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tivo childron o Abraham, and that o by nature, but byadoption asci a ranch roken os from iis native reo ere ingras ted on another stocli That they might no b defrauded of thei prerogative, heres ore, it a necessar for thegospol to e rs announce to them for the are, a it ere, th first-bori in tho famil o God. heres ore this honour Was to e iven to them, ill the rejected the osse of it, and by their ingratitude causexit orae transferre to the Gentiles. Nor, linteuer e the obstinac With hicholio porsis in opposing the goSpel ought they, nolint account, to e despised by us, is, conside that for the alie of the promise , the l0ssin os God stili remaliis amon them the poStleclearly testi fies that it ili neve sentiret depari rom them; so thuaist and attingis God are Without repentaneo. V m XV. See no , the importance and the estimate to e formedo the promise given to the posterit Os Abraham. Theres ore, though, have no sub that the distinctionis tho uir os the ingdoni rom hos Who have no har in it, is the ree ac of the fovereigia election Os God, et, ut the Same time, eperceive that he has uen pleased to displa his merc in apeculiar anne On the See o Abraham, an to testis and seat it by circumcision The samo reason is applicabie Otho Christian Chiarch. For a Paul, in that RSSage, Rrgues that he hildren os the Jews ero sanctis sed by thoirparentS, O, in another place, n he teuchus that tho hil-dren os Christians durive tho fame Sanctification rom heir
No , ho an doub the salsohood os the consequence attempt-ed to e stab slied that the insanis ho ere circumcised informe ages. ni prefigured tho Se ho ure insunt in spirit- Ual Sen Se be in regeneraled by the wordis God Z aut dous no reaSon in his manner, hen o says, aha Jesus ChristWa a minister soli circumcision for the truth os God, o Consirin the promisses ad unt thuriathors V o ascis he had Sald, Sine the covenant mado illi Abraham rotatos to his Seed Jesus Christ, in ordo to executo an discliarge thepromiSe nee ledged by the ather, cum to Save the eopleo the eius. Ne se hoW, evenister the reSurrectionis ChriSt, Paulindui stand that the promis of the covenant is to e sul-filled, no Ont in an allegorica Sense, ut accordin to thelitera impor of the worus to the natura seedis Abraham. TO the fame es ut is the declaration of Peter to the eWs,
la sentiment is conveyed in another passage of the apOSile, Which e have alaeud quo ted Where e repreSent the circumcision performe on insani us a testimon of the communion hicli the havo illi Christ. r And on the contraryprincipie, What Will ecome os illa promise by hicli the
cording to thoirst proposition baptism ought to precede circum-CiSion; nec Ordin to the secondicit ought to solio it. Ut it is no a ne thin sor the ind of men to runcinio Such incon- Si Stenetes, hel tho preser their Wia ream to the nerring Wor os God. 0 say, thorus ore, that thorars of thes differetices is a mere dream. f the wishedri allegorigo on theeighth day, et there a no propriet in his marinor fioingit. It would avo been much ulter o follo the ancientS, and reser the number of tho da ei tho to tho ro Surrection os Christ, hic 'ook placo on tho ighth day, and on hicli utino that ne Niles of se do pend to the whole ourso fili presentis , hiel ought to e amoui se os progreSSive mortiscation, tili, at the tormination os lis e the mortification also fhould e completed. It is probabio, homo ver, that God do- ferre circumcision to the eighth da on account of the tendernes of yOun insanis, hos lives might 0 en langored by the performarice of that rite immediatoly on thei birth. oris there much more solidit in th secon position that, after bella dead, e re burie by baptism sine the Scripture Xpressi teaches that , are burie by baptism intodeath V si in ordo to ur entrance on a course of mortification, and Ontinuanc in it rom that time forwardi or is there an more propriet in tho objection, that is it se neces- Sur to consorin baptism to circumcision, omen Ought no tob baptizod For is it u vidunt, that the sigra os circumcision testifi0d the sanctification of tho foed os Israel, there cant, no doub that it a givon quali for tho sanctification finales and semulus And though ni the malos ere CircumciSed the alon bella capabio oscit, the somnios ere in acertain ense parta ker of thoi circumcision Dismissing Suelisollies, heres oro, lutis neve sorgo tho similarit os baptism
generation, hicli cannot alio place in early insaney. There- fore the concludo the pro to e considerod in no the vie W
Adam e cara orat die Onoli contrary, Christ commandS
give them lise, there fore, he malae them partaker os himself;whilo these men, by riving them Way rom him, adjud gethum to duath. For is the pretund that insanis do no peristi,
even though the are consideret a children os Adam, heirorror is abundanti refuted by the testimon Os Scripture. For heia it pronounces that in Adam ali diu, ου it folloius that ther re main no hope os isse ut in Christ. In orde tobecome uir os lis e there fore, it is neceSSar for tis to e par- taliorsis him. So, hen it is S id in ther places that eare i natur the hildron Os rath, ' re and conceived insin, V m With hicli condemnation is alway connected it
evaSion, that thi Was ni a single casu Whichioes no justi sythe conchision that the Lor generali acts in his mann ermitti insanis. For e Se no Such urgument. We ni meant ShON, that the unjusti confine the power os God Withinthos narro limit to hicti it oes no sust 0r it suis to borestricte d. Their ther subterfuge is quali meati Theyallege that, accordiri to the Sage of the Scripture, the phrase
from tho reoni denotes fom hildhood. ut it is asy to foethat ii tho uelaration of the ange to Zacharias, it a usust in a disserent sensu, and that olin aso b fili sed illi ho Hol Spirit, even os ore he a boria. o Leti no attempt, theres ore, to impos laWs upon God WhoSe poWer has Sustainedia diminution, ut horis able to Sanctis Whom e leases,as e sanctificii this hild. XVIII. An foro his reason, Christ a Sancti sed rom his earli est infancy that he might sanctis in himself ali his loci, os ver age, Without an dissere iace. For S in orde to ob torato the uili os the transgression hicli ad been perpetratest in ur est, he assume to himself ilia very flesti thath might persorii a perseet Obedience in it, on Our account. an in ur Stead, o ne a conceived os the oly Spirit, that havin the whol bod Which he assumed fuit undiiudWith the sanctit of the Spirit ho might communicato the Same o s. s Christ Xhibit a perfect Xomplar of ut thegraces hich God estorus pon his hildren, hu ill also furnish us With a proos that the age of insane is no al- together incompati bie illi Sanctification. ut ho Neve this may be, e conside it a clear beyoni ali contro Vorsy that not ne of the elec is callest ut of the presunt life withou havin been previo usi regenerate and sanctifi0d by the
Spirit os God Thul objection, that themoly Spirit, in the
whom h has gi ven tho tria linowledge of himself in an interna manner, by the Ilumination os his Spirit, ithout thointervention os an preaching. ut a thuy thinlicit ould 0Such a great absurdit for an knowledge of Godo beat vento insanis, o hom Mosos dentes the nowledge Os good undevit, I, ouldieg them to insorin me, What dange canaesul fromour assirining that the atroad receive Some portion os that grace of hiel the wil ore long onjoy the fud abundance. For is tho plenitude of so consist in ille persecto noWled geos God ,-When Some of them, hom denti removes rom hopresent State in their ear est infancy, as into ternat se, the are certaini admittest to the immediate contomplation os the preSence of God A the Lord, there re, ill duminato
cise in insancy, insanis ought noto bo admitte to a participation Os baptism, the signification of hicli ould thorobybe rendered ain. ut these arguments are directed against God more than againStis. For it is very Vident, rom many testimonios Os Scripture, that circumcision ais Was a Sign Osrepentanee, an Paul adscit a sua os the righteousnes offaith. V ω' Let thoueason, thon, b demando of God himself, vili ho commandod it tot impresse ori the odiosis insanis For, a baptism an circumcision both stan on the sameground the can attribute nothin to the alter hic holioymus no uiso grant to the ornaer. f they recur to theiri avourite subterfuge, that the ago os insano then prefigured spiritual insanis, it has boon ulready anSWered. e ny there- fore, that inco God formeri communicate to insanis the rite os circumcision, hieli as a sacrament os repentunc undi nith, i appoars toto no absurdity for them no tot admittedio a participation os baptism utiles these men isti to osse adirect in suu to tho institutionis God. ut in his, as et asin ad the proce0ding o God his isdom and righteolis ness
nre sufficienti conspicuous to ropres the opposition and detraction of the impious. Uo though insanis, ut the time osthei circumcision, id not undet stand the meanin os that Sigia, the were neVeriheleSs trul circumcise into the mortification of thei corrupi and poli uted naturo, hiel the weret purSue in mature earS. In Shori, his objection a boanswore Without an dissicut ty by saying that the are baptige into future repontance an faith; so though these graces have not et been sorino in them, the eed os bothare nevertheles implanted in thei heuris by the secret operation os the Spirit This ansWer at nee Verturn eVery argument the Urge against Us derivexi rom tho significationis baptism in When the allege the designation givonciti Paul, wher lio calis it tho Washing of regeneration an rene W
fuchos are capable of ein regenerate an reneWed But e ma reply on the ther and netther a circumciSion, Which Wa a signis regeneration to e iven to any ut Suchus ere atready regeneratex an this in thei apprehension, Will se to condemn the ordinane os God Theressere, a me have Suggested severa times es ore, hale ver argument tende quali to invalidate circumcision, an have no fore in thecontroverSy agnins baptism. or an the escape rom any dissiculty by saying that hale ver clearly est on the Ruthorit os God, o ought to consister a fixe and determined, though, can disco ver no reason forcit ut that his reverunc is no due to insant baptism, O to ther Simila thing S, Whicli are not onjoinexupori us by tho express Word of God;
command of God respecting the circumcision os infantS, RS legitimat an liable o no objections orcit a deservin Ofcen Sure. Is there a no absurdit in that command Deithercan an absurdit be detected in the praetice of insant baptism. XXL Tli chargo os absurdi ty, With hicli the endenuoUrto stigmatigerit, e thus refute Is an os those horare theobjecis os divino election, aster havin received the Sigia os regeneration de part ut of this se osore tho have attainodyears os discretion, the Lor renovates them by the pomer of his Spirit, incomprehensibi to us in Such a manne R healone fore spes ill be necessary. the happon o live to anage at hicli tho aro capable os uin instructe in the triae signification os baptism, the wil hunc bo the more inflamedio the pursui os that renovation, illi tho token o whicli thuysin thonisset vos o have been lavoured in thei earlies infancy, that it might e tho objectis thoi constant attention ali their
claros the doctrine hicli is containe in baptism, and that toperson ulready baptiZed so that it ould e nreason able toargue rom hos passages that uel buriat illi Christ must precede baptism. In his manne Moses and the propheis reminded tho poplo hat a the mean in os circumci Sion, though the had roceived that rito heri the were insant S. To the fame effect is hal Paul ritos to the Galatians that lasmany as have been baptiged into Christ, have putin Christ. V D)For ha purpose Why that the might thetice sorward livet Christ, ho hau novo lived omitii bos re And though in adult a knowledge of the myster ought to precede the reception of the sigia, et a dissorent ut is orae applied to insanis, a We had presenti ShON. O cun an other conclusion edrawn rom that passage of Peter, hiel the conside a deci- Sive in thei favour alia baptism is io the pulting Wayos tho tuli of th flos , ut the answer os a good consciencetoWard God by the resurrectionis Iesus Christ. V si Thuycontend that this passage leaves no the eas room so thebaptism os insanis, ho ars no capable os that in hi h thotruth of baptism is here state to consist . ut the frequently fati into his error, os maintaining that he hin signifiud Should alWays precede the sign. For the truth os circumcision also consisted in the Samo ans Ner os a good conscience; but is it ought os necessit to precede it, insanis Ouid ne ver have been circumciso by the command of God Eut bystio Nin us that the ansWer of a good On Sciene is compre-h0ndo in the truth os circumcision, and ut the Same time command in insanis to e circumcised he sufficienti indicates that it is administured illi a vie to Somethin suture. Wheres ore, ad the present esticae to e requirud in the aptism os insanis, is to ratis an confirm the Ovenant madewith them by the Lord. The romaining significationis this sacrament Will solio asterWards, ut the time foreSeen an appo inlud by the Lord.
Lord oes no excludo insanis stoin the ope os mercy, ut rather assure them oscit, hy shall, refuse them the sigia, Whicli is soria inforior to the hin signified Z heros oro, the
conchiding that baptism ought neve to se administere to any person ithout bella precede by aith an repontance Butis, adoptolii roasoning the sirs of these passages, hic hinalies no mention Os suilli, Nil evince the sum ienc os re
will prove that ait olono is sussicient. Ι suppos the will repi that ne paSSage is hicidate by the ther, and that theros ore the ought to e connected together. Palso contendthat Otho places ought O be consulted Whicli a contributoto tho solitatior of this dissiculty For there a re many asSage Sos Scripture, the sense of hicli depend on the circumStances conuoctod illi them This is exemplisio in the casus no unde consideration For the person uddrosso by Peter an d
Philip ere os an age cap te Os XerciSin repentance and faith. e stro1mousi den that Such perSon ought to ebaptiged, ithout uanowledge of thei repentane an salth, assar, at least, a the are capable os e in ascertaino by the judgment of men . . ut that insant ought O be ranked in adisserent classi is Sufficienti evidentu sor, unde the formerdispen Sation is an person connected himself,ith the Israclite in religious communion, it a necessar sor imo betaught the covenant of tho Lord, and instructo in the law, bes ore e received circumcision, ecause e B an alien bybirili, not ne of the Israe tish eople, illi homo e COVenant, hieli a Confirmed by circumcision, ad been made. XXIV. So the Lor himsuis, hon o ad Opis Abraham, doses not egin illi circumcision concent in for a time huiwas in tonded by that signG ut 0 rs anno iaces the COVenant hic hine designs to malle illi im, and then, after helias seceived that promise in suilli, malles him a parta ker os that Sacrament. Wh does the sacrament folio salth noli caseos Abraham, an in Isaae, his son, precede ali exerciSe finder- standini Becnus it is ea sonable that a perSon, Wh ut an adult ago is admitte to tho sellowshi os amovenant, to hic he had hithorto been a strangor, houldirs learn the conditions oscit; ut his is not nocessar in the caseis an insant, Who by hereditur right accordin to tho formis the promise is ab ea lyinc illud in the covenant rom it ver birili. Or, o Xpres it With greater clearnes an brevity, is the childron os bellovers, without thoenidis understandi g, ure partulier of the COVenant, there is no reason hy the Should e Xehided frona tho signbee ause the are not capabie of XpresSin thei consent to the stipulation of the covenant This is evidently the ea son hyGod sometimos declaro tho hildren descendod from tho Israelitus to e orno himsuis; q sor e undoubtudi considersas his hildron the childron of thos to hos seed he has promisse to e a Father. ut he ho is an Unbe eVer, de- Scended rom implous arenis, is accounte an alien rom thecommunion os the covenant, id herae united o God by aith. It is no onder, there re, fine e notin parta ker of the Sigia, tho signification os,hicli in him ould e delusive undisain. In his sense aut telis the Ephesians that a long a theyWere immersed in idolatry the were Stranger froin thecovenant. V r Tho hole of the Subjeci, is I mistulae not, may b clearly and summarii stato in the fossoWin position that orson os adula age, fio embraee the Christian religion, havin boon hi therio aliens rom the Ovenant, are Ot toreceive the signis baptism ithout the intervention os salth