장음표시 사용
god lines and honosty. V is Here leti man doceive iniseli For ascit is impossibi to resis the magistrate ithout at the Same time, reSistin God himself though an narino magistrate a Seem to e despised With impunity, et God is armedio insic exemplar vera glance On the contempt onered tollimself. Under his obedience Palso include the moderationWhicli private person ought to rescribe to themSelve in relation to public astairs that the do not without ein calledupon, intermed ille illi assair Os state, o rasiti intrude them-Selves into the ossice of magistrates, o underiali an thin os a public nature Is there se any thin in the public adminis-
other commit flagrant utrages, illa ginginoia Ses, violatin Virgins an matrons, and mur lorin insunt many perSon cannot be persuadod that uel ought o b acknowledged a princes, Whom, a sar a possibio the ought to Obey. O in suchenormitieS, and actions o completet incompatibie, not onlywith th ossico os a magistrate, but illi the ut of very man, the diScoveri appea rance os the image os God, hichought to e conspicuous in a magistrate 'hile the perceiveno vestigo os that minister of God horis no a terror o good mortis, buto the sevit, ' ho is son for the punishmon ofoVil-doers, and so tho prat se of them that do eli Visor recogniZe that overnor, hos dignit alid authorit the Scripture recommentis to tis. An certainly the minit os men haveat way been naturali disposed omate an e Xecrate tyranis Si uolt a to love an reversen ce legitimate ings. XXV. ut is, diroci ou attontion to the word os God, it Wil carr iis much surthera even to Submit O theaOVern ment,not ora ly of thos princes h discharge their ut to iis illibecomin integrity and do ty, ut os ali ho posses the SOVere ignty, Vel though thoy persorin nono of the uties osthei function. For though the Lor testistes that the magistrate is an eminent is of his libera tyri preserve the Sasei y Os en, and rescribus to magistrates them Selve tho X tentos their uty, et hora the fame time declares, that hale Ver
be thei charactors, tho have thoi govertiment ni stommim that hos who overi for the public good re triae Specimens and mirror of his beneficone : und that those ho rulo in an Unjus and tyrannica manne are aiso up by him o punish
a perta in to publio obedience, illi the Sume reverene and
XXVI. In the firs place I equest in reader to ObSerVean consider illi attention, hat is o frequently and justly mentione in the Scriptures, the providerice and peculiardispensation os God in distributin kingdonis and appotnt- in Whom h ploases tot kings Daniel Says, Mod changeththo times uno the suasori removeth ings and set tolli p
os Babylon, that nation illes punish With the word, and withthe famine and with the pestilenco heres ore serve the king
n Dan. v. 18, 9. re 1 Sarn. viii. 11-17. In the Latin translation, it is jus right.
into exile, an force into a miserable Servitude, ere Om-
mande to pra for the prosperit os thei conqueror no in the fame manne in hieli, are ali commande to pra forour persecutors; ut that his ingdom might e reserve insus et and tranquillity, and that the might live in prosperi tyunde him. Thus David aster havin been atroad designa tedas hin by the ordination os God, and ano intod illi his olyoit, though he was unjusti persecuted by Saul, Without a Ving
knOWing that tho aru investe by the will of th Lord withtha function, pono hicli 0 has impresse an inviolable
mission to punish unrighteous domination, and to dolivor romthei distressin calamities a people ho have been unjust lyoppreSsed: Ometimes he accomptishes his en d by th fur os meri ho meditate an attempi Someth in nitogether disserent.
rhus h libora ted the eo ple os Israel froin the tyrann os Pharaol, by Moses rom the oppression 1 Chusanra Othnisel; and rom ther okes by ther ings and judgus Thus hesubdued the ride of Tyre by the gyptians oh insolenc os the Egyptians by the Assyrian the haughtiness of the Assyrians by the Chaldean the considuncem Babylon by the Medos and Perstans, after Cyrus ad subjugate the Medos. The ingratitude of the king os Israel and Judali, and thei impious rebellion, notwithstandin his numerous avours, he represse and punished, Sometimes by the Assyrians Sometimes by the Babylonians These ere at the Xecutioners of his verageance, ut not ali in the fame manner. The former, hen the Were
calle sorti, to tho performance of such acts by a legitimate commission rom God in tal in arm against ingS, ere notcharge te illi the leas violation os that majest With whichkings are investo by the ordinationis God ut be in armedwith authorit stommeaven the punished an inferior pomerby a superior ne, scit is lamsul so kings to punish thoi inferior ossicers. The alter, though they ere uide by the hand of God in such directions as e leased, and performed his morti Without ein consciolis oscit, ne VeriheleS contemplatu in thei hereris nothinibu evit. XXXI. ut haleve opinion e forme of the acts of men, yet the Lor equali executo his orti by them, hen hebroke the sanguinar sceptres of insolent ings, and Ver- turned tyrannical overtiments. et princethea und sear. ut, in the mean hile, it belloves iis to se the reate Si caution, that e domo despis o violato that authorit os magistrates, whicli is entillest to the greates veneration, hicli odias Stab shed by th mos solem commands, even though it reside in hos Who are mos uia orth of it, and who, a sar a in
rection Os tyrannica domination is the engeanc os God, en re Ot, theres ore, to conclude that it is committe to us, hohave received O ther command thun to Obe and uiser. This observationes alWays appl to private personS. For is there bo in the preSeni Jay, an magistrate appotnte so the protectior of the eople and the moderation Os the poWer os king S, Such as ere, in ancient times, the Ephori, ho ere achecli pon the Lings among the Lacedaemonian S, O the popular tribunos pon the consul among the RomanS, O the Demarchi pon the Senate among the Athenian or illi power Such a perhaps is no posseSSed by the three states in very
kingdom hen they are assemblex Pam so sarcironi prohibit- in thom in the discliarge of thei duty, to Oppos the violenceo crueit os ings, that Passirin that is the connive a kings in thei oppression Os thei peOple, Such sorbearane involves the OS nesarious perfidy because the fraudulently betra theliberi os the eoplo, of Whicli the lino that he have been appotiato protector by the ordinationis God. XXXII. ut in tho obedienco hicli, have hown to e
ossice, an hastis ot ni done an iiij ur to men, but by at Singliis arm against God, liud degrado his own authority. ii theother hand the Israelites aro condemnexsor havin been too submissi ve to the implous edici of thei hing. For hen eroboam ad made his olden calves, in compliance illi his Wili, the deserted the templo os God an revolte to ne NSuperstitions Their posterit consorine to the decrees of
Di eblast number indieastes the Book the second me Chapter.
Adam' sali, tho causo of the curse inflicte on alliankind, and of their degeneracyfrona thei primitive condition ii. 1. Angeis, thei creation nature, names, an ossices i. 14. Articles of faith, oKor of tho Church relatin to them iv. 8 9. Ascensionis Christ, i. 15. Baptism a sacrament iis institution naturo, administration, an disses, v. 15. of insanis orsecti consistent Withthe institutionis Chris and the nature of the sign, V. 16. Colibac of priosis iv. 12. of montis an nuns iv. 13. Christ prove toto God i. 13. - necessit of his bocominumani ordo to fulfit the office of a mediator, ii 12. his assumptionis rea humani ty, i. 13.
-- the union of the tW natures constitutingit One person, ii 14. the ont Rod emor of lost man ii. 6. the considerationis his three ossices, prophetical rogat, and sacerdotal, ne es-sar to ou knowing the en os his mission frona the athor, and tho benefiis he confersi Us, i. 15. his death, resurrection, an ascension to heaven , t uecompli Stitur Salvation,
ii 16.trui an properi sal to have merite the grace of God an salvation sorus, i. 17. imperfecti reveale to tho Jews unde tho law, i. 7, 9. olearly revoale oni in the gospol ii. . Christia liborty, it natur an ad vantages, iii 19. Christian ii se scriptura argumonis and sexhortation to ii iii. 6.
Chureli, ille necessit Oftur union illi the true Church iv. l. tria an salse compare and distinguishod, iv. 2.-teachor an ministors of the Chureli, thei electio an Ossice, v. 3 -power of the relatin t articles of aith iv. 8, 9. in ahi nilaws, v. 10. in jurisdiction, civ. 11- discipline of tho censures an excommunication iv. 12.- State of the ancient, and the modo of govertament practiso bosor tho Papacy, V. . ancient ornam it govertament sentiret subverte by the Papa tyranny,
Consession auricular, iii. 4. true, iii 4. Confirmation Papal, iv. 19. Conscience, it natur an obligations iit. 19.