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Sine he pares no those Who persorinediat of thei duty Whatis it probabie ho ould have dono, is annone ad neglecte itallogethor Θ It was heros oro long maintaine in the Chiarch, that the principat ilico os a bis op was to foed the eopte illithe ord of God, oro odisy tho Church both in public and
private illi found doctrine. IV. The estabiistimentis one archbishomoverint thetisti opsos ach province, and the appotniment of patriarch at the Counei of Nico, illi runt an dignit superior to the arch-biShol S, ere regulations for the preservation os discipline. In this disquisition however, lini us of the leas frequent uSecannot be holi omitte 1. The principut reaSon, heres ore, Orthe institution os these ordors was that is an thin Should tali place in an Church hich could not e sotiled by a se perSODS, it might be resurro to a provincia Synod. Is thumagnitude or dissiculi of the case requirest a surther diScuSSion, the patriarch were culle to unite illi the SynodS and romthom thor could eis appent ut o a generat councit Thisconstitutionis overriment Some calledri hierarchy- name, in m opinion, improper undisertaint not Sed in the Scriptures.
For it has b00n the dosignis themoly Spirit, in very thingrelatin to the overtament of the Church. to guar against an dream os principalit o dominion Rut is, look at thothing, Without regarding the torm me hal findoliat the anciunt bishops had n intention os contrivin a formis OVern-mont so tho Chureli, disserent stoin that hicli God has pre- scribo in his Ord. V. Nor a the siluation os duae oris at that timuin ali disse serent rom ha it ad osen unde tho postles. For theyreceived tho dati contributions os bellevers and the annuat revenues os the Chiarch, t appi them to thei proper SeS, that is, o distribute par to the ministers, and par so the Sup-POr of the OOr subjeci ho evor, to the authorit of thebiShop, o hom they also rendere an account of thei admi-
Exod. xxxviii. 35. e Acts xx. 26.
OWn poWer. For is the oulsi mon, hieli re os superior vallio, have been intrusted o him, there is ararenter propriet in his tal in chargo of the pecuniar concertis S that ullthings may be distributud to the oo b his authorit throughthe preSbyter an deaeons, und that the may be administeredWith reverenee, and ali concerti. V And in tho ounci of Antioch it a decreed that hos bishops hould e censured Who managed the pecuniar concertis of the Chiarch ithout the Concurrence of tho presbyter and deacons. ut it is uti neceSSar to urgue his poliat an surther, sincerit is evident frOm man episties os Gregory that even in his time, When the administration of tho Church as in ther respecisbeCome ery cirrupi, et his custom a Still retainod thattho dea cons ero the steWard for the relies of the oor, unde tho authorit of tho bishop. It is probable that sub- deaeons ero ut firs attache to the deacotis, o assis themii transacting the usines of the oor; ut his distinction
os administration though prome states that there ere Suchosfices even in his time. In thoirmand was placed the amount O the annua revenues, of the posseSSionS, and of the ouse-hold furnituro, uti tho managem nt of the duit contributions. Whene Gregor dono inces to the archdoacon o Thessalo
fraud Thei appotnimento road the Ospei and to Xhortthe eopte O pray, and thei admission to the administration of the Cia in the sacred suppor, ere intende to dignis their ossice, that the might dischargo it illi the more piety in consequeno Os e in admonis sed by such cere montes that the were not Xecutin Some prosane SteWardShip, ut thatthei function a spiritual arid dedica texto God. VI. enc it is eas to judge fiat se a made of the properi os the Chiarch, an in ha manne it a dispenSed. We ostentati it stated both in the decrees os the counciis, und
tine, and ther biShops, assuring the eople of thei integri ty. No , incerit is persecti equitabie, and sanctione by the la os tho Lord that hos who are employed in the Service Ofth Church should e maintainei a the public expense of the
Chureli, - and even in lint age Ome presbyter conSeernted thei patrimonios o God, and reduco themselves to OumtarypoVerty - the distribution a Sueli, that Deither ere the ministeriles Without Support, nor ore theloor neglected. et, at the fame time, Care a tuken that tho minister them Selves, Who ought to et an e Xample of frugalit to thors, hould not
distribution, but o enabi him o suppor the hospitalit WhichΡaul requires os person in that ossice. y An so it is x-plaino by Gelasius and Gregory. For Gelasius adduces no Otho reason hy the bishop should laim an thin sorhimself, than to nable imo communicate to captive undstrangers. and Gregor is stili more explicit me says, di
is the customis tho apostoli see, at the ordination os a bishop, to command in that at the reveniae received by him odivi dei into four portions amoly one O the bis op an his fami ly, so the suppor os hospitalit an entertain menta thesoco nessor the lorgy the thir so the oor the ourth so thoreparation o Chiarches. V It was unlarus ut so the bishop, tho refore, to tali sor his Nn se any thin more thun WasSuffcient for moderatu and frugalis usto nance an clothing. fany one egan to transgres the due limitS either in luXury, Orin ostentation and pom p he was immediatet admonished by his colleagues anxi ho ould no compi With the admonition, he was deposed rom his ossice. VIII. The portion hich the applied to ornament thesauro edifices, at rst a very mali an even aster the Church was econio a litti more palthy, thendi no excood moderation in his respeet whateve money a S emplOyed, stili continuod tot held in reserve so the oor, is an preSSingnece Ssit Sliould Occur Thus, hei famino prevalle in the
time bisho o Thoulouse, ho administere the emblem solariordys od in a Wi kor basi ut, and the emblem of his biood in a glass, ut sustere no oor person to enitur hunger. Tho fame thates havo us suid of Acatius, Ambrose relates os himself sor lienis mas censured by the Arians for aving
thum illi ood Wh have so many been carriod aWay intocaptivity, and neve been rede emed Θ Wh have so many been lain by the enem Z It ould have been bellor o pre- Serve the esset os living oings, than hos os metuis. Tothese questions ou could mali norans Ner. For hat ould yoti an I Was asraid that tho templo os God Noulda dostitute os ornament. God, ould reply The Sacrament requireno Oid, nor Saol an recommendation os that hic licis notpurchase With old. The ornament of the sacrament is theredemption Os captive S. V In Shori, e so that it avus orytrue hicli as observed by the Same riter in another luce, that Whateve the Chureli possesse at that time, RS appropriatu to th relios of the necessit iis, ' and that ali that abisho had belonge to the Oor. UIX. These Whicli, have enumeralod, e re the ossices os the ancient Chureli. Othors, hic ore mentioned by ecclesiastica historians, ere ather Xercise an preparationS, hancertain Ossices. For o forni a seminary, hic hishould provide the Chureli illi future ministers, hos hol men took underthei Charge, protection, an discipline, Such ouilis S, Withthe consent an Sanctionis illei parenis, ni iste themselves in tho spiritual arsare and so the educatei them rom an early age, that the might no enter noli dis hargo of their Ossice ignorant an unpreparod. l Who oro traiiiud in his manner, ere Called by the genera nam os lorgy. I could WiSh indoed that Some ther more appropriate nam ha beengi ven them sor his appellation originate in error, o ut east in Some imprope VieW sor Petor calis the wholo Churcii thoclerVy that is the inheritan o of the Lord fg Tho institutionitSelf, hoWever, a plota an eminenti beneficiat; that those Who is est to consecrate themselves and thei labour to the Chiarch, hould e ducated unde tho care of the bishop thattio ne might minister in tho Chur haut one hora Drocoived Sufficient reviolas instruction, ho rom his early ouili ad imbibo sound doctrine, ho romin strici disciplino ad acquire a certain habitua gravi ty, and more than common Sanctit of iso, Wh ha boon abstractest rom Secular Occupation S, and accustome to spiritua caro an studies. NON, RS oungsoldior by countersei batilos are trai nodo rea and serious Warflare S the Clergy ere prepared by certain probationaryeXercises, es ore the were actuali promotudo ossices. At sirs tho Woro chargo with the care os puri in and huttingilie temples, and the were callo ostiarii, O door-koeperS. Aster Ward the wero called acoluthi, o followers, attingiponthe istio in domestic services, and accompanyin him on all
Vent ali suspicion moreover, that by degree the might bucomo nown to the eo ple and might acquire Ome OnSideration amoti them, and at the fame time that the might learn to bear the presene os nil, an have courage to sponti e fore them, that asteriein uinde presbyters, heia the Should cometo reach, the might no bo cons unded With shame, theres ore
the were appointexto read the Scriptures rom the pulpit. In this manne the were promotod by dogroes that they might approve thei diligene in the respective exercises, ill theyWere ad Subdeacons. Poni contend that these ereanther
preparation for pupiis, than functions rectione among the realossices of the Chureli. X. 0 have suid that the rsi potnt in the electiori os minister relate to the qualifications of the person to echoSen, und the secon to the religiolis reveretice illi hichthe usinus ought tot conducted. In both these potnis, theancient Church solio Ned tho directionis Paul and tho examples of the apostles. For it a thei customo assemble so theelectionis pastor Cith the greates revere iace an Solemn inVO-cationis the nam o God. The had likewis a forin f Xamination, in hicli the trio tho se ani doctrine os thecandidatus by that standar os Paul. ni they an into the
error os immoderate severi ty froni a Wish to require in ait Sliopmore than aut requiros, and specialty in proceS of time, byenjoining celibacy. In ther hing thoi practice a in On-
ran k of a presbyter Thus no ne a promote Nilo had notreatly undergone an examination O many years, unde theeyes of the eoplo. An there ore many canon sor the
et relimStance e have notis ni an e Xample, ut the particular orni in Augustino' nominationis radius And Theodoret. When he State that ster a nominate by Athanasius ashi Sue essor, immodialet add s. that this a confirme by
the clergy, and rati fied by tho acclamations of the magiStracy, the nobility, and ad the eople.
XΙΙ. I consos that there a the reates propriet in thedo re os tho ounci os Laodicea, that tho election hould notbe lustrio tho populace. For it carcet ever appens that somany head concur in ne opinion for the Settiement f any businos an abnoSt Ver case verisies the observation thattho uncertain vulgar are divide by contrar inclinations Butto his anger a applied an excellent remedy. For in the firSi place the clerg alone ad thei choice, an proSented the person the had chosen to the magistracy, O to the Senate and goVernors. The de berate on the election, an is tintinpenred to them a proper ne, confirmed it, or thermis chose another person hom the preferred. Then the usines Wasreferre to the multitudo, ho though the were nor bound toconcur in these reviou opinions, et ero es likel to bothrown into disorder Orcis tho busines commenced With themula itude, his method as adopte in Orde to discover howas the principat object of their isties and aster hearing the Wishes of the eopte the clerg proceede to the election. Thus the clerg were either at tiberi to elect horn theypleaSed nor Unde a necessit os complyin With the oolisti destres of the oople This ordo is state by eo in another place, hen he nys, dicis requisite o have the voles of the Citigens, the testimontes of the eoplo the authorit of thegoVernorS, and the electionis the clergy. V gain I et herobe the testimon os the overnors, the Subscription os theclergy the consentis the Senate an peopte Reason permitsit no to e dono in an othe way. V or i there any thermeanin in that decree of tho ounci o Laodicea, than that the clergy and overnors hould not suffer thenaseives to e carried aWay by the inconsiderate multitude, ut by their pru
tho soli an violone os popular deSireS. XIII. This modo os lectiori a stili practisod in the timeo Gregory, and it is probable that it continue long after.
There re many of his episties hicli furnish sussicient videlice of this ac t. or in ver ense relatin to the creationos a ne bisho in an place, he was accustome to rite Othe Clel gy the senate, and the eopleri an Sometime to thedulio, accordin to the constitutionis the overtiment in the place to hich he was riting. Andris, on account os disturbaneos o dissension in any Chureli, he confides the Superintende ne os the election to Some eighbourin bi Shop, et heinvariabi require a solemn decree confirmed by the Subscriptions os all. Even hon one Constantius a created bishopos Milan, and on account of the incursions of the barbarians, many of the Milanose ad otiro tomenon, o thought theelection Ouid o b legitiinate, utiles the alSo ere called
together, and gave thei uni ted Consent. And what is more, it Was Nith in tho las sive hundred ear that Popo Nicholas madethis decree respecting the election of the Roman pontiis that the cardinals hould tali the lead that in the nox place thuyshould unite illi thoni the res of tho clergy, and lasti thattho luction hould e confirmest by the consent of the eople. Anula the conclusion e recites that ocre o Leo, hi liciliave ust quoted, and command it to e observed in future. Is tho cabal of the wic ked hould o to such a longi hos toconstrain the clerg to qui the cit in orde to mali a properelsection, stili he ordaliis that Some of the eople hould epresent ut the Same time. The consent of the emperor, a faras I an discover, as required ni in Wo Chiarches, a Rome an a Constantinopte, ecause the Were the wo capital os the empire. For hon Ambrose a Sent to Milan illi authorit from aluntiniano preside at the election os a ne
the grievous factions hieli age among the citigens. At Rome the authorit os the em peror had anciently so much influenco in the creationis abis op that Gregor spualis of himselfas havin been appotnted to the governnient of the Churoh by the sole command of the emperor, notWithstandin he had buenformali chosen by the eople. ut the cuStom as that whon any one ad been choSen by the Senate, clergy, and pooplo it Was immediatet reported to the emperor that ho mighteither ratisy the election by his approbation, or roscinxit by his negative. Orci there any thin repugnant to this custom in the decrees collocte by Gratian hicli ni say that it is byn means to e suissere that naing hould supersede ali , nonical electiona appotntiri a biShop ut his ivn plenSure, und
stiat thus have been promoto by the Violenco os pomer. Orit is no hin to spoli the Church os iis right by transferring the whole to tho caprice of an individual, and anothor o ivea in or an emperor the honour os confirmin a legitimateoloetiona his authority.
XIV. t omnius for iis to state, by What ceromon theminister of the ancient Chureli, after thoi election, ere initiato into thoi ossice This the Latins have callud ordinationor consecration. The Greeli lime callexit χειροτοvια, Xtensionor elevation Vinaniis, an Sometimes χειροῖεσια, imposition V
XV. This a tho universat practice, Without an eXception. H dogroos a disserent custom as introduced, and the personSelected wen to the metropolitan it to uel ordination Thischange Mose rom ambition and a corruptionis the ancipii in-Stitution ruther than from any good reason. Andio longoster, Whon the authorit of the se of Rome had incrensed unother CUStom obtained, hicli a still Worseri almost ali ho bishops oscitat won to Rome to e consecrated. his may bo Seen