장음표시 사용
that e ma servio a rea participation of hina And in saet, See o hox an mali an attain a soli considen e that hulias redemption and righteousnes in the cros of Christ, and lis in his duath, utiles h sirs has a real communion illi Chris himself sor hos biossings ould neve bo impartest tous, is Christ id notrars mali himself urs Psay, heres ore, that in the myster of the supper, unde the symbol os readand wine, Christ is trul exhibite to has even his od and blood, in hieli ho has fulsillo ali obedione to procure urjustification. And the design of this exhibition is sirst that w may b unite into ne od With him, and Seeondly,
that uin inade partallers of his sub Stanee, e may Xperiencellis o Ner in tho Communication fili tessings. XII. Uno pro eo to the hyperbolica additions hich superstition has made to this sacrament. For here Satan has oxerte amaZin Subitet to illidra the ind of men frontheaven, and involVe them in re preposterou error, by persuad ingilium that Christ is attachod to the element of read. In thesrs place, e must e cares ut notrio stream Of Such a presenceo Cliris in the sacrament a the ingenuit of the Romanisis
s vallo med by the throat. For his Nas the form os recantationwhicli Popo Nicolas directe to Herengarius as a declaration os his repontance the langu age of hicli is o monstrous, that the scholiast Xelaim S that here is danger, unie S the readers be very prudent anil cautious, of thei imbibin frona it a morsu heresy than that Os Berengarius an Peter ombard, thoughhe akesareat alias to desen it rom the charge of absurdity, yet ather inclines to a different opinion. For, a We have nottho east doub that Christis od is finite accordin to the invariabie condition o a human Ody, and is containe in heaven, here it a Once received tit it hali return to judg-ment, o e Steem it ulteri unlawsul to bring it acli undor these corruptibi elemenis, o to imagine it to e preSent very where. Nor i there an nee of this in orde to Ur enjoyingili participationis it since the Lord by his Spirit gives iis thoprivilego os bella unite With himself in Ody, oui an spirit. The ond of this union, heres ore, is the Spirit of Christ by
by hiel, at that Chris himself is and has is conveye to S. For, i W0 ehol the sui dari in his ray an transmittin his
SubStanee, Scit ere, in them, o generate, nouri Sh, and mature
the oot of the parili, hy should tho irradiation of the Spiritos Christae lus est ectunt to convento us the communicationos his od an blood Z horos oro, the Scripture, hen its alis os our participation o Christ, attributus at the pomeris
it to tho Spirit Ono passage hali sussice instea os many. In the ighth haptor folio Episti to the Romans, aut represent Christ a d Nodin in iis no ther Wis than by his Spirit. 4n Hy this representation the apostle oo no destroytha communion os the od and lood os Chris of hicli o ve remo treatin g, ut tenelles that it is solet oWin to the age ne of the Spirit lint, posses Christ With alliis benesiis, an have in diuult in With in I S. XIII. De turred by a horror os stioli barbarons impiet y the
Schootinen have expresse them solves in more modeSt language,
yet tho orat trisse illi qua fallac and greater Subile ty. The ad init that Christ is no containo in the r ad and
is to e Sought, a the eXpres it in the forna of read. Whon tho say that tho substance of brua is transmute into Christ, do the no attach his substance to the whiteneSS, Whicholio proton is ali that romatris of the broad y ut,
the Say, ne is o contained in the Sacrament, that he rem ainsin heaven, and e maintain no Otho preseno than that os habitudo. ut hale ver ord the emplo to gloSS Verthoi notioris, tho ali terminate in his that by the consecration that hicli a bosor broad ecomes Christ, o thatth substanc os Christ is conceale unde the colour os read. This tho pro not shamo to expres in lain ternis for Lombard says, That tho od o Christ, hicli is visibi in iis0lf, is hiddun and concented after the consecration, Unde theformis bread. V Thus the figur of the rea is nothinibu a Veii, hicli provent the osti rom ein Seen. Nor is there an neod of many conjectures, o discoVer lint nare theyin tonde to a in thes Words, hic hoste hin iiseis lainlye vinces For it is vident in hat pro uno superstition notoni the eopte in generat, ut even the principat men, haven O sor severat age been involved, and re involved, at