장음표시 사용
Wo se ho me sustain the character os a mos providenti ther O S, incoin discontinues no his Solicitude so us evenaster ou death, ut rogard an provides for Our children. Oright e Dot, then, after the Xample os David, to exul inprais and than ksgi vingo God illi ur hol heari, that his nam may bo glori sed by suci an expression of his goodnessct This is videnti tho uason hy Satan malae Such rent Xertions in opposition to insant baptism; that the remova of this testimon os tho grace of God a cauSe the promisewhicli it xhibit bos ore ur cyes graduali to diSappear, undat longili to se orgotton. The consequene Os this Ould e, an impioris ingratitude to tho mere of God, and neglige iaceos tho instruction os ur childron in the principies of piet y. For it is no mali stimulus to ou education of thom in theserious ea os God, and the observance of his in , o reflect, that the are considere and a lino lud ged by him as his
obstinatet determine to obscure tho goodnes of God, et uspresen to him ur childron, o homine assigiis a place in his family that is, among the member of his Church.
APTER God has iace received iis into his family, and not
On account of it importunee, requires an accurate explication
and on the theriand a Satan in Orde to deprivo tho Churchos his nostimabie reasiare, long ago endenVoured firSt bymisis, an asterWard by thielier hades, to Obscure it lustre, and then aisu disputes an contention to alienato the indsos the simple istorii a relisit for his sacred ood, and in ur time
sar a relates to the confirmationis Our aith, he neve ne pre-Sent iis that aere bios to drint . ΙΙ. From his sacramunt plous ouis a derive tho bono fit Os considerable satisfaction an confidenco; bocalis it ast ordsus a testimon that e re incorpora ted into ne od with Christ, o that haleve is his, e re at tiberint cali urs. The consequenc os his is that me Venture t RSAure urSel VeS
us, he hows that both are not o uel hi as urS, ecatis heassume an lai down both, o forinis Kn ad vantage, ut formur salvation. Anxit Ought to e care stili observed that the principat and almos entire energ of the sacrament lies in
no been ne deliverei sor Our redemption uni Salvation. Theres re the are represente to us by rea und wine, toteachis that the are notisnly urs, ut re destine so the Supportis Our spiritual lis . his is fiat e have atready suggestet that by the corporeal objecis hicli are pre Selited in the Sacrament, e re conducted by a indisi analogy, tothose hic lare spiritual. So, hen read is giVen to S a asymbol of the od os Christ, u ought immediatet to con
ritua manne by the blood of Christ; hicli are these alia it
notari SheS, resteShes, Strengiliens, and Xhilarates. For is udui conside the bene fit result in to iis roni the oblation os his sacrud Ody, and the effusion of his lood, e hali clearlyperceive that theSe properties of reai and Wine, accordin tothis analogy, are mos justi attribra ted O thos SymbolS, Sadministere to us in the LOrd' Supper. IV. The principat object of the sacrament, heres re i notto presentis the od of Christ, simply, and withou any Ulterior conSideration, butarathe to ea and confirm that promiSe,
reSurrection, eremo permanent an immortal. Ad this Christ
o Christ, an to drini his lood, is no the than to e ovo in Christ inisseis Butes conceive that in that remari able dis- course, in hicli Christ recommend uso seexuponiis Ody, he intendedo tuach us omethin more strii in and Sublime; namely that e re quickened by a rea participationos him, hicli e designates by the ternis of ealing unddi inhmg that no person might suppos the se hicli ereceive rom imo consist in simple noWledge. For a iti no seeing, ut eatin aread that administer nourishment to the ody, socii is necessar so the soti to have a true and complete participation os Christi that by his pomer i maybe quietione to spirituat se A the Same time, e conseSSthat there is no the eat in than by uith, as it is impossibist imagine an other; ut tho differetice e twoen in and the perSOn WhOS Sentiment Pana oppoSing, i this; the considereatin toto the ver sam a belleving I say that in elievin gwo eat theraesti os Christ, because hocis actuali made urs bysaith, and that this eatin is the fruit an est eo of faith or toeXpres it more plainly the conside tho ontingo bo uitliitsuis; butes apprehend tuo e rather a consequenc os aith. The disser0nc is mali in Noriis, ut in the hin iissis it is considerable . For though the posti teaches that Christd esse th in oti hereris by aith, V ghye no ne id explainthis inhabitation to e salti it sei Every one US perceive
bu evers sine of the essecis. In the Same manner, hera the
n lis in oti si this is a figure Whicli et oin a participation
converted by the proachin os Potor, hydrank thoiloodis Christb belie viniin him, Whicli tho h ad shed in persecutin him. But in many the passages h highi celebratus that beneficial
Speculative apprehensiora. I say noth in ut present of those Who maintain tho Lord 's suppe to e a mere mari os eXternalprofession, ecauseo thini I have susticionil refutod their error, hen rentin os the sacrament in generaL ni let it be observed that heia Christ says, his cu is the ne teStament, O covenant, in my lood, V l this is the expressionos a promis calculato for the confirmation os salth huncei follows that unlos me direct ou Viems O God, and embraee What he ster iis, e nove propori celebrate the acred Supper. VΙΙ. or ames satisfied Willi hos persons, Who, asteria Vingacknowlodgod that wes have soni communion illi Christ,
kers of his Spirit, ut mali no montion os his flesl, and lood
a though there ero no mea in in thes and ther Similar
participation os lis , and a noth in On Vor Sicle ut impendin death, it a necessar to his recover of an hope os immorta ty that he hould e received in to the communionos that ord Foroliat tender opes hali e forni, is ohea that tho Nord os God contains in himself at the plenitude of life While se aro at an infinite distanc from him,
rematiis no longe cone ealed ut a distance rom us, ut penlyexhibit himself to ur participation. e uiso malle the eryssost in hic his rosides the mentis os giving se to S, that, by a participation oscit, e may be nourishodo immortality.
hearis to iis reception tand we hal obtaincit. IX. NON, though the o Ner os givini se to iis is uot anossentia attributo of th body os Christ, hiuli, in iis originalcondition, as Subjecto mortati ty, and o livo by an immortalit no iis Nn, et it is justi represente dis the ou rectosisse, ecaus it is ondue With a plenitude sis to communicate to us. In his Pagre Willi Cyril, in understandin that
Spirit reali unites things hicli are separate by loca distance. NON, that hol participation fraus sesti and lood, bywhicli Christ communicatos his lis to us jus ascisio actuallypenetrate e ver partis Our ramo in the aere Supper he also iusti fies an senis and that no by tho exhibition os a uin orinest octua sigii, but by tho exortionis the nurg os his Spirit, by hichrae accomptishes that hicli e promisses. And thothin signifiexhe xhibit an os sors to ali ho com to that Spirituat anquo though it is ad vania geousty enjoyed by be
cnus to objeci, that it is a figurative Xpression by hicli thonum os th thin signi fiud salven to the Sign. I grant, in-deed that the realiing of the read is symbolicat, and no the substanc itSeis: et this uin admitted froni the exhibitionos the symbol e ma justi insti tho exhibitionis the sub
Stanem; sor, unies any one ould cal God a deceivor, he an neve pre Sume to affirm that he et bes ore us an empi Sign.
There fore, is by the real in of the broad the Lor truly 0- present the participationis his ody, it ought no tot doubio dthat he trul present anil communicatescit Andri must al-Way be a ule illi e evers, Wheneve the See the Sigiis instituted by the Lord, to assure an persuade themSelves that the are also accompaniod illi the truth of the hin signisiud. For o hat und would the ori dolive into urinantis the Symbo of his Ody, Xcept to assurem os a real participationoscit scit bo tru that thu visibi sigia is gi ven to iis to ealth donation of the invisibi substance, e ought to entertuina consident assurance, that in receiving the symbolis his Ody. Ne at the Same time trul receive the od itsuis. XI. In harmony, heres ore, illi the doctrine hicli hasal Way been received in the Church, and whicli is maintainedin tho present da by ali ho holi right sentiments I say that the sacre myster of the suppe consist o tW part thecorporea SignS, Whicli, ein placed ei re Ur yeS, repreSentio iis invisibi things in a manne adapted to the wealineS OfOur capacitieS and the spiritua truth, hicli is a the fame
timo typisiud and exhibitod by thos symbols. Whenes intendio give a familia vie of this truth Pam accustomedo State three particulars hic licit includes the signification the mat-ter, o SubStanee, Whicli depend on the signification and the viriue, or effeci, hici follows rom both. The signification consist in the promises hicli are inter overi illi the Sign. Whates catl the matter o substanee, is Christ, illi his deathan resurrection. y the es ect I mean redemption righteOUS-11eSS, Sanctification, tertiat se, uni at the ollier bone sit s hicli Christ conser tapon us. Νow, though ul thus thingsare connected illi faith, et Ploavo o oom for his cavit a though, hun I say that Christ is receivsed by saith intendo that he is received mersei in the understandiri and imagination sor the promise presen him to iis, no that ema reSt in mere contemplation in sinapi lino ledge, ut