The pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London, MDCCCIX

발행: 1815년

분량: 549페이지


분류: 미분류




Si op the publication of the last editionos the London Ρharmacopoeia, VariouS Objections have been published to iis generalprincipies as Weli as to itS proceSSOS. These Whatever he the langu age in Whicli theynre CXPrOSSed, Whatever the motives hywhicli they are in many instances dictaled deserved at least a Calm consideration oftheir subject matter, und even the adoptionos such paris thereos as appeared to benecessary and useful. Under this impressiona Committee of the College Went throughthe Ρharmacopoeia, and have made those alterations therein Which have by them beeu



judged to be requisite, and Whicli, hau ing

received the sanctiori of the College, ureno publiShecl. It wili ho seen that the alterations adopt-ed reser, si si to soriae important PrOCOSSCS, to Whicli reason able objections have Certainly been urged, on the Score ei ther of manipulation or of pro tu Ct, RS, for in Stan CC, in the preparation of Antimonium tartariga tum, Whicli though it aras vered repea ted lyaccording to the former proCCSS, UI On usmali scale, hesore the Committeo, has CCrtain ly fui ted iapon a large one, and under

giving up that principi e Which was bes ore considere 1 to be sufficiently distinctivo) by

whicli sub and super Uere Only employed where both the salts Were USed Phurmu-ce uti catly for the purpose of distinguishinghetWeen them, Without regarding the actuali elation of their Constituent paris; so that the salt which ivus ut sirst nam ed Carbo nateos ammonia is noW nam ed, as it reatly is, a sub Carbo nate: third ly, to the introduction os ne v articles, whi Ch have been Spar- ingly adopted : Murthly, to the restoration


PREFACE.os sonae Which had stood in the Ρharmacopoeia of 1787 and been omitteti: an diastly, in a very seW omissions frona thelast edition. Although these alterations

have been made aster a mature and impartial deliberation, there probably Will hemany PerSons to Whose ideas they may beneither sufficient nor satisfacto , und Whowill have sum cient confiden e in their o via opinion to holit it as matter of faith, thalno other cuia be right or deserve to head opted. A Ρharmacopoeia is in iis very nature ephemerat, and requires Certain Changes after intervals of no Very long duration, nor should there exist in a Weli educated prosession, Such as that os medicino in alliis branches ought to be, any difficulty in receiving and adopting the alterations Which

probabie but that circumstances Will againdemand such a revision at no distant date. Ρarliament are noW employed in the Consideration of the standard weighis and mensures of the kingdom, and is those alterations Whicli are expected therein shall



College to Consider Whether they Will cla imany peculiar eXemption for the Compounderos medicines, or Will not rather promoteand assist in the generat adoption os oneuniform standarit, to Whicli there can heno other objection than the ideat difficultyos iis sit si introduction. Whenever too that period shali arrive, Ι most sincerely hope

tuat respect and good Will he tween the constitu ted authorities in medicine in thedisserent paris of the Britisti empire Willhave laid a foundation for the establishment of one national Ρharmacopoeia, WhichI am datly more and more Convinceti Willhe a mensure of the ut most importan Ce to

the public good, and remove the ovils whicli exist in the shops frona the incorporationos the thi CC. Aster thus speaking of the original Work of the College, it is necessary sor me to adda se v Words respeCting the tran Station, whicli in the si si instance cost me no Smalltime and trouble, and whicli I have in the



os having collected together useful information Upon an important subjeci, and of


PREFACE.mation is the hest, und it is more particu larly valia able ora account of iis referen Ceto the originui aut horities upon whom iis statem enis ultima tely rest: and it would

sion, like him to go on my road Peaceably, it has certa in ly been matter os regi et to methat I have been attacked With a virulenCeheyonii even that os sectarian ControVCrSy,


PREFACE. Contest, in Whicli victory itself must be dis- graCOful. The present edition of the translation of ourse includes the alterations made in thooriginal; and ali the processes therein WhichhaVe Undergone any Chungo, or ure reStored frona the Ρharmacopoeia of 1787, ure mal ked thus, ita I see my ΟWn error in attempting tomarii the pronunciation of words with whicli

prosody has so litile to do by the prosodiat

Characters, and have the resore employed the method os accentuation used by Dr.

whicli is not subject to the sanae objeCtionS, instead of them. To the botanicat, generio, and 8pecificnames, I have Subjoine i the synonyms of the paris of the planis used in the French, German, and Spanisli languagCS, BS far RS, With only a very impersect knowledge ofelther, I could glean them frona Dr. SKediaur's Materia Medica, Paris. An. 8.) be-CRUSO Under the prospect os an increasinginterCourse With the continent, Whicli recentevenis have unliappily again interrupted, I expected that such a reseretice might


PREFACE.ho occasionalty usesul in the 8hops, and

that iis desecis might ea si ly be pardoned,

and hereastor removed by thΟSe of our professional brethren who are helter BCquaint-od with the application of these substances in the countries referred to. The table os doses has heen revised, but not much altered. I state i iis necessary imperfections in the former presuce,

ject will admit. Many of the articles, it istrue, Will alloW of increase With persectsasely beyond the limits whicli are here assigneti, especialty When they a re intendedio produce Some particular definite effecis, and upon the Whole generat practice may



together in a table, and is more exist I shallbe glad to have theni potnted olat, and toremove them hereaster. I deem it also of importan Ce here, to re- Commend to the Apothecary, a moSt USesul, and indeed necessary, neW Instrument, Orthe purposes of his profession; Ι mean Dr. Wollaston's Scale of Chemicat Equi va-Jenis, described in the Philosophical Trans

tude a variety of communications whicli Ιhave received respecting the present Work,

I cannot hut particularige the aid of Μr. Hume, Chemist, os Long Acre, to Whose practical si ill the committee had repeate i


PREFACE. OCCa Sions to express their obligation. In-deed, I am not Conscio his, that in any instance, I have purioined the observations of others, or used them Without due uC-

motion os a profession of SO mu Ch import- an Ce to mani irad, as that of mediet ne, When