장음표시 사용
ou destruction. ur petition heres ore is that e ma notbe verWhetine 1 and conquered by an temptations, ut thalave mu Stand Stron in the poWer of the Lord againstat adverse o Ner that SSaul iis, hieli is noto submitto temptations ohat oin talien into his custod an charge, and e in secure in hi protection, e ny OrSEUOre UnCOnquered, uti riSe Superior o Sin, death, the nies of hell, and
Wo pra sorio verane from Satan undisin there re, e prayto b frsequently enriched illi ne acceSSion Os Divine grace tili, o in quit fissed mitti them, e may bo ubi to triumphove ali evit. TO Some there appears a dissiculi an harshnessinisu petition to God that he illiso leadis into temptation, hereas, accordin to ames, it is contrar to his nature sorhim to temptos sa But his objection has ah eady 00n
this God may Whenio seu sit, delive uso Satan abandonii to a reprobate indiunt sordid passions and sociendis into temptations by a righi eous et osten Secret judgment thecause ein frequently congealed rom man, ut, ut the Same time, et linown to him. Whone it is inferred that ther isno impropriet in his modo fiXpression is, are persuaded that there is an mean in in his frequent threatenings, that hewil manifes his vengeano On the reprobato by mitin them Withitinditos and hardnes of heart. XLVII. Thos three petitions in hieli, particulari common to God urselves an ali ur concernS, evidenti ProVo, What we have es re asserted that the prayers of Christians ought to e public, an to regar tho public edification os the Chiarch, and the ad vaticornent of the communion os e-lievers. For ach individua does no supplicate the is os an savouro himself in particular ut e nil in commonpra formur read the remi SSion Os ur in S, that e ma not
seel 1 rom God is Stato to iis in his mode ani director forprayer given by that est of masters, Christ, hom the ather
andaeing made man, asalven to mei a the Angel o gro at counsel sc An this prayer i S comprehen Sive an complete, that haleve addition is ad os an thin extraneo usor Oreign, o capable of ein referre t it, is implous andunWorth of the approbation 1 God For in his summar helias rescribe What is orth of him, What is acceptable to
God, hicli cannot e done Without soli and blaspho my in the nux place despising the limit fixo by the wil os God,
the are te sar astra by their Ni irregula destres and in the las place the Will neve ob talia an thing, Since theypra Withou faith. An there is no doub that ali prayers of this kin aru made Without aith, ecause the are Ot Sanction0d by the wordis God the ni basis ori hicli satili canstand But the who neglect themaster' rute, an indulgetheir o ii destres, Ot ni deviat stoin the wor of God, ut mali ali possibi opposition against it With equa beaut and truth, heres ore, Tertullian has calle thi a legitimate praver, taciti implying that ait ther are irregula an unlawsul. XLIX. Wo ould not here e underStood, ascis me ere confinexto his formis prayer, ithout the liberi os chari ginga mordis syllabie. O the Scripture contain mala prayerS, expr0ssed in Ord ver disserent rom his, et ritton by thusam Spirit, and ver prositable for ur se. Many Whichliave litile verbal resemblance to it a re continuali suggestedio bellevors by the fame Spirit. e ni mean by these ob
thing that is no Summarii comprehende in his prayer, though there a be a diversit os expression, ithou any variationis sense. Scit is certain that at the prayers containsed in the Scriptures, O proceed in isto piOus earis, arereserrexto his, Socit is impossibi torandisne any Whure hichea SurpaS Or Ven equat the persectio of this. Hur is nothin omitte Whicli ought to e recollecte so the raisus os God nothing that should occur to the minios mando his o Nn advantage and the holeri S complete, as justi to inspiro univ0rsa despat os attemptin an improVement. TO Onclude; et u remember, that this is the tuachin o Divino
Tu covenant of se notaein equali proachod toruli, undumong thos to hom it is reache no alWays findiri tho Same reception this diversit discovers the wondersu dopth filio Divine udgmoni. Nor is it o b doubted that this variotyalso follows, subject to tho decision o God' eterna election. Is ita ovidenti tho resula os the Divine ill that salvation is fruel offere to Some, and ther are revente Dominitainingit, aliis immediatel gives riserio important an dissicula quos-tions Whicli are incapable os an other eXplication than by theestablishment of ious iniud in hat ought to e received concerning election an prodestination - a question, in theopinion os many sui os perplexit for the conside nothing
principio evidenti detracis frona the Divine glory, and dimi-
w obtain Salvation 1 rom no Other Solire than the mere goodnessos God the who destre to extinguisti his principio, do allthe ean to Obscure lint Ought o bo magnificenti an loudlycelebrated, and to uicti, humilit by the roois. In ascribing the salvationis the remnunt of the eopte to the election fgrace, aut learly testisies that it is then oni known that God aves hom)0 ill of his mero good pleaSure, and oestio dispense a re Ward O Whicli hero an e no laim. TheyWho hiat the nies O prevent an One rom pre Sumin toapproach aud aste his doctrine domo es injurnio an hanto God sor nothin et se ill bu susscient to produce in ussultabi humility, o to impressis illi a diae ense of OUrvirent obligation to God Nor is thero an other basis sor solidconfidelice even nec ordin to the nulli Orit os Christi ho tode ver us froni ad ear, and rendo us invincibie amidsis many dangerS, nare S, an dendi conflictS, promise to preserve insas et ad Whom the ather has committed totis care. Whence We infer, that the who no no theniselves to e God 'speculiar eopte ill o torture With continuat anxiety and theres ore, that the interest os ali bellevors, as et a theiroWn i Ver badi consulio by thos Who, En to tho throe
os predestination subjecti itself rather intricato cis made Ver perpleXed, and theres ore angerous by human curiosity, Whichis barrier can rostrain froni andering into sorbidden labyrintlis, and soaring 0yon it sphero, as is determinod to
in ther respectS, it i propor o admonisii them of the bouiads
of thoi diit on this subjoct. First then let them remember that heia tho inquiro into predestination the penetrate the
ΙΙΙ. thers, destrous os remedying this evit, ill have all
mentionis prodestination to e ascit ore buriod the toachmen O VOid ver question concerning it a the would precipice Though thoi moderation is to e commended, in jud ging that mysteries ought O be aniliod With such ruat Sobriely, et, a the descend o low the have litti influonce
aro rightone from it by thei impudorice, nil the principat articles of the aith mustae conoealed sor there is careelyone os them hicli suci person a thes leave ianviolato by