장음표시 사용
anno 39 Eliae cap. 24, anno i I, VIII cap. 9. and se thestatute anno a H. VIII cap. s. C.
it liet in man divers cases, whereincit athlas an diversities of s. his ritis also calle in the particular, praecipe quod reddat, ecausessiose e format word in ali
cape the pope by one meansor ther insomuch ras, forine most pari, he grante out mandates of ecclesiastica li-Vings. fore therwere Oid tocertain person by his bulis, pretending therein a great caret se the hur provide a
e discourse in Duarenus that mortii civilian in his tractate De beneficiis, Lib. III cap. 1, and in his reatis De immunitate recisse Gadlicanae Theseprovision inere so fe with us, that at the la hing Ed ardita inita, that heroical prince, noldi estinis intolerable in
oppression, adeo statute in the asin year of his reim, stat.
5. cap. 22, and another, stat. 6, ejusdem anni, cap. pri. anda thir anno a , against thosethat rein the hinc peopleout of the reiam, to ans er of
couris an another, anno as, stat. 2, c. I, 2, 3 an toste Me esseest, hereb hegreatly restra e this libertν of the ope. et suta mas
of his pomeri and the imp tiencei princes in thos Mys, that he stili adventure thecontinuance of these provisi
saidfin statute of E ardissimthies, rati*ing the fame, and appotnting the punishment of thos that offende against it tobe perpetualianishment sor-
meet more fuit .it at theseisis inventiario defraud these
forme statutes, M. e vetat, the offence mors particularly .
an seriet the iam punishment to it that he ordianes in the in forines statuis for
the our os Ronre, or esse- where an sue transsation , processes, an sentences of excommunication, bulla, in struments, or an other
importunit by ther a sesno fuit me inith in the for- mer statutes, in the seconLyear of his reisn, cap. 3 and Φ, addet certamine. eases, and layet urn the offendere in themtbe fame censum, hereunto,
ine statute anno 9 ejusdem, cap. pri. Canno , cap. 9.ω se anno s ejusdem, cap. S. Canno m. v. v. Out os inhicli statutes havemur professors of tho common la. mulit many angere totia a Mictis ecclesiasticat, threarening the punishmenteontaine in the statute anno
a Ad . III. W38 ejusdem. almost is very thin stat thecoux Christia dealeth in, pretendin an hings dein
an tempora in the hin ut-terj vindem the se of alithae statutes nam, cessanta
threatened against the iurisdietion ecclesiasticia, is coisur the fame, is but in emulationo one muri is noster; andis consequent a derogation tostat aut ritu rom .hicli auiurisdiertio is no derived, and the maintenance heroos
De Rep. v. cap. - . Somae later statutes do in his punishmentipon other offender ;as ames in statuae anno Elis cap. prim upon him
mac the seeon time, c. and the statute anno et Eliae. cap. 3, upon him that assirmet the authorit of the ope, o that refusest metata themathos supremacy and the statute Ru 13 E . cap. , sue asbe seditious a res of the in
Min the queen' maiest tobe an heretic And the ordis applied most commoni totae puniinmen firi ordained ine statutes bes e-mention. for stichos transgressiastem; ut in latre times imposed pon other offencestia stat, here it is sal that
an man for an offence comis initis mali incur a praemunire,
it is meant that he mali incurthe fame punishment hic is
transgress the statute madeanno I 6 R. II. e. s, whic is
by that statute, Arbid flessi iobe eaten, as of necessit fortho laving of man foui that
be spreader of false nem; havin reference hereb tostos statutes hic contain the punishment of suc offendere. Now ouching the etymolomos his uota praemuriire, omethin i procredet seo the strengis iven to the rown by the forme statutes against theusurpationi foreigmand un- natural power; hic opinionrna receives mea und romthe statute anno as det taΙII. stat. 6, cap. pri. Butother hin it to gro Domine veta praemonere, heing barbarota turne into praemunire, hic corruption is ta-hen rom the rude interpreterso the civi an canon lams, o indeed do se the me praemunire many times, forine efficient cause praemonere, accordin to the provere, Hethat is et warne is essumed. And of this I asterrea son fio the formis the writ, hic is thus conceived
Praemunire facias praefatum praepositum & I. R. procura torem, c. quod tunc sint co- ram nobis, ' Vec so theseworda cani referre in nombut parties charge missi tha
hibitio, is a rit frame forthe forbiddin o any eourtirithe spiritua or secular, o
three form os obligations .hlehcontain the follisining Inuisset Ad quam quidem solationem bene AEdeliter faciendum, Gri ligamus nos,in quemlibet non trum per se, pro toto Acin s lido, M. The phras pro toto cin solido rem is have been sermeri equivalent in meaning to the orda Iointly an severalty -hic Memo. used iniur modem tanda.
unto Monong, against iam that disturbet hi in theriodio his advoWAn by presentina a cleis thereunto .henthe nurchra void an it differet Domine .rit callia assis ultimae praesentationis, beeaus that lietn here a mano his incestor formeri presentia, and this for him thatis the purchaser himself. Methe Expositor of the exms of the Lais, and id mi Brem. fol. . 7. Bracton, Lib. IV.
fol. 3 a. and the Regi r originali, sol aor C. Gutdiro qua ε Quid pro quo is an artificiat speec in the common law, signifying o much
3, refers, thoughit is there erroneous stiled theost of am; the differences tween the th andrath, the da os representation, icis difficultet account sor.
Trem σLam. C. Metarna Rerum returna, eomet of the renes remur, i reditio, reversio, recursus, and in in common la- hath two particular applications RS, mely the retur offa .rit by eriffs and balliri, hic is nothini t a certificate made
'ath done lovching the ser- ving of the fame ritu and this, amore the civilians, is called certineatorium os re-
four retums, vir octabis m-larii, Quindena Hilarii, rasilino rificationis, octabis Grificationis and Eafer Term
dena Paschae, res Pasibae, Mense Paschae, Quinque Paschae, Crastiri Ascensionis and risit Term Creturns, i. Crastino Trinitatis, octabis risitatis, Quindena Trinitatis, Tres Trinitavi an Misaelmas aerem re- tuens, sic octabis mchaelis, Quindena Michaelis, Trea chaelis, ense Michaelis, Erastino Animarum, Crastino Martini, octabis Martini, Quindena Martinia me iacter applieatio of this ordis in ea os replev tim is
art. Risi me adverbistinose, formedrimm this adjective, Wasmade, .hen la-procredings .ere in Latin a par of the form os an
an or fiochi as, ne grander mute de genis o de certim
δε rex hominum, longa servo rum series. t signAeth, in
mour, turbulent gestum, or actuat an expresse violenee,
nitioni a muti sol aor C. Vide supra, an Rista. reos . Rouisus, i. e. tun l-tuous. Vide supra, an Roma, and art. Molosus.
salvus conductus, is a securi gium by the prince, unde theb ad Ieat, to a stranger, forhis qui et cominii an γλsing out of the reatari oueh- in Whic D may se thestatutes anno as Η. VI cap. 3, Wanno et ejusdem, cap. x8,- anno a mn VIII. cap. pri. The formis misse in the exister originau,
ψea, and correctio os tres passes of men isti a manor.
nem, as achoiserior grande, occasio ampla; eue vencheson come of enchmiri
the interpretation thereos, sic is liberi or privilege. Bracton lath the mota, asM--far noteth out of him, P Cor. Lib. pri. cap. 23, but either of them both do particulari interpret it B Gren's ordsi inest, Lib. III. tractis , cap. vel si sit aliquis qui de concessione domini regis talem habeat libertatem, sicut sockin sack, tol-netum, 'eam. infanstheis, huttangisese, ur Ventus fuerit seisitus de aliquo latrocinio, sicut hondhabende hackherend tales habent regalem potestatem ; unde qui tales libertates habent, habebunt prisonam suam de talibus, quia possunt tales in curia sua judicare. of the whicli matre he spe--
Saxon in his description ofEngland defineth ac to ea forfelture, as dotii Rafail,
xo7 mansiones hospital se, duodecim lageman habentes secam Wiscant.' all
iapos, here he writet thus: Sunt Walis res quasi sacxae, quae personam regis respiciunt, Waliquando transferri non possunt, nisi justiciariis domini regis, sicut visus fran-ciplegii, placita de vetito mannio, emendatio transgressionis assisarum, judicium latronum,
sicut de illis qui habent sochwsae ε hujusmodi omnia,
Lam informed that the wordiach, in the Saxon longue,doth properi signis se muchas causa it in Latins ;whenc ine in Engli have themota salie, as for hos sine. M. Siane, De verb. Agnis. Verbo facie, ritet thusci' an some old bookscit is caued placitum Memenda de transgressione hominum in curia nostra. In the a. of
autem est, si quilibet aliquem
nominatim de aliquo calum cniatus fuerit, cille negaverit, forisfactura probationis, vel negationis dii evenerit sua erit ich may be calle the mercement pes byhim .ho denieth that thingwhicli is prove against tam
of is true. Thus aris. Stene. Flet of thisinat these
seandia in thei persons, misht arisse. Anno a R. II cap. 5
meiam praesentes et futurL.whil deed were in Latin, these were frequently the initialmotas of some oris of them;
dent of a dein, of .hic theseare the initiat wotas. Si Ihn-υ 'Aman, in his tra ancient Deeri an Chartera, 'eahing of the directions of
deeds says, thers, bout the time os Henr the . . . sed more genera directions asψε Sciant praesentes, futuri,
inhie hath ver since been received ' Reliquiae primannianae; The pshumous ortios Sir Henr Spelman edit. 1723, P. 38 and in the sametrin, p. a a, he expresses himself in the fossomin morda: Near the time of the conquest the uis no additions at all, s ulmiste, simplythus 'M Sciant praesentes & futuri, quod ego 'About, or ome ha besor Hor III. the 'egan to te themselves lotas of their casties orethiesseat, as' Sciant praesentesi futuri, quod ego, dominus Iohannes Le Strange, dominus des οὐ V -hene dominus in the fixit place signi-- fiet sir, and in the secona place lorii or baron. memefendendo. Se defendendo is a te for hi that is charge wit the death of --other, saying that he wasdrive uni stat, hicli edid, in his own defence, theother se nullinthim, that, is he had notione a he did, he mus have been in peril of his own life whicli anger
ford aith in his Pleas of IMCromun Lib. I. cap. 7. Andisine do justis it tot done
in his own defence, yet is hedrisen to procure his ardor os cou e rom the lord chancellor, and forisitem hi goodato the ins a the sat author ait in the fame place '
st,eisina. Misin seisina, sapri, rome of the rench seisine. i. possessio, an se it signi- fiet in ur common laWε and to eis is o take possesson. Primie seisin prima seisina, is the fir possession. of the rene inor seisi iamiae a Latis seisire, sed by the canonists, cap. Clericis,f. Nos igitur nonsemel de immunitate Ecclesin, num 6, salso the civilians. Guido Q. Singula, κ6 s. eisire est etiam possiessionem tradere. 7- quellas, in tractati La
amare et emerare To stat an delior. Vide supra, art.
Sin. 46 says, in enseatingo a red by a corporation is commoni expresse thusi In cujus rei testimonium, sigillum nostrum commune Praesentibus apposuimus, datum in Guildhalda burgi praedicti, c. miti. me sire Site o scite, situs, the fanding of any
monaster os, c. i. the placewhere it stood the wor is mentioned in the statute a M
t. Ioc seca, is a Word fgnisting a power o liberi os jurisdiction, as appearet bythes wotas ut DBracton ' Sunt quidam barones, Walii libertatem habentes, c. soc ac totis thean infang- theseis ultangthese, Wisti possunt judicare, in curia sua, eum qui inventus fuerit in- fra libertatem suam seisitus de aliquo latrocinio manifesto ι ωLi. ΙΙΙ. tractat. 2, cap. g. In the law of hinc mara, set ut hy, Lambeia fol. 13a, o have these motas 'socha est quod si aliquis quaerit aliquid in terra sua, etiam furtum, sua est justicia, sinuentum fuerit, an non. V
chartera and seMments which in fundo id books, contain- ing the munieἱρῶ law of this reata, is calle secta de hominibus suis in curia, secundum consuetudinem regni. So, after my pinion, he thatis inisore inith oh .hichno. e ab init, ut in in gland fuit, at power tohol couris istin his innbarony, in hic homines sui stould give soyt. usta M. of this Futa halli these ord i In hujusmodi vero maneriis, spe in of the inlcs manors, 'erant olim liber homines libere tenentes, quorum quidam cum per potentiore etenementis sitis ejecti fuerant, Woadem postmodum in villanagium tenenda resumpse runta e quia hujusmodi tenentes cultores regis esse dinoscuntur, eis provisa fuit quies ne sectas facerent ad comitatus vel hundredos, vel ad aliquas inquisitiones, assisas vel juratas, nisi in manerio tantum, dum tamen pro terra, quorum congregationem tunc socam appellarunt is hinc est quod soc- manni hodie dicuntur esse.
A soco enim derivamur, quorum tenementa sunt villenarium domini privilegiatum,
- - ideo dicuntur glebae ascriptitit, eo quod ab hujusmodi
glebis amoveri non deberent, quamdiu solverent debitas penis honest nec compelli poterunt ad hujusmodi tenementa te- .
eo quod corpora sua sunt libera. Nec obstabit longa servitutis possessio ad libertatem
extinguendam ouamvis ad merchetum sanguinis sui com- pulsus fuerit quis pro tene mento reddendo. Nulla e- iam servitus ratione praescrip-
tionis temporis potest libe- rum sanguinem in servitutem
reducere, non magis quam li- berum tenementum potest
a liberis longin to his ma-nor an tenanis, as is here
tion others that it is a liberi oni t have ultor tollis court; others, a Fleta, that it containethioth the forme significations an fur-ther, that it is tinen for thecompany of tenanis hichiive inithin such a liberty, andare exempte Dom thos common services of the prince and country hereunt subjects
axe ordinarii ued. This hindo liberi is in divers placeaat this da in Engiana, and
Chimaerie, ali services due forland is ither knulit serviceor soccam so then, hau eve is not knight service, is soccage acto, in his ad
describeth it inusi Diei poterit soccagium a socco,
terunt, eo quod deputatilint, ut videtur, tantummodo ad culturam δε quorum custOdia, maritagia ad propinquiores parentes jure sanguinis pertinebit Et si aliquando inde de facto capiatur bo-magium, quod plures contingit, non tamen habebit propter hoc dominus capitalis custodiam, maritagium. Quia non semper sequitur ho- magium, licet aliquando se- quatur.' M. Stine, iamreborum Agni catione, Verb. Soc mannia, Talth, alia soc-
as is called petit servanty, orwhemone holdet lan in thenam o burgage, o in libera elemoZina, othemis, in