장음표시 사용
it in commendam. et mimia assurari Commono pasture Comet, in his In terpreter art. Commen, ses hese inord Commen com- munia cometh from the Franch commvn, quod ad omnes pertinet, an signifieth, common law, that soli, Or ater, hereo the se is common to this or that town or lardmim a common of pasture, communia pasturae,'
led a concelando, a mons a movendo, per antiphrasin. 'am
Strue, in his ametati, efore cited Vol. . . os is still
more pertaining thereunto ere, stili privit retatne an pos-- essed by certain private Per
but it was a orid is consider, ,hat uviust oppression of the queopte and the oor this occa-
asontra sta utum in eo eam ros usum et tutum. es, in his
in charong the offence accord-
in to the circumstances of thecase, mong the thing says. An in an indictment found upo statutes it semet not needis to recite the statute verbatim, as ath been heros in re sed, and namely, is the statute e generat, in. s. II. 3 ass. 38 ut utly an certaint to describe in e offence against the tenor of the fame statut and then, conclude 'ith these 'ortat Contra formam statuti in hu- jusmodi casu provisi, editi, is there einly one statute of
Ι . it. Procredius in Chanceu, Sect. o. is the sonowiniformo a subpoena, in hic theseword occur Uriabeth Dei gratia. Angliae. Franciae, in Hiberniae regina, fidei defen-
sor, c. A. C. salutem Qui- busdam certis de caus eoram
nobis Cancellarix nostra propositis, tibi praecipimus, fir-
miter injungentes, quod omni hus aliis pretermissis excu- satione quacunque cessante, in propria persona qua sis co- ram nobis in die a Cancellaria nostra. die Pascha proxime fu- tura in unum mensem, ubia cunque tunc fuerit, ad respon dendum super hiis quae tibi ob- jicientur tunc ibiciem,' c. The phrase, coram nobis, is no peculia to a subpoena, butoccum in the writ requiring the defendant to appea in that
cour out o whicii the idue; but in the passage of this co- medra here this phraseris to be
writ in general; and the wordω Habebo te in coram nobis, Or,
have yo in a coram nobisconi mean, o wil cause a writ tote istaed against ou.' orpus eum causa. i. e. An habeas
charges and expences of a suit. Se metuet , Interpreter art.
terpreter art. -erture, says, that overtur is a Frenis
it inas formeri eassed is an indenture. Si Henr Sprimare, in his sis au art. amella MPane mi rendera Panella and Panellum Sichedula vel a - na, proprie pagella, atque in de deducta, cinis transeun-
nellaret impanellare, hic igni* in pagellam conscribere. Me derive seo the bove mota, anella o panellum, and that a jur is ais to e impanelle cum in ejusmodi pa- gellam e schedulam vel t
in matriculam, sint redacti.'Aster inhic he maris use of the following orda: Et the coun- ter-uain os an indenture su- am inde appellationem ascivit, quod sit quasi coistraria pagi- na scripti, vel chariae pariclaea propterea quod cum biparti- tae vel multipartitae semper sint
indenturae earum una a - na penes partem unam a e vero quas the munier-pians, i. contrarias paginas appella- mus, penes alias conservantur. Sed nec praetereundum est chartas piam Veteres paginas appellasse.'
comet o the Frenis cmr- lesie, i benignitas, humanitas, but inithis hast a proper sig- nification, hein Med for a tenure. For is a mammarry an inheritrice that is, a --
man seised iamne in Ae -- ple, o se tali generat, seised as heir o the tali spe- cies, and getreth a child of ner stat cometh alive into the worid, though both it ind his inise die fort-isti, et, is me ere in possession stiali
life an is alle tenant per legem Angliae, o by the courtes of En aia. C. The bove exposition is, it
man, in followin explanation' this tenure, hicho terms Ius curialitatis Angliae: Ius curialitatis Angli e vel notiae. Qui uxorem duxerit habentem praedia, in quibus haereditarie succedativoles ex illis nuptiis oriunda, nasciturque aliquan- do ejusmodi proles quae eju-
lando intelligatur vivere ma-- ritus moriente uxore, praediis
gaudebit quo usque hic vixe- ridi ex gratia deos Angliae. Et dicitur ista gratia curiali in Angliae, maritusque ipse
tenens per curialitatem, alias
per legem Anglise, tenam by the courtes of England Delmanni Glossarium, ari. Ius curialitatis. In the erme de Ia Ler, hic in reade icto beinforme is ritie both in Engli an Franch, is an explanation of this tenure, hich in
the Englis par is there callia
Curissimos England an in the Prene Curteue de angisterre. The reason there also assigned forciis appellation is, because
ground semetim for cor and ometim for pasture, s
otherinis calle a law day, and that the wota stem in him in bederive Domine Saxon lethe, Which, as appears by the laws os
scriptionis charier in the naturei a franchise, as I havesaid in Hundred. The liber
of hundred is rare, 'rut mavlotas, together ith Marco is baron, have sita seleris adjoined, and therebudo enquire of such transgression as are subject to the --quir an correctio of this couri. In the Termes a MLy the term Leet is thus definia: et is a cour de edout of the herisDs Turn andenquires of ali offences under
los of life or member, are oni enquirable there, an to
in are in another mari syound without lieene of the tenant of the round and there doleia, read, and other--ise spod the com Musi, w-ds, an sue liri in whic casse the tenant homine damage may theres elata, distrain, an immund them, as .eI in the night asin the dayi ut in other cases,as for rent an services, and sue lita, non ma distrain in the night.' Les Termes deis L . ari. Dammagessant. masi'. Damages. iam- mage eomet of the Frenis
rane that a manetinet in hisestate ι ut in the commonia it pariiculari signifietha partis that the aurorsae toonquire os, passin for thepIainti or demandant in aeivit action, persona orreat. For after verdi giveno the principia cause, theyare lik-ise aste thei consciisces ouehin eosts, hiphbe the charge of suit, called by the eivilians expensae litis, an damages, hic containtheamdrane that in plaintiffis demandant assi suffered by means of the wron doneto im by the defendant or
het et seler i Dr. Comes, in his Interprerer, art. Debet e flet,
remarks that these Wotas a frequently used by the writers of the common iam an may bouble the in os, oungstudent, except he have seme-veriisement of them. e then produees a number of instances in hic the occur, and then proceias in explain them in the following te Those riis,
tessi And accordin to the diversit of the case both debet an solet are sed, or debet alone; stat is, i a mansueri recove any right by writ, hereos his ancestor asdunised by the tena, or his ancestor then e seth Hythe wor debet in his inrit,because solet is no fit, hyaeason his ancestor a disseised, and the custom discontinued
words, debet et solet, e cause his ancestora b ore him, and he himself, usuali en-joyed the thinisue for assuit is a mill or common os pasture, nii this present refusa of the tenant.'Petimae. Tythes C. ari Mathe Peclarare. o declare. In lawlangvagerit signifies is fit a declaration, i. e. to exhibit thecomplaint of the plainsmin -- ting against the defendant.
med is in Latin ealle facta, an in Frene fatis and by the appellationis fiat the are describe in the Termes de laLy, art. ait The auctor of the ermes de L e notices, si tit. ait, stat ver deedeonsist of three principat minis inithout hic it is no perfectdee to bin the parties iname-ου, riling, sealing, and deli--Π. y riling, M says, is
umn his considerations theestate imited the time fienit a granted, and whether sense Oropon condition, ithother such like circumstances. me also in m us, stat sealingis a farther testimon o assentis hacis containia in the deed, and that the wotas, In it sa -hereos. c. hic occur in deeds, re intende to refer tomat circumstance that aD is a deed is ritie and ealed,
is ille ho delivered, an the restis to no purpose, and that this desive mugiit iste done by the Pari nimself, or his sumetent Warrant, and serit illa d his,
thereos, o in semeither con- venient place the of thus r
des alta, comet seo the Frene defint, an is an ia lance in omittis that inhielis
actio personat, a renant s. he hic is sue in an action real. M.
dam forensium , at the en os Liturion's Latin Dictionary.
dimaeult in an Metion, andis sed substantives for in
then is the eas plain to the judge, o so hard and rare as
and his associales, then is theresta made, an a time taen, either so the eour in hinhfarthorum it, an to Eme, i the can, o eis for at therustices to meri together in theeheque chamber, nd, Ponhearing of that hic the ser
questio made, hester a par-ty's insine to a bili os complaint,inc he defective oriois and thereos reference made to any of the bene for the examination thereos an reportis e madeo inemo t. C.
epararatis. A disparagement. Disparidment, disparagatio,
an hei in marriam unde his orae degree, o against de ceney. C. art. Dissari ment. Dimaram siems sed in the fame
comes of the Frenta disseisiri and signifieth in the eommon Iain, an unla.ful dispossessing
of a inanis his and tene ε menti or other immoviste or
districtus, omet of thes Franct distresse, angustiae. It dimisiet mo commonly, in
the common law, a comput sion in certain ea actions, whereb to bring a man to appearance in coure, o to
ourly with him for the debi or ut for the whic he distraineth. C. n. DistresisFo distrat is frequents -- pressed by the oris, mari a distressu an to this
iae. Comet, an ne cnodum, alias eudum says that theterm fee is derive hom the Frenia fies i. praedium beneficiarium, vel res clientelaris, and is sed in urcommonlaw,
for ali those land which we holdb perpetues right. Somner, in his Glossar at the en o SirRogerram den' editio of the Decem Scriptores Historiae Anglicanae, art. Fradum, definesse in the following ord triodum feodus, seudum, seudus, Vox olim varie, ut videmus, scripta hodie vexo apud nos ubique feodum. a significatur genus clientelae, quo vel praedium, vel dignitas, vel vemgal, cuiquam datur, ut
auctorem agnoscant pro patrono, ejusque caput honorem, ac fortunas, defendant. Praediatores Ang vocem dupliciter accipiunt: pro terris c. vel praedii. tenementa vocant quae quis perpetuo jure sibi suis, sub domino seudi possidet item pro circuitu integro, terrae quidem portione, quae ad talem dominum spectat, inter diversos seudatorios distribuitur.' From these passages is evident, that the phrasedominus laudi, o lor of the we, signifies the absolute ownero the inheritance of an estate,
or nonnie, i. causarius miles, he that at his presence forinborne or excused po any just cause, as sichness, orither incumbrance. t signifieth, in our common law, an alleugment os an excuse for imoat is summone or ought foro appea an answer toan actio res, or is pers mino ciuit
suit is a cour baron, ponjust cause of absence. trisas much as excusatio it thecivilians. The causes that serve to effoin an man summonia be di vers and infinite, yet dra. to sive eadss-hereos the firmis ultra 're, the second de terra sancta, thethies de malo veniendi, hichis also calle the common ia in the Duri is de malo lecti the fifth de servitio regis.' C. art. E 'ine. Spenseruses the wordissol. in iis prope and legat signincation, as an excuse, henis stys of -- nes r For everrinor he chalimg- ed etaim For contemplation saria et othemise
statvagium. Faldam. Falda- gium est privilegium erigendi is circumagendi faldae seu
ovilis, per certam camporum extentionem eorundem sterco
randi gratia, ureos fovendi. Faldae agium, nam sic sus aquagium dixit q. aquae agi- um. Vulgo cursus taldae,in cursus faldagii appellatur, a Foldcourse. Spelmanni Gisgarium, art. Ida Faldagium, Fal oca.
a sum imprisonamentum Vide supra, Actio pro fias imprisona
i is in original declaration Uf am actio in the civi la.. I signifiet also a criminous reportis an man east abroad, or themis unlawfuli pub- lime in .ritinx; ut then, for differene sake, it is calleo an infamous libet, famosus li- bellus C. ari LibelLste simpla Comet, ari ne, after having definia ne torignis Man mole land whicli, hold by perpetua right. notices, ibat
francipleium, is commundedo franc, i liber, and plaige, i. fide justar, and sign;fieth, iniur