Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류


See that there is neve an Sacrament Without an antecedent

promise of God, o hicli it is subjoine a an appendix inorde to confirm an seu the promise iself, an to certis andratis it to hicli means God oresees t be neceSSary, in

carnal objecis, and incas able finderstanditi or conceivin Osaia th in os a spiritua naturo, our mercisu Lord, in his infinite indulgenue accommodate himself t ou capacity, CondeScend- in to load his to inisseis even by these arthi elemenis, and in the est iiset to presen to his a mirror O spiritual leSS-ings. Orcis, were incorporeat, ' a Chrysostom nyS hewould have given iis hos things pure an incorporeat. NO because e have ouis enclose in odies, he ive us Spirituat things unde visibi emblems not ecause there resueti qualities in the natur of the things presente to iis in the Sacraments, ut ecause the have been designate by God tothis signification. ΤΙ V. This is halcis commoni faid that a Sacrament con SiSis of the word and the ou twar sign. For e ought to under- stand the oord, no os a murmur ut tered without an meaning rsaith, amere hisper ille a magica incantation, suppOSed to OS-Ses the poWer os consecrat in the elements but of the gospelpreached, hieli instruct iis in tho signification of tho visibi e Sign. That whichis commoni practiso unde the tyrann Ofthe ope, heres ore, involves a gros profanation of the mySteries so the hau thought it sufficient for the prius to multerove the formis consecration, hile the eopte are agita in ignorance. Indeed the have alien effectua care that itshould bo ali unintelligibi to the eopte for the have pronounce the consecration in ut in bes ore illiterat menci and have at erigili carried superstition to Such a pitch, RS O COD- Sido it no righil performed utiles it se done in a hoarsemurmur, hien se could ear But Augustine speali in aver different maniter of the sacramental ord. I et the Word,' Suys he, te adde to the element, anxit ill ecomen Sacrament. For herace oes the uter derive such great


except rom the wordi not ecauserit is spolien, ut bucauset is belleved For in the wor itSelf the transient ound isone thing the permanent virtve is nother. his is the

minister, instruct the eopte in the meanin and tende ne os the Sign. V. o ough any attention to e aid o Some, ho ende voti to Oppos thisi a dilemma,hieli discovers more Subiletythan Solidi ty. They say, Etther se no that the word of God hicli precedes the sacramen is the true mill smodior e do not know t. s, kno it then e learn nothingne stom the sacrament hicli sollows. Is e do not knowit, either hall, learn it si otii the sacrament, the virtuo ofwhichios sentiret in the word Let it e concisely replied, that the senis appende to charters, patenis, and ther publicinStrumentS, are nothing, alien by themSelves ecatis theyWouldae appende to no purpose, is the parchment had nothingWritterimpon it and yet the neverthelos confirm and authenticate hat is vritton noli instruments to hich the arennuexed. or an it se objected that this similitude has sonrecenti invento by us for it has besen sed by Paul himself, Who Calis circumcision a seat sh σφραγιδα, in a paSSage here heri professedi contending that circumcision didio constituto the righteousnes of Abraham, ut re a Sentis that ovenant,

i there that ought to give an mari much offence, is e teuchtha the promise is ealed by the sacramenis, hile it is vi-


dent that among the promise theniselVes oneri confirmed by another For in proportion to iis superior clearness, it is thebetior calculatest for the supportis fuit . Nom, the Ieraments bring Us the cleares promises, an have his peculiarit beyonditie vord that the give iis a livel representationis them, asinin picture No ought eoo regar the objection, frequently urgeo, rom the distinction etween sacrament uni senis of civi instruments that hilo tho both consis of the carnalelements of this orld the forme cannot e fit to eat tho promise of GOd. hicli are Spiritual and ternat, a the atterare accusto me to e appende to sunt the edicis os princes relative to rati an transitor things. For the e ever, henthe Sacraments are placed bes ore his yes, oes no confine himself to that carnal spectacle ut by thos Steps os una log Whicho have indicated risus in toti contemplation Otho sublime mysteries hieli are concente unde the aer mentes SymbolS. VI. An since the Lord calis his promisos ovenariis, and the

porea Symbois, o instructis accordin to ur ut capacities, an to lendis by the haud as S many oun children. Forthis reaSon Augustine calis a sacrament in visibio ord J 0- causerit represent the promise of God portrayed a in a picture, an places et ore u eyes an imago of them in hichevery lineament i strii ingly Xpressed Other Similitudes may also e adduco for the ulter hic idation of the natur of Sacrament ascis e cui them illars of ur aith sor res an edifico est oti it solandation, and set, rom tho addition os pillar placed unde it, receives an increas os stability, o sui threst on the wor os God a iis sundation; ut hon the Sacrament are adde to it a pillars they bring illi them an


conton that the Sacrament are O testimontes of the grace of God beenus the are osten administere to the wie ked, hoye do not in OnSequene os this, Xperience God to e more propitio u to them, ut ather procure t themsetve more grievous condemnation. For, by the Same argument, eitherwould the gospol e a testimon os the grace Os God beenuSei is eard by man who despis it no even Christ iniself, Who a Soen and nown by uultiades, Os hom ver se received hi m. A similar Observation a be applied to ob aledicis orarent numbers of peopte despis and deride that sonios authentication, no tWithstanding the lino that it proceo dedi rom the monarcho construi his ili soni ulteri disrogardit, RS a thin no relatin to them Other even old it in CXeeration So that a surVey f the correSponde iace of the two CaSe ought to produce renter approbation Os the similitudewhicho have bos oro sed Theres ore it is certain that the Lord offers us his mercy, and a ledge of his grace, both in his holy or an in the sacramenis; ut it is no apprehendedeXcept by those ho receive the word and sacrament With a corta in saltim a the ather has offere an presented Christ tonit for salvation, ut he is not known and re eived by all. Augustine, intendin to Xpres thi Sentiment, Some here nyS, that tho ossicae of the wor is displayed in the Sacrament, not ecauserit is spolien, ut bucatis it is belloved. V Theres ore Paul, honine is addressing e evers, penk of the aer ments o S to inelaide in them the communion 1 Christ asWhen e nys, a mari os ouis have been baptige into

the improper se of the sacramenis, he attributes no more tothem hau to uin and seles figures by hicli e signifies that home ver implous person an hypocrites by thei perVer- Sion f the SacramentS may de Stro or obscure the estoc os Divino grace in them, et that no tWithStanding this, honeVeranil hereve God plenses, tho assor a true testimon of the

communionis Christ, and the Spirit o God hinisol oxhibiis

an persorin the very thing hiel, the promiSe. e Onchide, heres oro that sacrament ure trul callei testimontes of the grace of God, and are, Scit ere, eat of the benevolencello bears to iis, hic si, by confirmin it to ur indS, SUStain, cheristi, Strengthen, and increas ou fuit The reo fons hich


a persection os fuit , a no ne os the Sora os men Ver et attained, or ver ill attain, in his se Let inem answer

conses that suilli is tho oculiar an entire orti of themoly Spirit, y hos illumination e lino God nn the reas res of hi goodness, and without hos light our indris to blind


energ alone OUr earis ure penetraled, Ur affection aremΟVed, and nn entrunce is pene so the Sacrament into ursouis. f heae absent, the Sacrament eun produce no more


X. This reasoning ill also servo sor a solution os the objections mitti Whicli sonio porsoris are greatly disturbod that is e

ilia the way in hichi increasses and confirm ou satili is by preparing our miniis, b his inWard illii mination to receive that confirmation hicli is propo sed in the sacra monis. Is the Wayin hicli his has been expressod e to obscuro, it hul bee icidato by tho solio Niri similitudo. Ιs oti intendo per-


turi ty,-Why ma me notisa that aith derive it commene e-ment, increaSe, and persection, frona the word os God Paul, in disserent placos, excellently Xpresse both the Se things. For, illi a vie to recallo tho recollectionis the Corinthians illi, at ossicae God ad attendo his labours ho glorios in avin the ministr of the Spirit, ascis there ere an indissolubie connection et Neen his reachin and the pomeros homoly Spirit operatin to thurissumi nation of thei minds, and the excitument of their uaris. r But in another place, With a vie to aptiuige thom ho sar the power os the word of GodeXtendS, meret a preaehed by man, he compare minister to

in the Sacramenis, e remove the Sacrament themSelVES.


sigia of the promise the were e Xcluded rom the promis it- sol L To the ther objection hic cine malae, that the loryos God is transferre to creatures O hom so much ower Sattributed uni therei, Sustain a proportionate diminution it

oni maintain that odisse suci means and instruments as heseus ill e uitabio, in ordo that nil hings may be Subservient to his glory, astu is the Lord and Ruler of all. Theres ore, as by read and ther aliment ho foed our odies, as by the Sun he enlightens the orid a b siret produce Warmili, yet re ad the Sun, and re are nothing ut instruments by Whicli ho disponsus his iussing to us - So e OUriShes Ursaith in a spiritua manno by the Sacramenis, hicli are institute i so the purpos of lac in his promi Se bes ore Ur yessor ur contemplation, and of Servin us a pledges of them. An a me ought noto place an considonee in the ther creatures, hicli, by the libera tyranu boneficenc os God, have been destine to ur Se S, and by hos instrumenta ty ho

God o b transferre to thonis ut sorsali in allisther hings, both ou faith and consession ought to risu to him, the uilior of the sacraments and of every ther tesSing. XIII. Tho argument hicli soni person adduce rom the ver nam Os sacramen is destitute Os an sorco thoughthe ord sacramentia various Significations in authors of the first authority, et it has ut ne hici has an agreement orconnection illi signfir standariis, signa; that is, heia it donotes the solemn ath aken by a soldiero his commander When he enter on a militar lisse. O as by the militar onthiae soldiers in theriisetve to thei commander, and assume the militar proseSSion, o by ur Signs e proses Christ tobo ou Leader, an declare that e ght undo his anners. The ad similitudo so the surther euicidationis thoi opinion A the res of the Romans, ho Ore gownS, di Stinguishod them froni the Greelis, Vlio ore cloalis a the disserent order among the Roman were distinguished rom achothera thei respective adges, tho senatoria orde from the


guided by the proviolis se of this Ord in Latin ri tors; butiliat tho gave it a ne sense so their Wn con Venience, Simpi denotin sacro signf. An is, Wi Shoo carr Ourre Searche an further, it a be ound that the transsui redinis nam to the signification no given, n the Same principieos analog whicli induco them to transsur the word ait tot he sensu in hic licit is novi sed For a satili properi signi-fius truth in tho fulsit ment of promises, et the have appliedit to the SSurance or certain persuasion hicli a person has filio truth it Sel f so, as a sacramen is an ath by hic his sol

i, which the oade receives soldior into his army. o by the sacrament the Lor promise that he Will e ou God, and that we hali 0 his uople. ut e passive Such subiteties,as I hinlio have prove by sufficient arguments that theancionis ad n other vie v, in thei application of the ordSa Tament, than to ignis that the eremonios to hicli theyapplied ii ero sigias of hol an spirituat things. 0 admitthe comparison deduce froni Xternat adges, ut e cannot bear that th las and east se of the sacrament Sliould bere pre Sented a thei principat and even sole objuci. Tho rstobjuc os thum is to assis ou faith oward God the econdit teStis our consession e fore men. The similitudes hichliave been montione aro applicabie to this Secondar design, but the primary one ought neve to e sorgo iter for ther Wise, a We have Seen theSe mysteries Ouid ea Se t interest S, utiles the wer uid of ur salth, and appendices os doctrine, d0stine to the fame Se and end. XIV. On tho ther and wo require t be appriZed thatas these perSons ealien the force of the SacramentS, undentiret subvert heir se, O there are ther os a contraryparty, ho attribute to the sacrament Plino no What latent Virille S, Whichore O here represente a communicate to

one consent, that he Sacraments of the ne luW, O thOSemo

used in the Christian Chureli, justis an conser grace, proVided