Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


appellationis Father is nolint adapte to produce conside nee, but ais efficaci ous to provent ii minds rom ein Seducedio ubi ous o fictilious de illos, and to cause them to Scendi rom the ni begotten Son to the common ather os angelsand of sainis moreover, hen his throne is place in heaven, we nro remindexb his go vernnient of the worid that it is notin ain forins O approach to him ho malles iis the objects of hi present an VOumtar care. Ho that cometh o God

say the postlo must bellove that he is, and that heris a re-wardor os them that di gently 00k him. V g Christ asseris both thes of his ather, that w may have fit si a firm althin his Xistence, and then a certain porSuasion that, Sine he

glor should e obscure parti by ur ingratitude, parti byOUr malignity, and a far a poSSible, ob te rate by Our pre- Sumption infatuation, and perversenes. Notwith standin allthe Sacrilegi ous age and clamours of the impio us, et theresulgo iace of holinos stili adorias the Divino ame. Nor oesthe salinis Without reason Xclaim, accordin to thymame,

God is somnjusti robbed os his o nos on artii, is it is notin ur po e to asser i sortim, e re a leas commando torogari it in ur prayers. The substance of it is that we isti God o receive ali ho hono ur that he deserves, that mon maynuve spuat o thin k of him but illi tho highest reveronceri towhicli is opposed that profanation, hici has alWay been too common in the orid, scit continues o b in the present age. An hunc the necossit of this potition, hicli, is e mere


superfluous But is tho nam os God e trul hallowed, huns parate from ali Othor it reat hos pure lory, e ni here commande to pray, no only that Od ii vindicat his holynam from ali contempt an ignominy, ut also that he illconstrati ali mani indo revere it . NON, a God manis sis himsolsci iis parti by his ord, and parti by his ortis, heis no therWis hallowed by us, than is, attribui tomim in both instancos that hicli bolong to him, and o receive lint-eve proceed fron him ascribin g, moreOVer equat prat Se tollis severit an to his clemency since on the uuiplicit and variet os his ortis he has impressed character of his lory, which should dra 1 rom evor longia a consessionis hi pratSe. Thus Will the Scripture obtain a just authorit With S, Dormit an event obstruct tho benedictions hichio deserves in the whole ourso Os his overtiment of the worid. The tendenc of the petition is furthor that ali impiet whicli sullies his hol namo, a b ulteri abolishex that hale verobscures O diminis es this hallo in g, hether detraction orderiSion, a disappear; and that hi tu God restratiis ali Sacrilege, his majest may hine illi increaSin Splendour. XLII. The second potition is, ΗΑΤ ΤΗΕ INGDO O GODΜΑ COM ; hieli, though it contain nothin ne , is et notwithout uason distinguishod Dona the sirst; ecause, is, consideriur inattention in the mos importantis ali concerns, it is usus ut so that hicli ought of itsul to have been mos inti- matel known to us, o bo inculcated in a variet os Ords. Theres re aster e have been commande to pra to God tosubdiae, an a longili ulterint destroy e very thing that stillius his hol name, thor is no ad ted another petition, Simila and almos idonticatly the fame That his ingdom may Ome. NON, though, have atroad givon a definitionis this Ling- dona, Uno bri est repent, that God rei gn When men renouncin themselves and despising the wori and the present State, submit themselVeso his righteousness, o S to Spire to the heavent State Thus his kingdom consist os Wo paris theone God' correctin by ille pomer of his Spirit ali ur carnaland depraved appetites, hicli oppos him in great number the ther, his formin ali ur poWors to an obodiene to his

command S. O ther theres ore observe a proper orde in his

the Divine or resembles a roya Sceptre, e re Commandedio pra that he wil subdias thoinuaris an miniis os ali mei to voluntar obedience to t. his is a complished, heia, by the secret inspirationis his Spirit, he display the esticac ostiis Word and cauSescit obtain the horiour it deserves.


appendage to his hingdom, an cannotae disjoine fron it, is ye no Without reason Separatet mentioned On account of Our ignoranee, Whicli oes no apprehend illi facilit What it is for Godrio rei gn in tho orid. There ill e nothin absurd, then, in understanding this as an explanation that God 'saing-


ali obstinae an depravit bo in annihilaled may be subject

tions o God, uiro uili os ut the opposition inmur po Nerto his ill sor noth in proce ed fro in iis ut halcis insul. And w ar lik0wis habitualed by this petition to a renuncia


hallowed that his ingdom nia come, and that his mill maybe done are notri be numbere amon his Sons an servariis; and asini thos things Will e a complisliud in opposition Othoi inclinations so the wil contribute to thei confusionan destruction. XLIV. ex soliows the secon partis the prayer, in Whichwe descend o ur Wn intere Sis no that o must dismis all

for the Oul many Wh Venture to confiderio God the interest sis their ouis are nevertheleS Stilliso citous concerning the ody, stili anxious What the shali ea and what the shall,uar; anduntes the have an abundane os corti, Wine, an Oil, O the Suppi of thoi future unis tremble illi ear. Os so much grenter importanc eo us is the hado of this transitor se, than that terna immorta ty. ut the who, confidin in God, have ne east os that anxiet for the concern os thebody, expectikeWis to receive rom in Superior iussings, even salvation and terna tis e. t is heres remo trivia exercise of faith, to expect rom God hos things hicli therwiso fili us with so much anxiet D nor is it a smad proficienc Whenwo have diveste oursetve os this infidelity, hicli is almost universali intermoven illi the human constitution. The Speculations os Some, concerning Supernatura bread appea to


me not Ver consonant to the mean in os Christ sor is, diduo ascribo o God the character os ur hipporter evon in his transitor liso Our prayer Wouldie desective. Theaeason hichtho allego has to much prosanity that it is uribocominis ortho hildron os God, ho ought to e spirituat, Ot ni todevote their Wia attention to terrestriat caros, ut also O involvo God in tho fame anxioties illi themselves in though, truly, his benediction an paterna lavour eremo conspicUoUS


us oscit. Sine the prido os mali dos not asil sussor itsolfio e convinced of this, tho Lord declaros that he has gi ven tonil ago an eminent proos of it, y seed in his uoplo illi manna in the de Sert, in orde to apprigo that man doth notlivo by read n ly, ut by very ord that procoedella ut os his molith r Whicli implius that it is his powe alone by


his mercy, ut appea to hi judgment. The who nausethum solves illi ream os persection, supersedin the necessityo prayinisor pardon, may have discipies hom itchin ears tua into delusiotis; ut it must e lea that ali hom thuygain are perverte fron Christ Since heraeaches alicio consesstheirauili, an receives non but in ners no that he wouldflat te and encourage sins, ut ecuus h line that bello versare never holi fre fro in the vices of thoi nosti, ut always remali obnoxio iis to the udgmen o God It ought indoed, to e tho objoc of ur destres an Strenuous XertionS that, havin suli discliarge e ver par of ou duty, e ma trulycongratulate urselves bos ore God on ein pure rom evorystatim; ut ascit plenses God to restore his imago it in us by

the remed Ought neve to e neglected. om is Christi by the authorit gi ven in by the ather, enjo in us a long Save live, O have recourserio praye so the pardon fiuili, homili tolerate the ne teachers, ho endeaVouro daZZle theeyus os the simple illi a visionar phantom os perseet innocence, an fili them illi a confidonco in the possibilit os thoi bein delivore froni ali sint hicli, accordin t Jolin, is no other than mal in God a liar sit At the Same time also, these orthles men, by obliterat in One article, mutilate, and so totali invalidate, the covenant of God in hieli e have Seen Our Salvation is contained boing thus ulli not ni os Sacrilege by Separatin things S united but also os impiet and crueity by VerWhelm in miserable ouis illi despuir, and of treacher i themselves and thers by contractin a abit os caretessuess, in diametrica opposition to the Divine mercy.


The objectionis soine, that in Wishing the adventis God 'sting-dom, e de Sire at the fame time the abolition os sin is to pileriteri ecause, in the firSt par of the prayer, e have an X-hibition of th highest persection, ut here os infirmity. Thus

we grant it also. Whatio persoris of this description gain bythei prayers ut a heavier udgmeno Lastly it must be


that is, ymo belli elatuit illi prosperit o dejected illi

y 1 Cor. X. 13.