장음표시 사용
SINAPIS.- . G. 1246 Cl. 15. Ord. 2. Tetradynamia. Si liquosa. Nat. Ord. Siliquosae. L. Cruciferae. J. Cal. Spreading. Cor. cla s erecf. Gland belweenthe shorter stamens and pistit, and belWeen the longer stamens and CalyX. 5. S. Nigra. Siliques smooth, Pressed to the racemo. Norti, os Europe. Annua l. F. Meneτί nolis. G. Schae rer Sens. S. Mostaeta nigra.
2. S. Murilandica. Stem four-cornered, ait the leaves
TAMARINDUS. . G. 125 O. Cl. 16. Ord. I. Monadelphia. Triandria. Nat. Ord.
brigiles under the filaments. Legume PHIPy. I. T. indica. F. Tamarius. G. Tamaria n.
Cl. 3. Ord. 2. Triandria. Digynia. Nut. Ord.
Gramina. Cal. tWO-valveis, solitary, Subtriflorous. Flo versorii exultat obtu Se.
2. P. hybernum. CalyXes four-flo ered, Ventri Cose, even, imbricate, With litile or no a vias. Bienniat.
Compositae DisCoidese. L. Corymbiferae. J. Recepi. nal ed. Seed-down simple. Cal. XCales equat,as long as the dish, sonae hat membrana COUS. T. Farfara. Scape ora flowered, nearly nahed, bracted, fio Ner radiate, leaves cordate, angular tOOthed, pubescent ora the under Surface. Europe. Perenniat.
VALERIANA.-W. G. I 5. Cl. 3. Ord. l. Triandria. Monogynia. Nat. O M. Aggregatae. L. Di PSncae. J. Cal. o. Corol. mons Petalotas, gibbous, on one Side of the base, superior. Seed one.' Valerians, Vith a single dotany seed.l6. V. tiscinalis. Flo vers three-stamened, ait the
ment of a pistit. I. V. ialbum. Racem es Paniclud, bractes of the
branches oblong, the partial ones nearly equaliing the pubescent peduncte, floWers ereCt. Russia, Austria, Italy. Perenniat. F. Hellebore blanc; Veratre. G. Teisse Nicis ur-zel. S. Veratro blanci 'de gambre blanco. VITIS.-W. G. 453. CL 5. Ord. l. Pentandria. Monogynia. Nat. Ord. Scabridae. L. Vites. J. Petala cohering at the top, shrivelling. Leri 9 sive- seeded superior. I. V. Dinifera. Leaves waved nahed. Most temperate Climates. Shrub. F. Vigne: Laistas. G. Neintrauben, zibeben. ULMUS. 'V. G. 5O5. α 5. Ord. 2. Pentandria. Digynia. Nat. Ord. He
The strength of acids, &c. is usualty expre8Sed by this instrument in tho French publications ;and on this account the table will be usus ut in applying any of the processes Os Pharmacy there given. The instrument itself, although by nomennS an aCCurate one, is very Conveniently applicabie to practical purposes ; it is described in Beaumε's Elemens de Pharmacio. The Tabiesare talion from Nicholson's Journat. HYDROMETER FOR SPIRII S.