Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae religionis

발행: 1834년

분량: 683페이지


분류: 미분류



Depravi ty, human, Otal, ii . . Descent of Christ into hell, ii 16. Deviis, thei existenee, power, subit ety, maligni , i. 14. Discipline of the Church iv. 12. Election, etornat, O God' predestination o soni to salvation, and of ther todestruction, iii. 21. testimontes of Scripture in confirmationis his doctrine, iii. 22. a refutationifatio calumnio generali butunjusti urge against this doctrine, iii. 23. confirm0d by the divino cali iii N. Excommunication iv. 12. Extrem unction, V. 19. Faith definod an iis propertios described, iii 2. - , justificationi faith, iii. 11. , praye it principat exerciso, iii 20. Fanaticism os discarding the Scripture, unde the preteiice of resortingrio immediate revelations subversi vo Ofiver principi of piety i. . Fasting, iis se an abuse iv. 12. Free-will los by the fuit man in his present state miserabi onflaved ii 2. a refutatio Of the objections commoni urged in supportis free-will, ii 5. God trul known oni froni tho Scriptures i. 6. Whata indisfiein God exclusivel opposed in the Scripture to ali helieathen deities i. 10. contradistinguished rom idols solis sole an supremo objectis Worship, i. 12.- ascriptionis a visibi soruario, unlawsul, an ali idolatry a dosection rom thetrue, i. 11. the creator of the universe, i. 4.

his preservation an suppor of the worl by his power, an his governmentos e ver partis iti his providonee, i. 16.- the prope use an ad vantagos of this doctrine, i. 17. his operations in the hearis of men ii. 4. his use of the agene of the wi ked without the least stain os his persect purity, i. 18. One Divine essene containing three persons, i. 13. Gospei and law compare an distinguished ii. 9, 10 11. Governnient of the Church iv. 3, 4 5. civi ; it nature digni ty, and advantages iv. 20. Hol Spirit prove tobe God i. 13. his testimon requisite to the confirmation of the Scripture, and thoost listiment of it authori ty, . . his secret an Eppcia operation necessar totur evioymontis Christan ali his benefiis this operation the oundatio Offaith, newnes os lise, undat hol exercises, iii. I. tiae si against iii 3. Humilit os bellovers, iii. 2. Idolairna de otio Dom the true God; at worshipis images idolatry i. 1. Imago of God in man, i. 15. Impositionis hands iv. 15. Indulgen es an pardons, iii 5. Intercessionis alnis, iii. 20.

Judgment, last, iii. 25. Jurisdictio of the Church iv. 11. Iustificatio by faith ohe nam and thinidefined iii. 11. VOL. II. 4


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Iustification, a consideration of the Divine tribunal necessarni a serious convictionos gratuitous, iii. 12. ining necessar t be observe in gratuitous, iii. 13. commenoemen and continua progress of iii. 14. boastin of the meritis Wortis equali subversive of God' glor ingratuitous, and of the certaint Os salvation iii. 15. rofutationis the injurious calumnies of the Papist against the doctrine here maintained iii 16- by Orks the promis os a rewardis argument for iit. 7Κingdom of Christ, ii 15. Knowledge of Christ, impursec unde the law, i. 7, 9. Clearly unsolde unde the gospei, ii . . of o connected with the knowledgo Ofiurselves i. 1. nature an tendo ne of it, i. 2. naturali implante in the human indoi. 3. O Xtinguishe or corrupted partly by ignorance, parti by wiched- conspicuous in the formation undiovertament of the worid, i. 5. effectuali attaine oni froin the Scripture, i. .

civi an potiti ai iv. 20. Liborty, Christian iii. 19. Liso, Christian iii. 6, 7 8.- present, an iis Supporis right use of iii. 10.- future meditation on, iii . . Lord 's prayer expositionis, iii. 20. Lord 's supper iis institution nature, an advantages iii. 17.

not ni profaned, ut anni hilate by the Papia mass, iii. 18. Maii, his stat at his creation the faculties of his foui the Divine imago, ree-will, and the origina purit of his nature, i. 15. - in his present state despolle of freedom of Will, an subjected to a miserable flavery ii. 2.-every thin that proceed frona his corrupi nature orth of condemnation,ii. 3. his in naturali furnishe with tho knowledg o God i. 3. the knowledg of God in the human min extinguishedis corrupte by ignorane and wichedneSS, . . Magistracy, v. 20.Μarri age, i S. Matrimony, falsely calle a sacrament, iv. 19.Μass, the apal, nolint a sacrilegi ous profanatio of the Lord 's supper, but a totalannihil alio of it, iv. 18.Μediator Se Christ, ii Id.Μoritis Christ, ii 17. of ortis disproved iii. 15, 18. Monks iv. 13. Neighbour, lovo of our, ii . . Nuns iv. 13. Oaths, ii . . offences givon an talion What tot avoided iii. 19.

Orders, ecclesiasti ai no Sacrament, V. 19.

original sin, the doctrine OL i. 1. Paedobaptism See Baptis in iv. 16. Papacy, iis sentire subversio Orthe ancient formissicelesiastical ovornment, iv. 5.-it ris an progresso it present eminence attended with the os oflibortyrio the Church, and the ruinis ali moderation iv. 7.


Papacy, it licentiolis perversionis ille power of the Church respectin articles offaith, to the corruptionisi ali purit os doctrine iv. 8.-iis Ophistry and argon concerning repentanc ulteri inconsistent illithe gospei, iii. 4. iis corrupi tenet respecting indulgences an purgatory iii. 5. iis assumptionis the power of legislation, tyranny ver men' minds, and tortures of theiriodies iv. 10. iis abuse of the jurisdiction of the Church iv. 1.

iis corrupi discipline, censures, an excommunications iv. 12. iis uia seriptura Voxus, v. 13. iis sacrilegi ous mas an anni lii latio of the Lord 's supper iv. 18. iis sive eremontes falsely calle sacraments prove notatote sacramenis, iv. characteristic Ona false Church iv. 2.

Penanee no sacrament, iv. 19.

Prayer the principat exercise of aith, and the medium Ofisur ait reception ofDivine blessings, iii. 20. Prodestination See Election, iii 21 24 Priosthood os Christ, ii 15. Promisses of the la dindiospei, harmon belwoen them iii. 7. Prophetical ossice of Christ, ii 15. Providelice of God go vern the worid, i. 16. prope application an utilit of this doctrino, i. 17. contra is no impurit frOm iis contro an use of the Vencyof the wiched i. 18. Purgator exposed an disproved iii 5. Reason urnishes proos io establishalae authorit of the Scripture, i. . Redemption necessar in conseque nectis the fati, ii 1. 6. t be ought Ont in Christ, ii . . accomptished by thes death, resurrection, and ascensio os Christ, ii 16. Regeneration iii. 3. Repentance trae, alWay accompanies true aith; it origin nature, an effecis, iii. 3. comprises mortificatio of the est an vivificatio of the spirit, iii. 10. the sophistry and argon of the school on this sub eo ver remotefroin the purit of the gospei, iii 4. Reprobates the destructionis, procured by thenaseives, iii N. Resurrectionis Christ, ii 16. final, iii. 25. Reward promised, no proos of justification by orks, iii. 18. Roman See, primae OG V. 6. Sabbath, i S. Sacraments in generat, iv. 14. in particular iv. 15 16. cere montes falselyis called, iv. 19. Sacrifices, legat, ii . . non propitiator unde the gospei since that os Christ, iv. 18. Sainis, invocation an intercession of iii. 20. Salvation forciost man obo oughtini in Christ, ii . . procured by Christ, ii 16. Satisfactions exposed, iii 4. Sehismati S. V. 1. Scripture, the guidance an teachin oscit necessar to lea to the nowledge os God i. 6. the testimon of the Spirit requisiterio it confirmation and est lishment of it authori ty, . . the dependen eis it authori tymitti judgment of the Chureli an implous fietion, i. 7. rationa proos io est listi it authority i. 8.rejectio of it, unde the retence of resortin to immediate revelations, subversive of every principiet piety i. 9.- exclusi vel opposes the true God' ait the heathen deities i. 10.


668 INDEX.

Scripture cleari distinguis hos the true God Dominil fictilious ones in the creationos tho universe, i. 14. teuehes the unit of Lood, and the existenc os three person in the Divine essenee, i. 13. mptation iii. 20. Testament, id ii T. Testament, New, ii . . similarit of the old and ow ii. 10. differencs of tho id an New, i. 11. harmon belwoen the promise of the old and New, iii. 17. Sacraments of the old an New iv. 14. Traditions human, iv I 0. Transubstantiation exposed, v. 10. Vocatio confirm election, iii N. Vows the miser of rashly akin them iv. 13. Wichod the agonc os controllo an used by God i. 18.Works meritio favour rom God iii. 15.