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EXERCISES. 33 Corinth, he mised tho cityrio a sint of great prosperit and wer, and maderit respecte Minoi trienda an mos. 5. Whon in appotnte time arrived the conspirat a peare arme like the rent of the citciens, ut car ingoonoealed agger besides. Harmodius an Ariatmeiton hin planno to ill Hippias iret ache a arrangin theordor of the procession in the Ceramicus; ut m -- proaching the spo Where he a standing therWere inunde strue at eholding one of the conspirator in cloae conve sation it the despot Believin that the were betrved, and resolving efore the die to rea thei Vongeancoum Hipparchus, the rushed ac into the cit Min tholadagger hi in the myrile ougha hic the Wore to avo carrio in tho procession They found iam near in chapol callod Loocorion, and killed him omine spodi armodius Wasimmediatet cui doWn by the guar . Aristogeiton escapedsor the time, ut Was atterWarda tinen an die unde thotortures to hic he Was subjecte in ordo in compelaim indiscloae his accomplices. The now of his rother' doathreacho Hippias efore it ecam generali known With extraordinary presenoe of min ho calle um the citigonsto dro thei arma, and meet im in an ad Oining ground. The obve Without suspicion. e then apprehendedinoso on hos persons aggera ero discovered, and allbosides homi ha an remon to Suspeet. 6. The successe os Athens ad excite theraealous of the Spartana, and the no resolve in mino tho inimattemptrio overthrow the Athenia democracy. The had meantimo dis vered the deception hic had con practi dum them by the Delphic oracle, and theminuito Hippiasto come rom Sigeum to Sparta, in orde to restore him in Athens. The experience of the last campaign ad aught them that thermul not calculateram the --Operationi thei allies Wit ut rat obtaining thei approva of the
ineis alii 'o meet a Sparta, in orde to determine rea ob in the restorationis Hippias Tho deam Was present atine congress and the Spartans urged the necessuros checking the ooWin insolence of the Athenians is placim verinem thei forme master. But thei proposia Was received it universa repugnance, and the Corinthians again expresse in genera indignatio at in desim. Suralyheaven and Minore a ut to change places, he Fou Spartans propos to et u in the ciues that Wicho and bl dy thing calle a despoti irat try What it is for ou solves at Sparta, and then orcerit umniiners. Isbouse sis in a schem a Wiched, kno that tho Corinthians illnes secon Du.' These Vehement remonstrauces erereceived With suci approbatio by tho other allies that tho Spartans found it necessar in abando thei project Hii pias returne to Sigeum and artemard procoede to the muri os Darius.7. his imporiant revolutio excite althe the anger, theseare, and the opes o Croesus Anxious o Menge his Nother-in-la , t arreat in alamingam in f the Persian Wer, an to enlarge his οὐ dominions, he resolve to attac the ne monarch. ut besore embaining pon operilaus an enterpris he consulte in oracles of Amphiaraus, and of Apollo a Delphi, in hos veraci rise placedine ostin unde confiden . The opi of both oraclea Was that it he hould, o War po the Perstans, heWould destro a might monarchy, V and the both advisodhim in ah allies of the most mWerful among the Greelis. Underatanding the responserio refer to the Persia empire, an not, a the Hest explained i attor the event, to his oWn, he had n longe any hesitation in boonning the War. In obedience to the oracles, heraret en to the Spartana in solicit thei alliance, hic Was readii granted, ut no
EXERCIS . Mimops ero sent in his immediato assistanco. o thenorosse tho Halys at tho ea os a large amy, lata, intho countr of the Syriana of Cappadocia, and wo severatos thei toWns Cyrus tost no time in comin to the helmo his distant subjecta The tW armis me near in Pierian plain in Cappadocia, here a binody but indecisive batilenas fought. A the forceam Cromus ere inferior in num-bor in those of the Persianaing, he thought it more prudentio retur in Sardis, an collectis large arm so the nexi
8 Cyrus anticipate hia nemies plans; ho altod illine Lydian king had re-entem his capital and dismisse his
imops andi the marchedipo Sardis it suo celeritythat he appeared unde in Walis of tho cit betore any one mul nolim his approach. Croesus a thus compelle tostght Without in holmos his allius; ut he did not despala offucceas; so the Lydia cavato a distinguished sor iis emcieney, and the ope plain besore Sardis a favorabietor ita evolutiona To render his force setosa, Cyrus placo in frontis his linea the amage camela, hic the Lydia homos could no endum etine to se or o meli. The Lydians, ho evor, di notis thia account decline thocontest; tho dimounted tam thei homes, and fought bravedin Dot an it Was Monti aster amerce contestinat the wero oblige in tali refuge Within the city. Hereine considere themaelves secure, ill thei allies hould como to their id sor in sortifications of Sardis erod me impregnable to assauit There Was, --er, Oneside os in est Whicli ad been lenonfortissed Minus itat Mum auoc solio an sine acto seem quite inaccessible. ut on the fourinent da of the lege a Persian soldier haring seen one of the garrison descend this me topic up his helmo Which ad mlle doWn climbedis thosam Way, solio in is aeverat of hi comrades Sardis Was
36 EXERCIS . thus inhon Croesus it an his troasuros et into the hanos
sistod ut he aid: VI hould tine his money hichFo osse me an notisse it, thia great tremum ould have come into mylanda in Vain, and I should mahe a bad reput tio sor myseis and Alexander among tho Atlioniana. V oth money a tinen ac to Alexander in Asia. ut homas displo ed that his presential been comedi Phocion, and wrote to im that he di no rogard as friend peoptemho Would accept nothini rom him. At the fame time, he offere him the mons aneW, and namexmur cities of Asia o Whichi might choose ono at Wil to receive the revenuetrom. Phocion, hoWever, Would not accept thia offer either; but in orde notrio Mem to com Alexander' generosity, he med ino hincto set die four Atheniana ho ere kept in chain in the iisdel o Sardis, and Alexander immediately.gavo ordera that thri s vidi reto ed. 11. Hannibal a the ni man who perceived that homas alme a by the Romans and that eam Mini al-lowod the Carthaginiana omine underatandingahat a remorse-les War hould e maintaine against himself alone. etherefore resolve to submit in the crisis anxio his fato and
38 MERCIBES. v aes prepare an manne Withoo ora received im. Thus did Hannibal leavo Africa, pitying the sate of his counto more than his o n. Landin at in isto os Cercina, and si ing there severat Phoenician mero nNahipa in the harbor, and a cono me of oplo havinissoche to themto,elcomehim acho dissmbarhed rom the esset, he ordere that ali ho inquiredishould bo informe that he had Men sent asambassa fio Tyro Thon, fearing that throuo these me chanis his stighι mightio discovered a Carthago h lnvitodino merchanta an captain os the esset to a great banquet, an or red that in satis andoard a uidio brought romine Ahips, that thermight emo in ahade While supping ontho hore. The east a protracte Wit a prosusion os Wino to a lato Mur os in night, and Hannibal, a mon anhe mund an opportunit os scaping the notio os inoso, Were in the harbor, unm rediis esset, an salied a M. 12. The nex clay, Hannibal crossing the Anio, oro out alliis soreos in orderis batus, nor di Flaccus decline thoconteat. Thorimopain both sides havini enim n up totry the hance of a batile, in Whic the cit o Rome Wasto e the conqueror' prige, a violent hoWor inglex ithhail a dis dore both in linea, that in imops, scar ly le to es thei arma, retire into inela campa, Wit leas fear of tho nem than anythin elae. O the followingdu, iam a simila stor separate in armies marshalladon the fame ground Aster they had retired to thei camps, an extraordinar calm an tranquillit arose; hereumn Hannibal is sal to have criω out that at one moment theinclination, at another the opportuniw of ecoming mastero Romo a no alloWed him. ther contingencie also, in one important, the ther insignificant, diminished his hopes. The one Was that, hile he was encampe nea thematis of tho city, he hoard that timops had marcho out Withoolor ving, asin retusorcoment sor Spaim; in other, that it
13. The had omaso tho Hain to tho oot of tho hilla intho dain, during the last .atomos in night, an found tho
ove to the Persiana, in state of the case must o that iltiades oni put fori this suspicio in orde to in ove to his sido the polemarc Callimachus, ho M undecideo whic of the two parties among the generat to Join. For, Whon tho Athonians ha been led out to batile, they hominthemselves mos brave, and were the sirs of the Greeks, asHorodotus himselfisus, is hel out against the Perstans, Whos nam illi thon ad been an objoc os terror o all. They gave also a maine example of their valor at tho batus
his timo in tho bath or at tho table ho ad no xed timo frest rite ures, tollo in in quic succession and very
42 EXERCISES. different fromine another, compoLmen to servo memini a tune, Ven against thei mill Aster, then, he had resto alituo hile, and by this timo the force of the mison adbemn to asseci liis stomach, he vomite aureat deal and the conspirator began to ea that Wheni ha ejecte tho iSon, he ould recover, an orde thsm allo bo lain together. Accomingly the induced is a great ribe, abes audio ersae Duug man, namo Narcissus to Stranglcthim in his chamber. 17. Wis me have onon remarhed that opinion aliouldbe estimate no is number, ut is eight and that tho Judgmen os one single manis Worth an intelligeno oughtto e moro ubi priae tha that of the inexperienced
sideriit no out os placerio stat in opinion omine subjeci. conjecture, then that the are tinen fro Democritus DomWhom Seneca quotes in fossoWin remain: ne is in myves a theseople, and theseoΡΙ as One.'