tho mountain; ut Aristomenes frequently sallied from his foriresa, and rava dine land of Laconia Minire and sW d. tria unnecessam to relate ali in Wonderivi exploita opinis hero in his various incursiona Thrico didie offer in Jove Ithomates in sacrifice called Hecatomphonia reserve for the Warrio Wh hadalain a hundred enetaea Min his o nisand Thrice Wa hetaken prisoner o tW occasiona heiurat his bonos, but onine thim he was carried in Sparta and thrown, Wit his fiso companions into a deo pit calle Ceadaa. His comrades Woro ali illed by the fali; ut Aristomenes reache the


inus escaped, and omine neri da Wa at Irario tho surprisoalino os frienda an f s. ut his ingle pro es Was notsumcient to aver the ruinis his counto' he had incurrod, moreOver, the anger of the Dioscuri or the Winaoda, and the favor of heaven a therefore turned rom him. Ono night

the Spartana su rised Ira While Aristomenes Was dis led by a Wound butio collecte in bravest os his solioWera, and sorood his Way through the enemy. e too refuge in Arcadia, but in plan hic he had forme so su rising Sparta,

Misayed by Aristocrates, hom his countrymen atone fortiis treaehem. 4. The sWay of Periander, o the other haud, is universallycondemne as oppressive an cruel. any of the talos

relate os him may bo regarde a the calumnies of hisenemies; ut there is good reason for bellevin that he mlod Wit a rod os iron. The Way in hic herireate tho oblosis illustratocli a Well-known tale Whic has been transferrodio the early histor os Rome. Soon ne his accession, Periander is sal to have sent to Thrasybulus, despot os Μiletus for invice a to the est mode os maintaining his Wer Without givin an ansWer in ruing Thrasybulualed the messetager through a cornneid, cutting in athe went, the tallest eam os corn. e then dismisse the messenger, tollinchim in informiis master boW he had mundisim om-ploed. The actio mas righil interprete by Periander, Who promeded inuid himselmos the poWerfui nobies of thostate. The anecdote, hether rumor not, is an indicationis the common opinion enteriained os the govemmentis Periandor are surther tol that he protecto his person is a dyρ aes of mercenarius and kept ali rebellion in choo byhis immus meaaures It is admitte on allisand that hopossesse great abilit an militar skill and hoWeve oppressive his goverament 4 have been to the citiΣena of