장음표시 사용
Ominum. A arden. dinum, vulgo gaesen, Gallic gaesin, mi jardin, i. hortus, quod forte a gai ter, i. e. conservare, quia ibi conser- Vantur herbae, olera Nisi malis, a Sax gyridan, i. cin- gere, quod, in frugum conser- vationem, hortus septo undique incingatur. Somner's lonis , at the en of the Decem
Mantre. The person to horn agrant of any thiniis made C.
any cour of any franchise, and
his apprehension eing lai in prison for the fame, may have ut of the Mng's
domoran where find explained, and must heresere, in orcle is ascertain iis meaning, have re-C to thos expression to
ter edit. 727 art. Rectum, commune rectum, e re informed that reciam, ommune
uro common muri os lamand that stare ae rectum 'means . to stand triaa, or, ascitis define in the art. Rectum,
fare ad rectum, stan or abide the justice of the muri.'Fromethes instanses it massure-ly inferre that habere advectum musti signify, to a
pression, se isequently it is obe obseae ed a simila phraser In a IV. c. io, e say to Polla, rofecto habebo te in coram nobis,' whicli ast Word are par of the writ di-Tesing the apprehensionis him
hy homae had been exorsised, he threatens, Habebo illos in emunire, i. e. I ill ave hem in a premunire for themeaning of meitch alter Word,
caned. Habere facias visum is a inrit that liet in divers cases here viein is to e ta- he of the land o tenemenis
signifying fidem clientularem for in the origina granis ofland an tenements by of fee, the lor di no ovi rite his tenanis, o feta men incertain services, ut also tooh
sary art. Homagium, Hominium, Bominatus, Hominatio Homini cum Homιniscatus, thus defines Homage Homagium λIlen- nrus, arctius,&humilius servi- tii genus est, quod liber homo tenurae vel beneficii ratione, do- mino suo praestiterit prisco Ro- mauo civi incognitum, sed graia sentibus per imperium barba- ris,introauctu in feodali mi liti,quem hominem voeant, im- positum. Conditiones & duras admodum servitutes, supra ex posuimus in voceriodum. Nunc professionis formulam, quae a- pud plerasque gentes eadem fuit, indicabimus. Novus quis que in haereditatem feodalem mcce r tenetur infra annum se domino sistere, atque iner- mis, discinctus, nudusi capite, is provolutus in genua sup- plicibus item manibus inter
sedentis domini manus -- prehensis, eum velut adoratu- rusvin hunc modum alloquia σε Devenio homo vester ab hac ε die in posterum, de vita, de membro,in de terreno honoret verus, fidelis vobis ero, dρm vobis portabo ob terras quas a vobis teneo salva fide 4 domino nostro regiis haere-ε dibus suis. His dictis, dominus osculum ei impinget, is ossallus erectus, jusjuran- dum fidelitatis quod supra vide extemplo praestabis. - nibus Galli seu ut nos dici rhus tenentis inter manus do- mini eonestas, signifiea- η tur inquit Bractonui, lib.
εε parte dominii tectio, defen- fio .arrantias, ex parte te- nentis reverentia Wsubj-- tio.' Si Heno primarus ther remares, in loco pracit that homas mustine done by the assa in person to thetor in person 3 an in proo of this assertionis relates that
Philip the Fiar, tangis France,
used, stomacter thei accession to
like the inuriection, but, under
reformation, I hin hema deceived this signifiet a pur-suit os ne haring eomnutred
litile table provide se that Purpose, i. absolvimus cis they jadge him uilty the writ C. id est, condemnamus ; f the found the e se dissicula and doubsul the writ M L. id est, non liquet C. Sinprimis praesentant. Vide infra art. Indictare,
fore it is offerinis calle a tenure stat holdeth meret of the hing. C. art. Capite SirHenr ve--, in his Glossarra. art. Caput, thus explain t nure in capite ut pro re , ge, unde tenere in capite est tenere de rege omnium terra rum capite. 'xnventare. To enter ititora eo-
follows Haec indentura, facta inter A. B. de C. in comitatu Ebor. H. ex una parte, WE. F. dei in comitatu . . ex altera parte, testatur, quod praedictus A. B. dedit, Con cessit,in hac praesenti charta in lentata confirmavit praefa- to E. F. haeredibus suis xxv acras terrae, c. habendum, v c. In cujus rei testimonium,
praesentibus alternatim appo fuerunt. Datum, α' In
Ioco supra cit. Me also gives the followiniform in hichthedate of the Med is inserte in
iae Minning Haec indentura, facta xx die Ianuarii, anno regni, c. inter A. B. c. C. D. c. testatur, α'zndlatare To indici To p fer an indictmen against one. Comes, art. Endument, bus explain What an indictmen is i Enditement, indictamentum, eometh of the Franc enditer, i deferre nomen alicujus in dicare, o Do the Greeh vhinintra hecause Μ. Lambard
iniit have it se. Eirenar. lib. IV. cap. 3, pag. 468. I signi
fieth, in ur common tam as much as accusatio in the civil
law, though it have not in ali
fornasi indicimenis, severat of-hie begi inust Iuratores pro domina regina praesentant,
times egi Wit word nearlysmila to theser esuratores pro domina regina praesentant in modo forma sequente, Vi2.
Imprimis, 'raesentant, quod, ω and that such a form mighthave come ithi in Ruggis
Bracton, lib. III tracta. 2, cap.
g. In the law of hinc αε maia, set ut by M. - bard mu 26, Jou lave it thus describes Infangthe , - justitia cognoscentis latronis sua est, de homine suo, si cap- tus fuerit super terram suam t ς illi vero qui non habent has
fi consuetudines, ora usticia regia rectum faciant iun-
dredis, vel in apentachiis, vel in scyris.' C.
res, ari Infodiare Infeodare est seudum, vel feodum praedi- um, scilicet, beneficiarium alia cui dare vel conferre terram ves praedium in seudum, more sti
licet beneficiario possidendum,
alicui tradere vel concedere. Gallis insevder,noblato enseos.'
have compassion in se litile pace An ii Trinit - ossis,
peris, o in forma pauperis, is hen an person has cause
has usi cause s suit, the judge admits him to sue in forma
tegram rei alicujus copiam e- mendo satagit comparare, ut
distrahendo potius charius Ven- dat; inerwhic he proceias in the followin motas In- grossator longe alio sensu die- tus est, qui forensi charactere acta&instrumenta forensa pR- ginis inscribit membraneis, un- de sevo Henrici ingrossa tor masna rotulae apyellatus fuit, qui hodie clericus pipae est, duplex ingrotator, qu nunc pipae contra tulator.' Samotio et forma senuente. - forma re ord os art in in process, and amet in the answer of the defendant,
charge modo .forma decla rata. atris fol. 232. I sig- nisiet a much a stat clause in the civi law, negat allega- ta, prout allegantur, esse vera C. Besides in above Xplanation, it may be necessar to re- main that in deeds, specialis, indenture, the phrase inmanner
A. voluntarie in domo sua praedicta, per totum tempus praedictum custodivit & manu- tenuit praefatum . M. modo forma praedictis, erudientem vis docentem, sciens ipsum c modo, forma Maictis, se absentari.'
in nropria persona. his is parto the form in hicli in pro- creding on the levyin a fine and recovery are entere o theria in the muri os Common Pleas. In μ' , Symbουου - σει, Pari ΙΙ. D. 8x is an X plification o a re very, in ita in the procredings are recite a the appearin the oli, and in stating the demand madeis the demandant these Messare used Fr Wis R. S. in propriis personis suis, petunt versus I. R. duodecim cras orati, cum pertinentiis, in M. - . ut usis haereditatem suam. In another pari of the same serm mention is ad os R. H. one of the parties, in the followin te si R. H. qui praesens est hic in curia in proin pria persona suli.'
ministrator uot is exhibit to the ordinary, at sue times Maecihah appiant the same.'
Ire ab laraum. Ire ad largum, to go a large, to e se a li- ber , to mari an est e. Seest Syllabus vocabulorum quo rundam forensum, at the end
pendinii suit, hereum the parties join and putrit 1 causet the tria os in jury and in alia fecit hastaut one signification, hichris, an effecto a cause procreding, a thechilaren e the esse of thomarriages Meen the parenis, the profit gro ing to the hingor sor Domine punissimento any an's offence is theeffect of his transgression thepoint referre to the tris of twelve me is the effect os Platain or procesi I cm rempnum rete or gora See the Syllabus vocis rumquorunaum rensum, at the end
faille, i. ego lapsus sum, and significtb iniur common iam, an overitot inpletaing,touch- ing the whic mu have a sta tute anno 3a . VIII cap. 3o,
Suntaria. Iuncaria, o Jonc ria, rom juncus, the Laris inor for a russi, is a sol or
signe, gestamen, centuriale diserimen, nota centurialis, turmalis, of eis Domatvrer, i tradere, and
accordinglymas, ache observes, three significations. In onerit istised for a sui os clost, or therstuff, that a genti an ovet in
Ten. Manen, Warrenna, alias renna, comet of the Frenia garrenne, i. vi Varium, vel locus in quo vel aves, Vel pisces, vel ferae, continentur, quae ad Vic- tum duntaxat pertinent. Cala
pine, out o Iulus Gellius, Lib.
s scription or grant rom the 'in to a man, o having ph sanis, paruidus, contes, and hares, within certain of his
cte hing, o more than forestor hace; ecauserit is a species privilege elanging to thering alone. An a litile Dier, he hathinotas to this e secti Theliing may grant ar-ren to me, in mine own larlds, for theatant an parui esonly, and by this grant momam may there chase themwithout mydicenoen and se os hares, ut notis contes, forthei properinis to destro theseuits of the arth, as to eat
warren I an person ae und tote an offender in anysuch Dee warren, hecis to epunished for the same by the course of the common law, and by the statute, anno at Ed ΙΙΙ. assed the statute Demalefactoribus tam parcis chaceis, Me For the ostpart there Me no ossicera in awarren but the master of thegame, o the Meper free
yea or not. And there resis the demandant an prove stat he M see out of his chamber, walhing up and Hown his grounds, o eis mine ab ad unis an other place besere hes e viewed, o have licence of the coure, he hallis adjudged to e deceitfuli effoined, and to have made default. C. Andi art. Licentia surgendi, r. Comes furitier says that licen- tia surgendi is the writ here- by the tenant, essesned de malo lecti, obtainest liberi in se. 'For the meaning of the worde in vide supra, art. Usenium.
M anno 35 ejusdem, cap. 3 3 and semetimes ordiege man, anno R. II cap. unico, anno
no superior Duarenus, in Com- ment de Consuetud nudorum, cap. 4 num. . lege man