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TII Librar has recenti acquired
about 5 Io. Ait ut ne of the leventuli-page wo dcut represent the trialso a dying man, Surrounde by the wiche an benevolent spirit thathaunt his final ours. The last plates hows God the Father enthroned among angels, potntinga Christin the Cross. The book is an interestin late Version of the popular loch book Theorigina design ironi,hicli the ood-cut are copie were probabi engravedon oppe by the imaginative Germanartist themaster E. S. A the presentvolume testi fies the serie maintai neclit popularit tantii et into the ix-teenth century, when the medieva conception o death hecam ouimoded. Accor ling to the Ars Moriendi ir, as a ton translatet it 'the crast orto deye there are vetangers,hichthe dyin man must Vercome t On- stare his our sately. He is tempted successivel by the deviis o infidelity deSpair, impatience, ainglory, and avarice tot save in acti cas by an angel. Finalty the Church trium plis, and the new-born soti ascendito HeaVen. In the early loch books the page Swere large, an even the illiterat could comprehen the pictures. In the 5 Ioedition the designflare mali and Some times the ex is on the reverse of the illustration insteamo opposite t. Never-theless, the woodcuts are ver ei lectiVe, e speciali the ne on the litte-page,showin a sicli man with his attendanis, and the one depicting the Ahaaightyat the end. I. E.