장음표시 사용
th lam. On the ther and , as it might Seem to enc Ourage licentiolisnos in Christians, to a that the wer no undertho ok of the la V, he discusso the natur os that abrogation, and horus hat is the se of the la - question hic hine had uti ead determine l. The sum os ali that he says is that we are delivere froni the rigour Os the laru to adhere to Christ and that the ossice of the la is to convince iis of Our depravi ty, and ea VS to a confession os ur impotone and misery. O , ecata Se the depravityi ou natur is no socasii disco vere in a pro sane an ho indulge his corruptpassion Without an sua Os God he ive an Xample in aregenerate mala, that S in himself e nys there fore, thath has a perpetuat orassici illi the relics of his corruption, and that ho is bound illi a miserable Servitudo, hici prevenis his entire conSecration Os himself to an obediendum the Divine laW so that he is constrat nod to exulaim, wretched
prisonis longin the live, the cannot ut eo gruat anxie tysrom reflectiora on their anger, tales there e somethin toobviat this ear For thi pili pose, heres ore, he has addo a consolation, that ahere is no no condemnation to thum
thos who in the Lord has nee received into his avo ur, incorporate into the communion Os his Christ, an introduced by baptism in to the Societ of hi Church, notWith standingilio are surro unde and RSSaul ted illi in and Veia carr sinabo ut it in them, et hile the persevero in tho aith os Christ, are absolve from uiu an condemnation. f this belli simple an genuine mean in os aut there is no rea SO11 why erationi die conSidere a promulgatiti a ne or Strange
XIII. Baptism also servo sor Our confession e re men.
os Christo signisying that in havin been baptized in his name, the had odicato thumsolves O im, ad avomed him astheirior an Mastor, an had bound theniselves by a Solemn obligation e fore men ; so that they could neVer again consessan Other Xcept im, utiles the intende to renounce thoconfession hicli ho had made ut thei baptism. XIV. NON, a Ne avo State What was the designis urLor in the institutionis baptism, it is eas to judge in What
manne Ne ought to se an receive it For ascit salven sortii Suppori, consolation, and confirmation Os ou salth, it re
on Ur oul S, RS e See that our odie are Xternuit Washed, immersed, and enclosed in ater. O thi anulog or similitude is a mos certain ut os sacrament that in corporealthings e contemplato spirituat things, jus asci the were place besore urisyes, ascit has pleased God O represent themto us by such figures no that Such lessing are bound renclose in the sacrament, or that i ha the pomero imparithem to us ut ni becauserit is a sigi by hicli the Lord testi fies his id that ho is determine to ive us at thesethings morious it meret see ou eyes illi a bare prospectis the Symbois, but conducis sint the fame time to the thin signified, an ossicaciousi accomptishes that hic licit repreSents. XV. e may se this exempli fio in Cornelius the centurion, WhΟ, aster avin received the remission of his in and the Visibi graces of thumoly Spirit, a baptiZed not illi a vie to obtain by baptismin more ample remiSSion o Sins, ut Stronge EXercise of salth, and an increas os confidonee front
ati thers, we obtuli nothing Xcepi liat e receive by aith. Is ait 'o want in g, it ill e a testimon os ur ingratitude, to unde iis uili besore God beenus me avo o be evelthe promise given in the Sacrament; ut a baptism is a signifour conseSSion, e ought to teStis by it that our confideliceis in the mero os God, and ur urit in the remission Os sitis,
XVI. Now, is it e true, as e have Stated that a Sacramentis to se considere a received notis much froin the han os
mentS by WhateVer me SSerager the may be conveyed Thissuli restites the error of the Donati sis, ho mensured the virtuo an value of the sacranion by the orthines of the minister Such in the presentiay, are ou AnabaptiSis, hopositi vel den that e re rightly baptiZed, ecause Ne erebaptiged by implous an idolatrous minister in the kingdomo the ope, and there re violenti urge iis to e baptized again against hos sollies me halli fortissed illi an argument os sufficiunt strength, is, conside that e re baptigedno in the nam os an man, ut in the nam of the ather, undis the Son, and of themoly Spirit, an consequently thati is no the baptismi man, ut o God by homsoeVercit is administered Though those ho baptiZed us Nere ChRrge- able illi the grosses ignorance or contempt os God and of ali religion, et the di no baptiguis into tho sellowshi ostheir Wn ignorance Or sacrilege, ut into the faith of Jesus Christo bucause tho involied, o their Wi name, ut thenam os God, and baptizo in no ther amo ut hiS. ΝΟ , is it a tho baptismis God, it certaini containe the promiSe
os remission os sins, mortificationis the esti, spiritua vivification, and participation o Christ. Thus it a no injury tolli Jews to have been circumcised by impure an apostate
rende it neceSsar tot repented, ut it a Suffcient to recurto the genuine original. The objeci, that baptism ought obe celebrate in the congregation of the godly but his does no prove that i lose ali iis alii in consequence of eing partiali Wrong. For hen o Hach hat ought to e donuto preserve bapti Sin pure an si e from very lemisit, e dono abolisti tho institution os God howeve idolater Corruptrit. For hora circumcision a ancienti corrupte With many superStitions, et it eased noto be considere a a sigia fgraceri nor, hon He Zelaiah and JOSiali assembled toguther ut
cumcision even though the had received i by the hand of
the unsaithsul priusis, and ad thumselves done at that a in their po e to corrupicit an ronde it ineffectual. XVIII. ut tho concuive themsolves orae armed illi an invincibi argument, hei thu allege that aut rebaptized Some lio ad proviously been baptigod illi the baptismo Jolin. t For is by ur xvi consession the bapti Sin os
been aught the right aith, Nere rebaptized intorii, o that aintisin, hich Was una companie with the rue doctrine, houldbe consideredis nothing, and w ought to se baptized fresti into the rue religion, hicli, have o sirs imbibod. t is SuppoSed by ome that he had received thei fit si baptismsrom a pretende an corrupi imitator of Jolin, holad atherbaptizo them into a vati superstition than in to the truth. This conjecturo the Suem to derivo rom the confession Osthos person that the wer entiret ignorant os the olySpirit - an ignorance in hicli it is conchide Johi Nould nothave susterest his discipies o re main. ut it is no probabletha Jerus, even though the had nove been baptizedis ali, Would have sui destitute os ali linowledg of themoly Spirit, Who is celebrate in s many testimontes of Scripture TheanSWer, there re, Whicli the gave, se ave not o much asheard whether thure e anymoly Ghost, ' is orae understoodas equivalent to a declaration that he had neve heurdWhether the graues of the Spirit, respectin Whicli aut inquired, e re iven to the discipies of Christ. For mysul Igrant that the baptism the had received was the truo baptismo Iohia, and the ver sanie illi the baptismis Christ biit Iden that the wero baptiged again. What is the meantia os these OrdS The were baptizo in the nam os the ordJesu. V om explain t o bo that tho mero ni in Structed by Paul in the puro doctrino ; butes reser understandiniit, in more imple manner of the baptism of themoly Spirit thalis, of the visibi graces of the Spirit ivon by imposition ofhands It is no uncommon in the Scripture to designate thos graces by the appellation os baptism on the da os
Pentecost the apostles ure salixto have remembere the wordso tho Lor rospecting th baptism of the Spirit an os re.
An Peter declared that he romenabore the Same, hen e Sa thos graee potired ut on Cornelius an his famil and relatives. Nor is his interpretation inconsistent illi ha is stato aster Nards that hun Paul ad laid his and uponthem, themoly hos came on them. V For ulte oes not
rolato tW disserent things, ut solio W a mode os narration sa- milia to the HebruWs, Wh firSt propos a Sullaec generally, and then uias id it more in detail. his is obviolas roni the Uer connectionis the ordS forte says hon the hoardiliis, the were baptiged in the nam of the Lord Jesus Andwhen Paul ad ni his haud on them, themoly hos cameon them. ' Thu alter claus describus tho in os baptismintende in the formur. Is ignorance vitiate a firSt baptiSm, sothat it requiros to e corrected by a Second the firSt perSonSWho ought to have been rebaptiged ere the poSile them-Selves, wh for three ear after thei baptismia scarcet any knowledge of the leas partici os pure doctrine. An umong US, What rivers Ouid e sufficient for the repetition os abuttion a numerou a the error Whicli are dati corrected in us
haVe noW, is 1 mistulae not, eon sufficiently explain ed. Withrespectrio the eXturna symbol sinceret wisti that the genuine institutionis Christina the influene it ought o have, o repres the audacit O man. For, a though it ere a contemptibi thin to e baptized in ater, accordin to the precept OfChrist, men have invente a benediction, Or ather incantation, to pollut the triae consecrationis the ater. The asterWardsadde a mactaper illi chrism; Xorcism Seeme to pei thegate to baptism. Nom, though um no ignorant f the ancient originis this adventilious medi0y, et it is a sui sor moan sor ali belleverso o Huc evor thing that men have presumexto adu to tho institutionis Christ. NON, Satan Seeingilia froni the very sirs introductior of the goSpei, his impos- tures ad eun asil receivsed by the oolisti credulit os tho
institiato by God, ould shine illi the grente St 1Stre, ne n-cumbere With any Xtraneotis corruption S. ut hethor the person ho is baptiZed e whon immersed, and Whether thrice Or orice, O Whether ater e ni potired or prinkledupon him, is sis importatice Churcho ought to bu est at liberi y in his respect to ac aecordin to tho disserence of countries. The ery or baptiae, however, Signi sies to immerso anxit is certain that immersion a the practice of the ancient Chureli. XX. t is also necessar to state, that it is no right for privato person to tali upon themSelve the administration os
baptism; sor his, as et a the administration of the ordis Supper, is a par of the public ministr of the Church. ChristneVer Communded omen, o mei in generat, o baptize hegave his charge to those homine ad appotiate to e apostles And when e enjoitio his discipies, in the celebrationo the supper, o do a the had se en done by him hen huexecuted the ossic os a legitimate dispensurii intended, ithout doubi that the should imitate hiS Xumple. The custom, Whicli has besen received an praeti Sed for many age paSt, anda nos frona the primitive time of the Chureli, or baptism obe performe by laymen, in cases here death Wa apprehend-ed, and Do miniSter a present in time, it appear to me impossibi to defend by any good eason. In deed the ncientstheniselves, fio et ther observe or tolerate this cuStom, ereno certain hether it a right o not. Augustine betraySthis uncertain ty, hen e says, an is a layman, compellud by necessi ty, has i ven baptism I lino no Whether an onema pioiast assirm that it ought to e repeatud. For is it bodone ithout the constrat ut O neceSSity, it is a USurpation os an ossico hieli elong to another; ut is necessit obtiges, itis ei thermo offence or a Veniat One. ' ReSpecting omen, it was decreed, ithout an exception in the Councilis Carthage, that the should o presume o bapti Z at ali On ain os X- communication. ut it is ut leged there is danger, est a child, who is sicli an dies Without baptism, hould e de privedo the grace of regeneration Thises an by no means admit. God prono uncos that he adopis ur insanis as his hildron, bes ore the are oria, hen e promise that he will se a Godio S, an to ou See asteris. his promis inchidos hsir salvation. Nor ill an dare to osse Such an insutio God asto dony the sussicienc of his promisera in Sure it O n CeOmpli Stiment. The mischievous conseque ces of that ill-stat ednotion, that baptism is necessar to Salvation, are Verlooked by person in generat, and theres ore the are les cautio us forthe reception os an opinion, that ad Wh happen to die ithout baptism are Ost, malles Our condition ors than that of the
Thes sam thin is fuit attested by Epiphanius, hon he
libortyo baptizo it is sufficienti evident that he condemiast his corruption, an consider it ineXcusabie by an preteXtWhatevor no stoes h addon limitation in his hir book, where e observes that his liberi Was O grante even to the hol motheris Christ. XXII. The example of Zipporali is allegeii, but is no applicabie to the case. Because the alige of God Was appeased astersite ad alien a tone an circumciSed her Son, ου it Sin re sonable to inser that her action a apprOved by God on thesam principio it might e maintained that God a plea sed
with the worshi estal, shed by the nations ho ere tranS- planted froni Assyriario Samaria. ut there are ther ΟWersu rensons O prove the absurdit of Settingis the conductos that 1 olisti Woman asin pulteri sor imitation. Is Pshould allego, that this as a Single et, hichisught O to e considere a re genera example, and Speciali us e noWheresin an specia command that the rite os circumcision a tobe performe by the priosis, the case os circumcision is disseron froni that o baptism and this ould e sufficient to resut the advocates of iis administration by omen. For theword os Christ aro lain Go e theres oro, an teach alinatioris, baptigin them. Since e constitutes the fame person prea chers of the gospe an administrator os baptis m. an ii man, Τ coordin to the teStimon of the postle,
talioth his honour pon himself, ut he that is callo os God, a Was Aaron, ' g WhOeve baptizes Without a legitimate call,
intrudes into nother porson' ossice Even in the minutest things, ns in mea an drin k, halevor e do illi a dolabisuleon Science, aut Xpressi declares to e sin. ν Fumale aptism, heresore, ein an open violation of the ille deli vered by Christ, is a stili groater in forme lino xv that it is impio usto disseverohings hiuli God has unitod. ut at thisci passover anil ould ni request in rendor i consido that nothin Was surther rom the design o Zipporali, than to persorii a service to Od. O Seeiti her Son to e in angor, she rotted an murmured, and indignanti cast the forest in onthe round reproachin herius bund in Suchis anne a tobetra anger against God. In hort, it is lain that ali his proceeded rom violence of temper, ecause he a displeased With God and hor usband that he was constrat ned to hedili blood os hor son. Hesides, scilio ad conducto horseis With propriet in allisther respecis, et it Was an ac os ineX-cu Sable presumption or e to circumcise her Son in the pre-sunce of her hiisband, and that hvsband no a private mari, ut Moses, the principat prophe of God, ho as neve Succeeded by a reater in Israel; hiel, a no moro lawsul for heroodo, hancit is for omen no i bapti Z in the presene os abishop. But his controvers mill asily b docide by thoestablishment of this principi e - that insanis are no excitidedfroin the ingdom of heaven, Who appen to die osor theyhave had the privilege os baptism. ut 0 have seen that itis no mali injustice to the covenantis God is, domo relyupon it a sufficient of itself, since iis fulsit ment depend noton baptiSm, or On any thin adventilious. The Sacramen is asterWard adde asin eat notrio ive essicae to the promiseo God ait it ante validit in itsoli , ut onlyrio confirm it
sore, e no occasioned by indolenee, o contempt, O negligence, e re Sase rom nil danger. It is a more consistent With piet to ho this reverene to the institutionis God noti receive the Sacrament froni an other and than hos to
As soni turbulent spirit in the present age have ruised fiere disputes, hicli stili continue t agitate the Church, Onthe subject os insant baptismio anno resentia rom ad ling
any one hould thinii this hapter extende to an immoderate longili I Would eques him to consider, that purit os doctrine in a capital oint, und the eace of the Chureli, ought tobe scio much importanc in oti estimatiori or us o feel any thin tediolis hicli a conduce to the restoration Osboth. I shal also stud to malle this discussion Os a muchus a possibi to a further uicidation Os the myster os aptism. The attacti insant baptism illi an argument hicli carries illi it an appearanee Os great plausibi ty, SSertingilia it is no 1 unde on an institutionis Christ, ut Wassirs introduced by the presumption and corrupi curiOSit Os mala, and asterWard received with oo fh an inconsiderate saei ty.
certain solandationis the wor os God. ut halcis, on a sullexamination of the subjeci, it hau appea that this is a salsound roundies calatinny on the oly ordinance of th Lordi Letos, heres ore, inquire into is sirs origin Andris it hall
io bu Sanctioned by his undoubted authority, it belloves iis obe Ware est, by oppos in the oly institution O God, eosse an insul to thei Author himselfII. In the si si place, it is a principi Sussicienti linown, and acknowledgo by ali belle vers that the right considerationos sacramenta sigiis consist Do meret in the Xterna cere-
montes, ut that it chiost depend on the promis and the Spirituat mysteries hicli the Lor has appotnted hos cere- monte to represent. Whoever, there re, Wishes O be ussyinformo os the m an in os baptism, and what baptism is, mus no fi liis attention On the element und the ut vard Spectacle, ut must ather elevate his thought to the promises o God hic filaro osserod o us incit, and to thos interna undspirituat things hic licit represent to S. e ho discoversthes things, has attaine the soli truth an ali the substance