장음표시 사용
On the thoriand who ould dare o ive the appellationis a Chureli, Without an exception to that society, here themor os God is penly and earlessi trample under Oot; Where iis ministry the principat ineW, and even the oui Ofth Church, is discontinuod λVIII. What, then, it ill e salii, a theremo partiet os a Chur lictos among the JeWs rom tho momentis thoi desectionto idolairn The ans Ner is asy. In the firSt laee, Lobserve, that in his desection here e re Severa degrees. O Will e maintain tho fallis Iudah, and that os Israel, o have been X-netly the Same, at the time heia the both bogan to departsrom tho pure OrShip o God. Vnen eroboam ad thecalves in Opposition to the Xpres prohibition Os God, and dedicato a place Whicli it asino laWsul torus for the oblationos sacrifices, in his a se religion a totali corrupted. The J0Ws potuite thomsolves illi practica impletius and superstitions, ei ore the made any unlawsul hanges in the externalsorius o religion. For though the generali adopte many corrupi ceremontes in the time os Rehoboam y et a the doctrine of the la , and the prio Sthood, and the ritus hich God ad instituted mere Stili preserVed a Jerusalem, bellevers ad in that ingdom a tolerable forin os a Church. Among thes
srom thers, nor held Separato assemblie so prayer For theyhad the expres command of God that the were to assemblein tho temple of Solomon and tho line that the Leviticalpriesis, beenus they ad been ordat ned by tho ordo minister of the Sacrifices, and ad not oen depoSed, Oweverun worthy the might be os sueti honour, stili rotaine thola sui possession Os that place. Hiit, uat is the principalpoin os the hole controverSy the were Ot constrained tojoin in an superstitious WorShip On the contrary the en-gnged in no Service that was notis Divine institution. ut What resemblance is there to this among the Papisti IV can Soarcolyussemble illi them On a Single occasion, Without polliit ingoursolve mitti open idolatry. The principalion lis thei communion is certainly the ma Ss, hieli Ne abominate a thogrentes Sacrilege. Whether e re righti Wron in his, Willbe een in another place. It is Sufficient, ut present, o ho that in his reSpeci, ur casu is disserunt rom that of thoprophetS, Who, though the were present at the sacrifices os
an ceremontes ut hos Whicli God had institutud Andris oWish to have an eXample entiret similar, o must tali it froni theskingdomis Israel. According to the regulations os Ieroboam, circumcision continued sacrifices ere offered, the a Wasregarde a Sacred the eopte involied tho sum God homthoi sathors ad orshippod et On account O nove Ceremonios invento in opposition to the Divino prohibitions Goddisapproved an condemnod nil that a dono thoro . ho mo
a Single prophet, or an piou man, ho Ven Once orShippedo ossere Sacrifice a Bothel. The kne that tho could notclo it ithout contaminatin thenaseives illi sacrilege. Q have stab shod his pollit, heros ore, hut the attachment fpioia perSon to the communionis tho Chureli, Ought notri boCarrie t Such an Xtent, a to Obtige them to remali incit, is it degenerato into prosane and impure rite S. X. ut against thei second requisitiori, e contendipon stili Stronger round For is the Chiarchi holit in sueti considora tion that, are require t revere iis udgment, to Obeycit authori ty, to receive iis admonitions, o sal unde it Cen Sures, an Scrupulousi an uniformi to adhere t it comin union, ave cannot ullo thei cluim to the character of the Clitarch, Without nocessarii obligin Oursetve to Subjection and obedience. et e rendit concede to them ha the prophois concedon to the Jews and Israelites of thei timo, hen hingsamon them ero in a Similar Or Ven in ieiter State. ButW se ho the frequently X luim, that thei assemblies ere iniquitous meetings, re a concurreno in hicli,ere a crimi-
to them, God calis iis o n. y though the could not avebelongod o hina but by a specia benediction. So astori had deposito his ovenant in France, Italy, Germany Spatia, and England when hos eo lintries ere oppreSSed by the tyrannyos Antichrist, Stili, in ordo that the ovenant might omnin in-Violabie, Sin testimon os that ovenant ho preserve baptismamon them, hicli, ein consecrate by his lips. retain iis virtve in opposition to ali ho impiet os men He also, b his proVidelice, caused ther vestiges os tho Church to remain thati might no b onti rei lost. An a bulldings are frequently demolislied in Such a manne a to leave the Dundations undruin remaining so the Lordias no suffero Antichris eitherto subvor his Chiarch froin tho oundation, oro levet it illithe round though, o punish the ingratitude os men hodespi sed his ord, he has permitte a dreadfui concussion and dilapidation to e maderi et amidst his devastation, he hasbeen pleased to preservo the edifice fromieingintiret destroyed. XII. While e refuso, heres ore, to allo to the Papisis thetitioisilio Church, without an qualiscationi restriction, me dono dony that thure are Churches amon them. e ni con-tonyso the true and legitimate constitutionis tho Church, Whichrequire no Ont a communion in the Sacramenis, hicli areth signfis a Christian profession, ut above nil, an agroementin doctrine Daniel an Paul ad prodictud that Antichristwould sit in tho templo os God. et Tho h ad of that cursed an abominabi hiragdom, in the estorii Church, me affirm ob the Popo. When his eat is place in the templo os God itSuggesis that his kingdom illa such, that ho illio abolisti
thi controversy, are oblitora ted Passirin that the sorti of tho legitimate humi, is notri bu ound ither in any ne of their congregations o in the od a large .
III. Tlieres ore I have atready remari sed that God has frequently commended iis dignit to u by very possibi enco-mium, in orde that o might hol it in tho highos estimation
addrus him illi his own voice, ut Send.him to a mala o receive the doctrine os salvation, and the sanctificationis baptism. Is it a no without sussicient reason, that an anget, hocis the messengeris God res ruinifrom announcin the Divino illhimself, and direct a mni tote sent for in Orde to declare it, and that Christ the sole oacher of e evers committe Paulto tho instruction os a man, tho fame aut homine had deto mine to elevate into tho hir heaven, an to favour ith a miraculous revelation of thing unspenkable ,-Wh canio Ndare to despis that mini Stry, O to neglect it a UnneceSSary the
two last sustain an ordinar ossice in the Church ohe other more suci a the Lord aised, at the common comen Os his ing-dom, and Such a he Stili ratSes Urion particular OeensionS, Whenrequired by the necessit of the times. The natur of the apostoli ossice is manis Si rom his command proachthe Ospe to very creature. V et No certain limit ure pre- scribed, ut the whole ori is assigne to them, O be reducedri obedienco o Christ thali disseminatin the gospelWhereve the could the might erect his ingdom in alinations Theres ore aut, heri ho Wishod to prove hi apostle- Ship declares, no meret that he had gained sonio ne cit for Christ, ut that he had propagated the ospe sar and wide, and that fi liud not uiuipon the foundationis Othors, butiad planio Churches hero the nam of the Lord had nove been
gelisis, ' Lunderstand those ho ere inserior to the postles in dignity, ut nox to the in in ossice, and who persorme Simila functions. Such vere Luke, Timothy, Titus, and thersos that description and perhaps also the Seve ut diScipies, whom Christ ordaine to occlip ille secon station rom theapostles. D Accordin to thi interpretation, hicli appears to me persecti consistent illi the angvage an meaning of the postle, hos three Ossices ere not institutudo b os perpetua continuane in the Church, ut iit so that agewhen hiarche were to e rai sed here non had existe be- fore, or ere a lens to e conducte froni Mosos o Christ. Thoughes domo de ny that, even sine ilia period God has some times nise up post les or evangelist in thei Stead, Sh has done in ur Wia time. For there a a necessit for Such person to recove the Chiarch rom tho desection o Antichrist. evertheless, nil his an X traordinar ossice, bucatis it a no place in ell-constitu ted hurches. 0Xt solio N pastors' and Qea chers, ,horare ut Ways indispensableto the Chiarch. The differetico et oen them Papprehen tob this aliat eachers have no Officiat concern illi th discipline, o the administration Os the sacramentS, Or illi admonitions and exhortations, ut ni With the interpretation os the Scripture, that pure an Sound doctrino a b re tui ne amorigbe e vers ohereas the pastoralissice in chides ali thes things. V. e have no aseertaine What Ossices ero appotnto tocontinuo sor a time in the governinent of the Church, and what wero institute to e os perpetua duration. Is e connectili evangelisis illi the postles a Sustaining the sume ossice, we had then have No ilices of each description corre Spond-
the specia gisti revelation, by Whicli ho wero distinguishod
but the office of teacher is executed in simila manner, Dd
has preciSely the Same end. O those twelve individuals, whom the Lord hos to promulgate the rs proclamation os his os pol to tho orid, precede allither in orderandi igni ty. For nuhough, accordiri to the mean in an etymolog of the word, at the minister of the Church may be calle apostles, because the are ali sent by the Lord, and are his messen gerS, yet, as it a os great importune to have a cortain knowledge
be distinguished beyon ad thers by a peculiar ille Paul
himself, induod gives his nam to Andronicus and Junia, Who, V e SayS are of note among the postles l butWhenae means o sponti illi Strict proprie ty, he ne Ver applies that nam excopi to thos os the first orde that me have mentioned. Anil his is tho common sage os the Scripture Butthe province os pastoriis the Same a that of the postleS, X-cept that the preside ver particula Chiarche respectiVelycommitte to ach of them. Os the natur of thoi sunctionstet S tio procoed O a more distinet tutement. VI. Our Lord, honi sunt orthiis apostles, commissionedihem, a me avo us remari ed, o reach the ospei and to
the aered, inviolabie, anil perpetua lux impoSed poli ho se Who nil them solves successors of tho post leS it commandSthem to reacti the ospei ando administer the ne rament S. Henee e conchide, that those ho neglect both these uties have no usi retension to the character Os apost les. ut halshall, sa os pastori Paul spualis nolint os himself, butis ali ho boar that ossice, huncii says, et a man S BCCorantosis, as Of the minister of Christ, and stomariis of the mysteries