장음표시 사용
to hominit: Moo is urit me, is Ppreacti no the goSpol, V e- cause in dispensation os the gospe is committod unt me. V s)Lastly What tho apost les id sor the wholo orid, hut very individua pastor ought o do sor his flock o hicli ho is appotnted. VII. While, assigno thom nil respectivoly thoi distinctClitarches, yet,e dono den thalapastor, horis connected Withone Chureli, may RSSiSt thers, it her hen an dispute BriSe, Whicli a require his resonce, O When his ad vice is askedupon an disticuli subjeci. ut eoauso, in orde to preserUetheseaco of the Churuli, there is a necessit sor Sueli a regulationas hali cloari defino to evor ono hat diit ho has to do, ostilio fhould ali sal into disordor, run hitho an thither in un- certaint Nithout an cali, and nil resor to ne luco and est thos Who suo more solicitudo for thei persona accommodationthan for the edification solio Church, hould Without nycause ut thoi O n caprice, leave the Churelio destitute, this distributioniugiit a sar a possibi tot generali Observed that very one a be contoni illi his O n limiis, an notinvado the province of another. Nor is his an invention os
io his station o as neve to e permitte to leave it in a regularari ordorly manner, is the public bonosit hould roquire it buthe who has been calle to ne place ought nove to thirili Oitheros departiti hominis siluation, o relinquishing the ossico alto-gother, rom an motive os perSonat conveniene or adVantage. But is it o xpudient that he hould remove t another Station, ho ought notri attemptriliis On his Wn private opinion, ut o
VIII. In calling thos Who preside ove Chiarches by the appellations os bishops, elders, pastors, an ministers, Without any dis
r) geh. iii 17, 18. n Titus i. 5. ae Col iv. 17. sh l Cor. ix. 16, 17. io Phil. i. 1. y Acts xx. IT M. t Acts xiv. 21, 23. UOL. II. 34
tinction, Ilavo sollowed tho usage of the Scripture, hicli applies
th Church in dispensing the properi gi ven to the oor theothur in tal in care of the oor themselves. - Though the Wor it self ὁιακουια is os more extensive Signification, et the Scripture particulari givos the ille of deacons ' to those wlio in the Churchias appotia ted o dispenso the alius and aliecare of the oor, an constituted te artis, ascit ore, of the common reaSur of the oor and whoSe origin institution, and ossice, are describuit in tho Acts of the postles. For ,hen there urOS a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebre S, ecnus their idows mere neglecto in th daily
Ghos and wiSiloni, hom e ma appotnt Ver litibuSine SS. Se What ere the character of the deacon in the apostolio Chureli, and What ought to e the character os urs in Ou- formit to the primitive e Xample .
ought to e more diligenti Observod thun the constitution Osits overtiment be cause there Tould e more ange fronidi sordor in his case than in an other. Theres ore, that QSt-les and turbulent persons may no presumptuoiast in trude theniselves into the ossice of eae in or Os overning it SeXpreSSi provided that o ne hali assume a public ossice in tho Church ithout a call. In Ordor, heres ore, that nyone a be accounte a true minister os the Church, i is no- cessary, in therars place that he e regulari calle to it nudi in the suconditae e that he answer his cali; that is by underia-kin an executing the ossice assigne to im This a frequently be observe in Paul; ho, hen e istius to provehi apostleship almost alWay allege his cali, together illi his dolit in tho xecution os the ossice. Is So eminent uministor os Christ dare not arrogato tomimself an authorit torequiro his uin hear in tho Chureli, ut in conseque nee sitis appotntinent loci by a Divine commission, and his ait suldischarge of thesdut assignod him, - What eXtrem impudene emus it e, is an man, destituto os both these Characters,should claim suci, an honou sortim suis But hau in ah eady Spolior of the necessit os discliargin the ossice, et his noW
that we accepi the ossice offere to us, Ot rom ambition OrRVarice or an Other unlawsul motive, ut romin incere ear
powered by the sole command os God an os Christ. Hunce, When the wish to Substitute notho in the lacu Os Judas, the restain rom a certain appotntinent os an One, ut nominat two that humor may declare by tot hic li os thum humilis to e his successor. o In the fame sense must eunderstoo the declaration os Paul that he had 0on creatod an postle, notis mera, eithe by man, ut by Jesus Christ, and Godolio athur. V . The sirs clause, not of men, IS applicabie to in in common illi ali pious minister of the word sorio an an lawsul ly Xercis this ministr Without havin been called by God. The othur clauso a Specia and puculiar o himselfi lion e glorius in his, heres ore, heno oni clatins ha belong to a triae an lawsul pastor, but kewisu bring sorruar an videlice of his postleslii p.
an agernes to dimini Sh his authority, represente him asincommon discipi deputed by the primar apostles, in Orde to vindicat the dignit os his reachin g, against hichine ne these artifices ore directed ho ound it necessar to hoWthat he asino inferior to the ther postles in an re Speet. Whore rei assirins that he had not eon olo ted by tho judgmen os men, like Some ordinar bishop, ut by the mouth an dolere revelation of the Lord himsolf. XIV. ut that the election an appotnimon o bishops bymen is necessar i constitute a legitimate an to the ossice, nosobe person illieny While there are so many testimonio os Scripture to est listi t. or is it contradicted by that declarationis Paul that he Was an apostle, notis men nori mnia, V q)Sin comesis not spuaking in that passage of the ordinar electionis ministers, but latining to himself What was the special privilego
of the posties. The immediate designation os Paul, by the Lord himself, to this peculia privilege, a nevertheleS accompani ex vitii tho forni os an ecclesiastica cali, O Luke States, that A tho ministered to the Lord, and a Sted themoly Ghos suid, Separate me Baritabas an Saul for the work hereunt Phave callud hem. r What und couldiu answered by this Separation and impositionis haud astor the Hol Spirit had testified thei election, unios it Was the preservationis the Orderos tho Church in designa tua minister by moii God could no sanction that order, heres ore, by a more illustrious Xamplet an hen, aster avin declared that he had constituto Paulth aposti os tho Gentiles, he neverthules diro ted him o udosignate by the Church. The fame a b observe in thoelootion os Matthias. s For the apostoli ossice bo in os such high importanc that the couldio venture to fidis thei num-bo by the choico of any one perSon rom heir Wn judgment, the appotnted Wo, ne of hom as O be hosen by tot that so the election might Obtain a positive sanction 1 rom Heaven, and o that the ordor of the Church might o b altogether
among the roselis, doctarod by the elevation of thoi haud sWho was the object of thei choice. So the Roman historians frequently spes k of the consul, ho et the assemblies, as
authority that a priust shouldi elected publici in the proseliceos ali ho ooplo, and that he hould e approve asin orthyan fit urson by the public judgmen and testimony. In thecas of the Levitica priesis, e find it a commande by the Lord that the should e brought forward in the vie of tho
visibi gist of tho Spirit. Hut be that ascit may this as
is highi usus ut both to recommund to theseoplo the dignit of the ministry, and to admonisii tho person orda inod that horis nolonge his Own mastur, uti voted to the service of God and the Church. Resides, it illiso bo an utim an in sigit, is it bereStored i iis tria origin. For is tho Spiritis God institutus nothin in the Church in vo in No hali perceive that thisceremony, hicli procoeded si om him, is no Without iis se, provide ita no pervertod by a superstiti ou USe Finalty, it is to e ruinari sed that tho impositionis haud on the mini Ster Wa no the actis the whole multitudo, ut a confinedio the pastors It is no certain hether hi Ceremony RS, in ali caSes, performed by more pastor than ne or hether tWa ever the actis a single pastor. The forme appear to have been the ac in huius os the even cloacons, of Paullandiar
HIΤΗΕ in me have rente os the mode os overtamen intho Church, as it has been dolivere to us by the pure vord os God, and of the ossicos incit, a the were institute by Christ. Νοψ that nil hos things may bo more clearly and familiarly displayed, and more deepi impressedispon ur inds, it illbe sesul to examine fiat a the formis the ancient Church, in thes particulars di id place bes Ore u eyes an actual
exemplification solio Divine institution. For though thebiShops of thos times publisliud many canonS in hich theySeemext expreS more than had been expressed in themoly SeriptureS, et the were so cautious in ramin their holoeconom nec ording to the sole standard of the ord os God that in his respect careely any thin can e detected amori theminconsistent illi that ord. ut though there might be Somethinguo e regretted in thei regulations yettecause the directed thoi sincere an Zealous essoris to reserve the institutionis God, ithout deviatinis rona trio an considerable extent, it ill
lia not et been baptiquit, ut ad applied sor instruction intho Christian aith. Thusino assigiis no particula placeri theres of the clerg and the moni S. II. Ait hos to hom the ossice of teachin Wa RSSigned, Were denominatodireSbyters. o guar against dissension thegenerat consequence of equality the presbyter in acti itychOSe ne of their Wn number, homolio distinguished by the illo os bishop. The bis op howeVer, a notis Superiorto tho est in honou and dignity us to haverun dominion OVer his colleagues; ut the tinctions orsorinod by a consul in the Senate, Such S, O propos thingisor Consideration to collectili VOt0S, O reside ver the est in the Xerci Se of advice, admonition, and Xhortation to regulate ali the proceedings by his authority, and O curr into Xecution linteuer ad been decreed by the genera voice P- Such ere the functionS Xercised by the bis io in the assembl of the presbyterS. Andtha this arrangement us introduce by human greement, naccount of the necessit of the times, is aulinowledged by the ancient riter thenaseives Thias erome, on the Episti e to Titus, says, presbyter is the Sameras abishop. An bos redissensions in religion ere produce by the instigation of the
devit, an one suid, Pam os alii, and another, Lam os Cephas,
rectionis ne bishop, ho, hilo he had tho procedenco os allother in dignity, as himself subjecto the assumbi os thubrethron. I the territor place unde his episcopale a toOextensive to admit of his dischargin ali the dutius os a bis opin very par of it presbyter Were appotnte in certain Stations, to ac as his oplities in things os minor importune e TheseWere Called chorosis opi, O cotinir bishops, ecause in thec OUntry the represente the bishop. III. fit illi respecto tho ossice of hicli e re no Nireating the bishops and presbyter Were quali requirod toemplo themselves in the dispensation of the wor an sacraments For at Alexandria only beeaus Arius ad disturbuit the Church there, it Was ordaine that o presbyter hould preach to the eopte ascis asserte by Socrates in tho in thbook of his Tripartito History, with hicli erom hesitates uot to Xpres his dissatisfaction. t ould certaint have been regarde a a prodigy, is an man had latine the character os a bishop, who ad not hown him sol reali suci in his conduci. Such a the tricines os hos timos that aliminister mere constratitudo dischargo the dulios hicli tho Lord requires of them Preser noto the cuStomis ne ageonly for even in the time os Gregory, hen the Churcti Wasalmos extinet, or at eas lia considerabi degenerate fromit ancient purity, it ould not have been permitte for ny