장음표시 사용
is said Thoughi intercede d. Theros ore it si ighi probabie,
tud of Moses This is indesed the conseque iace of thoi cavil- ng that the are Wounded With the fame ea pons With whichthe thought thum selves admirabi do seniled But it is very ridiculous, that a plain sentence hould e so distortex onlybecause the Lord declaros that he illiso spare tho crimes of the eople, veri though thei cause ad eun plende byMOSe or Samuel, o hoSe prayer he had shown himself so Ver propitiolis This de is ver clearly deduce froni a simila passage of Egehiel Though these three men Noah,
to sciat in tho dust, and the Divino Nil to erili solo object
XXV. Tho Otho testimonios os Scripturo hic holio adduc in deserico of this salso doctrine, the distori illi thegrente Si perVerSeneSS. Hut Jacob the say prnys that hiso Nn Dame and the nam of his athers, Abraham an Isaac,
might ema med on his posteri ty. r Lot iis ipsi inquire the
transmittin to them the Succession os the covenant. They, On thei pari, hen the introduce tho mention foliis in their prayerS, o no recur to the intercession os the ead, ut puttii Lor in remsembrance of his ovenant, in hiel their OStmerci sui ather has ongage to e propitio us and beneficentio thom so the salie of Abraham, Isaac, ni Jacob. Howlitti the ninis dependo in an othor sense On the meritSof thoi sathors, is evince by tho public voico of the Chiarchin the prophet Thou art ou Fnther, though Abraham e
r Gen. xlviii. 16. s Isaiah lxiii. 16.
tora est amon them is alloitudo Abraham, the athor filio Churchi rom,hat vile solare the derive thoi advocateS, is et linoWn. Lot them ans Ner me by provincit right that Abraham, hom God has preferre to ali Others, and lo valedio the highos degre of hono ur, hould bo neglecte und Suppressed The truth is that since his praetice Nas uti linown in the ancient Church, the thought proper in Orde to concentit novel ty, to e silent respecting the ancient athers; asthougia the disserotice os inmes ere a valid Xcus foro recentan corrupi custom. ut the objection urged by Some that God is entro texto have mero on the eo ple so the Salce Os David, is soria from supporting thoi error, that it is a doci sive refutation os t. or is, conside the character sustaine by David, hucis Selectod rom the whole compara Os the satiatS, that God a sulfi the covenant hicli ho madu ith him; so that it roser to ille covenant, atho ilhan to the perSon, and contain a figurative declaration Os the Sole intercession OsChrist. For it is certa in that hat a peculiar o David, a bella a typo of Christ, is in applicabie to any therS. XXV L ut it suum that sonio re influenced by the requent declarations hicli e read that the prayers of thesaint aro eard. Wh Θ Truly ecause the have prayed. Tho cri0 unt thoo, ' say the Psalmist, land ore de- liverox the trusted in thee, and wor no cons unded. 'st Thoros ore, et iis lilio vise pra aster thei eXample that, may obtain a simila audience. ut these mela prepOSterot Sl argile, that non Nili 0 eard ut suci as have been ne ut ready heard. o much more properi dous ames say, Elias Wa a man subjecto like passion a me a re, and he prayed earnosti that it might no ratim and it alnod not on the arthby the pace of three ear an si monilis And he prayed again, and the ea Ven uve alia, and the arth rought orth
and proos os his good nos and aith suiness, e hal have noreason to ear est urinopes e cons unded or Ur Xpectations disappo in ted. XXVII. Lot us concludo his argument in tho solio Ning manu er Since the Scripture represent the principat par of Divin Worshiprio bo an invocationis God asine, in preferencet ali sacrifices require os iis hi dui os pie ty, o prayer canwithout vident sacrilego e directed to any ther. Whores realso the salinis says, cis, have stret hed ut urinand sto a Strange god, halliso God suarch his ut Husidos, sine God Nili ni bu involio in salth, and Xpressi command prayer tot consorined to tho ut os his ord finalty, sine fuit undedisti the wor is the ourcem triae prayer, a so nis the leas deviation is made 1 roin the ord, there must necessarii be an immediate corruptionis prayer. ut it hasboen ali eady ho D, that is the whole Scripture e consul ted, this hono ur is there clat med for Godolone With respectraotho ossico os intercession me have also Seen that it is peculiario Christ, and that no praye is acceptable o God utiles it besanctifi0d by this Mediator An though bello vers mutuat lypi ny o God for thei bre thren, e have proved that his derogatos nothing rom the sole intercession os Christ bucause the ali common both thoniselves and thors o God in are ance pon it. Moreo ver e avo argued that his is injudiciora si applied to the dead os homo noWhere read that the are commanded to pray foris. The Scripture frequentlyeXhori u to the mutua persormance of this ut for achothor; ut concerning the de doliore is no even a syllabie and ames by conne ting theso tW things, ConseSS our1 nulls ne to nother, an prny ne Or nother, V taciti eX-chides tho dea d. d Wheres ore, to condemn his error, hisone reason is ussicient, that right prayer originatos in salth, and that suilli is produced by hoaring the word of God, herethoro is no mentior of this sic titious intercession for tho temerit os superstition has hosen itSeis advocates, ho ere notos Divine appotniment. For hil St the Scripture boundsWilli many ornis of prayer, thor is notato e found an Xample of this advocacy, Without hicholi Papisis bellove there can emo prayer at all. Hesides, it is evident that his superstition has arisen rom a Want os aith, beenus the ei thormero no content illi ChriSi a thei interceSsor, o entii elydenio hi in his lory. Tlae alter of these is ea sit provedfroni thei impudenceri or the adducem argument more validio sito that e neod the mediation of the ninis than whenthe objec that e re unWorth Os familia accesso God.
his diroction, subjectri his ill, and finali in hope of his as
underint in indopendenti os hi Will, and without involi in hisaid. An sine it has ab eady been Severa time observed thath is justi hono ured hen e is aclinowledgod to e the Author os nil lossings, it thene sollows that tho fhould alli, so received rom hi handi us O bo attende With uncea singilianksgiving and that there is no Otho proper method ofusing the bene fit Whichio to us rom his goodness, ut by
OVer, heneve belleVers enirent tho ordo do any thing for his amo' salio, V solio proses themselves unWOrthyto obta in an blossing on their Wn account, o the lay them-Selves unde an obligation to thanksgiving and promis thattho Divino bonoscende had e productivo of this prope essecton them, Ven to cause them to celebrate iis amo. Thus
respect the particular and private devotions os acti individual, has notWithStan ling, Ome resere nee also to the publie prayerSof the Chiarch. ut hos cannot be uncensing nor Uglit theyto e conducted Otherwis than accorditi to the o ty hicli is appotnted by the common ConSent. Tliis, indoed Ι conseSS. For heres ore also certa in hour ure fiXod an proscribest thoughindisserent illi God yet necessary to the cuStonis os mon, lint
repetitions hicli Christinas hosen to interdictis i m so hedoes no sorbidis to pra long O frequently Or illi great servoli os assection; ut liu sorbid iis to confido in ur ubi tyto extor an thing rom God by tunnin his ars illi garrulou loquacity, a though he were orae influenco by the aris Os human persuaSion. For e lino that hypocrites, ho dono conside that the are concerne With God are a pompOUS in thoi prayers a in a triumph. For that Phariseo, ho
tha it is prohibito in tho Chureli, that nothing may be card