장음표시 사용
pil grimage, the who tali them froni man de prive hi in f his human nature Theyiload that there houldie so much perseetion in tho Church os God that iis ordor ould Sussice to Supplythe placo os ali a v ; ut tho soo stit imagino a persection
arising rom ad thes things, that men may brenthe, at drin k, and e sustui ne inise though it comprehend ad laeso hingswhile it causes them to live together, et, I say, his i no iisoni tonden cy iis object also are, that idolatry, Sacrileges against the nam os God blasphemios against his truth, and other ostences against religion inny no opent appen and edisseminate among the eople that tho public tranquilli tyma not be disturbe I that Vory perSon may Djo hi proper-t Without molestation that men a transae thoi busine SStogethe without fraudi injustice that int0grit anil modestyma be culiivato amon them in hori, that there a bea public forin os religion amon Christians, and that humanityma be maintaine amori men. or et ny one hin k it Strange thates no reser o human polit the charge of the due mainte nance Os religioni hic ho ma appear o have placedbeyondoli jurisdiction os men. Fores do no alio men tomuli iam respectin religion and the worship os God now, an mores hanes di besor though Papprove os civit OVern-ment, hicli provides that the rue religion hi chris containodin tho law of God, b no violatod, and polline by public blasphemi es, illi impunity. ut the perspicuit os order ill
timent ought to e entertaine re Specting the whole Systemos civi administration is me enter on a discussion Os achbranch oscit. Theso are three The magistrate, ho is theguardian und conservator of the laWS: The laWs, accordin towhichie goverit : The eople, horare go verned by the laWS,
function os a magistrate, hether it eo legitimate cassin aiadapproVed by God the natur os the dii ty, and the extunt of the poWer Secondly by What laWs Christian OVerninent oughtto e regulatex; and lastly what ad vantage the eopte derivos roni tho larus, and what Obedienco the Owe to the magiStrate. IV. The Lord has not ni tosti fiod that the function os magistrates has his approbation and acceptance, ut has eminenti commende it to us by dignissing it illi ho most honori rabie illos. 0 ill mention a se of thum. Whenali xvlio sustain the magistrae aro callod ods,V o it ought notrio e considerodis an appellation os trivia importa nee sor it implies that he have thoi command rom God that the a re in vestud illi his authori ty, and a re altogether his representatives, an ac nihi vice gerentes This is no an invention os mino, ut the interpretation Os Christ, Wh says, Isti callod them gods, unio hom the Ord os God came, and the Scripture cannot e brohon. V f What is the mean ingos his, ut that thei commission has been i ven to them by God to serve him in thoi office, and a MOSe and Iehosti
by kings and ther go vernor ove ali hing upon arti is nota OnSequerice of the perverSenes of men, butis the providunco and hol ordinanc os God. Who has been lea sed to regulate humanissa irs in his mannor forasmuchis heri present, andalso resides amon them in mal in laWs and in executingequitable udgments. his is olearly aught y Paul, honii enumerate go vernments 6 προἰσταμ ενος si among the istis of God, hicli, sin variousi distributed a cordin to thodiversit os grace, ought to e emplo Ved by the servant os Chris to the edification of tho Church. For though in that place e is properi spo k in os the counci os et ders, ho ere appotnte in the primitivo Clitarcho preside ver tho regulation os the public discipline, the sam ossico hicli in
does no command them to abdicato thei authorit an retiret private se, ut o submit o Christoli pow0 With whichthe are invested that he alone may have the re eminence ove nil. In like manne Isaiah, hon he predicis that 'ingssi, ut be nursing-sather an queens nursing-mother V to the Church, n does no depos them froni thei thrones; utra theristablishos them by an hono urabie ille, a patron and protector of the pious Orshippers of God so that prophecyrelates to the advent of Christ. I purposely mi numerouSteStimontes, hicli osten oecur, and speciali in the Psalms, in hiel the rights of allino vernor aro asserted. ut the OStremari able os ali is that passage here aut admoniShing Timoth that in the public congregation, SupplicationS,PrnyerS, intercessioris, and iving of thantis, bo ad for hingsan sor at that re in authority, ' assign a a re on that me a lea a quiet and uacoable se in ali od nos and honest o languago in hic me recommend the state filio Churoh to thei patronage an des nee. VI. This consideration ought continuali to occupy the magiStrates them solves, sinc it is calculato to urnisholium With a poWersu stimulus by hicli the may bo excite totheir uty, and to assor them peculia consolation, by hic lithes dissiculatos of thei ossico, hicli certaini are many und
abeen constituted minister of the Divino justic t illi fiat considonee ili ho ad mi iniquit to thei tribunal, Whiel thuyunderstand to e the throno of the livin God se illi fiat audacit Cill they prono unc ni rinjust Sentence illi thalmo uili, hic holio lino to e tho destinest organ os Divine truth Z ith hat conscienco ill ille subscribe to implous docruos illi that haud whicli the lino tot appotritod o register the dicis os God In hori, is the remember that thuy
constanti bear his in ind that is in ali casus me e cui sed that docti the work of the Lord decoli sui ly, ' is a sar heavior
curse Wait those ho ac fraudulenti in a right eous cassing. Theres ore, hen Mosos and ehoshaphat wishod to exhort
God, o hom the must ne ny render an account O their administration. An this admonition is entillet to have considerable eight illi thom for is the sat in their uty, the not ni injure mei by criminali disti essing them, ut even ossoni God by pollutin his sacro judgments. On the
of Scripturo, ut stili dare to stigmatig this sacre mini Stry Sa thin incompatibio illi seligion und Christian piet y do theyno os er an insul to God himself, ho cannot ut be involved
e Xercise ord ship Ver them ut e nati no b so ut hutha is greates among ou, et hi in eis the oungor nil hethat is hius as he that doth serve v and the contund thatthus Word prohibit the XerciSe of royalty or an Other aut hority by an Christians Admirabie Xpositori A contentioni ad arison among the disciplos , hici of thum fio utilbe accounte the reate St. V o repres this uin ambition, ou Lord aught them that liet ministry a Dot lilio temporalliingdonis, in hieli ne person has the re eminence ver allothers. ow, What distio nou does this comparison cast ponroga dignit Θ What oes it prove at ali excepi that the regalossic is no the apostoli ministry MoreoVer, though thereare Various Ornis os magiStracy, et there is no dissorunc in this respeet, ut e ought to receive them ullis ordinances of God For Paul comprehend them ali Ogether, hen he nyS. that thur is no power ut os God V and that hicli assurthest rom givin generat Satisfaction, i recommende to Sin a remari able mannei beyond allither amely the goVerument os ne man which, as it S attended illi tho common Servitude os ali, except the single individua to hos Will allother are subjected, a neve been o hi ghi approved by heroi and oblo indS. ut the Scripture, On the contrary, to correct theS unju Si sentiments, Xpressi assirnis that it is by th providen ce of Divine isdom that ings rei gn, nil particulari command us lion our the king. V re VIII Andrior privato men, Wh have no aut Orit to deliberate On the regulation os an public assairs, it ould surui boa niti occupation to dispute hieli Nould e the est sortii fgo vernnient in the place here the live Hesides, his could not be impi doterminud, as an abStraci question, Without great improprie ty, Since the principi to uide the decisioninus dependisn circumstances. An even is e compare thodisserent forins together, Without thei Circumstaneos thoi nil Pantage are Somearly equat, that it illiso b eas to disco veros,hicli tho utilit preponderates. The ornis of civilino vern-ment are considere to e os three hinds: Monarchy, hic licis
th dominion os ne orson, hether callex hing or a dialie, or an other ille oristocracy, o the dominion Os the principat person os a nation and Democracy, O popular OVern-ment, in luch the o Ner rosidos in the eopte ut large. t istruo that tho transition is asy rom monarchyrio despotism it is not uel moro dissiculi froni ari Stoerae to ligar hy, Ortho actionis a fow ut it is mos eas os ali rom democracyto edition. Indoed is thes throe sortiis os overninent, hi Chare State by philosophors, bo considerei in theniselvus I shalli, no mean deny that ither aristocli Rey, O a miXture sari Stoerne and demo rucy, far excels nil others and that in desed not oscit soli , ut o auSe it vor raret happens thathing regulate themsolve so that their ilicis neverint variarice with ustio an rectitude Or, in the ex place that they areundused illi Such ponotration an prudonee, as in ali case todis over hat is est. The vice or imperfectionis mei there-sor rendor it Saser an more tolerable for the overtament Obo in the and of many that tho may assor erecti thermutuat assistance and admonition, and that is any one arrogatet himsel more than is right the any ma ae a Cen Sor undinaster to res train his ambition. liis lias alWays been proved
by Xperience, and the Lor confirmed i by his authority, When e Stablisliud a ovurninent of this in amon thopeopte os Israel, illi a vie to preserve them in the ostdestrabie condition, ill liu exhibito in David a type o Christ. An a Preadit aclinowludgo that no in Os go vertiment is more happy thati his, here liberinis regulatust Wit haec oming
moderation, and properly Stablislied ii a durable basis, o also I conside thos as the mos happy eo ple, ho re permittedio eivio Such a condition and is thuy Xer their Strenuousan constant ei ris for iis preservation and retention I admitthat the ac in perfeci consistunc With thoi duty. An tothis object tho magistratos likewis ought to appinthei greatest diligunco that the suffer no the liberi y os hicli the are constituted uardians, o b in an respe et diminis ed, muchlos to e violatex is the aro inactivo and uncone orne abolitthis, the are perfidio us to thei ossico, and trai tors io theircountry. ut is those, o hom the wil os God has assigne d
tries are governo by disserunt sortiis os civi polit for theyare admirabi hel together illi a certain nequality, res the
appoint ings Ver kingilonis, and sonator or ther magiStrates ove frue cities, it is ou duinto se obediento any gOVernors Whom God has stablisliud ver tho places in hieli, reside. IX. Here it is necessary to late in atries muniae thematureos the ossice of magistracy, a describest in the word os God, ut id heroin i consist s. solio Scripturo id o tonch that this ossico extend to both tablos of the law, e might earn itfrom hea thon riter sor no one os them has ruat sed os thoossice of magistratus, of legislation, and civit overnnient Without egi nning Withoo gion and Divino orship. nil thus tho havo ali confosso that no overtiment an e happilyconstitutod utiles iis firs objeci e the promotion os pie ty, and that ali a s are repostorous hicli neglect tho latuis os God, and meret provide so the interest Os nen Theres ore, as religion hold therars place amon ali the philosopherS, andas his has alway been regarde by the universat consent sali nutions Christian princes an magistrates ought to beashamed of thei indolendo, is the do not mali it the objectos thei mos serious care. e have at ready Shown that hisi ut is particulari onjoinu upon them by God forcit is rea- sonabi that tho fhould emplo thei utinos efforis in assertinganu desundin tho honour of him, hos Vicegerent the ure, and by hos favour the goverti. An the principat commendations ive in the Scripture to the good ings ure sorhavin restore the worshipis God hen i ha been corrupted Oribo fhed, o formavin devote thei attention to religioni that it might ourish in purit und Sas et unde thei rei gns. On the contrary the sacred histor represent it sine of heevit arising rom anarchy, or a Want f good OVernment, that Wheu there asino in in Israel, very an id that hichwn right in his oWnmyos. V m Thos things evinco the follyof those ho ould Nisi magistratus to neglectinii thoughts of God, and to confine theriiset vos entiret to the administrationos justice amon mens a though God appotnted overnor in his a meo decide secular controversies, an disregarde that Whicli sis far greatur importando the pure orship of himselsa cordin to the ille os his law. ut a rage or universat innovation, and a destre to escape illi impunity, instigate menos turbulent spirit to isti that at the aven ger os violated piet Were remove o ut os the worid. With respecto the Se con table, Jeremiali admonishus ings in the folio ingmanner Execute e judgmen and righteousness, an de-
livor the spollodiu of tho and of the oppressor an domo
Wrong, do no violen e to the Stranger, the atherle Ss, nor the
Sho no partiali ty, nor talio ribes, illi imita injunctions, hic hisbound in ili Scriptures ecause, in describin theos lice of magistratus in his realise, ni design is no so muchi instruct magistrates thenaseives, us to ho to ther What magiStrates ure, an sor hut en God has appotnted thum K See, heres ore, that the are constitute the prole tors and
honou nor an the violenco os the Wicked e re strainod un-les crimes are sollowed by severe punishments. And theset vo paris are inelaided in the injunctionis the prophe to kingsand ther overnors, eXeente judgment nil rightoous-ness. V d Night orisnes mean the care, patronage, defenee, vindication, and liberation of the innocent oudgmen imporis thu repression of the audacity the coercion Os the violetice, and tho punishment of the crime S, os the impio tis. X. ut aere, it Soems Brises an important an dissiculi ques
tratus o liud lood Z ut is o understand that in tho inflictionis punishments the magistrate oes no ac ut ali fronthimself, ut meret execute the udgments of God me halino be embarrassed illi his scruplo. The law of th Lord commands, Thou hali noto ill V ut that homicide maytio go unpunished the legislator iniseis ut the wor intoth hund of his ministors, to e sed against ali homicidos. g)T hur an to ostro are incompatibio illi the charactor ostho odly ut to aveng the amictions of the rightoous attho command of God is ne i the to hi/rtior o destroy. Theres ore it is eas to conclude that in hi respect magistrate areno subjecto the common a by hicli, though tho ordbind the haud os meri, i does noti in his own justice, hichii exercises by the and Os magi StrateS. So, hen a princesorbid ali his subjocis to tritio or ound any one , he oes Otprohibit his ossicors rom execut in that justico hicli is particulari committet to them. incerely isti that this consideration ere constanti in ur recollection, filiat nothiniis dono here by the temerit os men, ut very thin by the aut horit of God, lio command it, and under hoSe guidunce We neve err rom the right ny. For e canisti no validobjection to tho infliction os public Vengeance, unios the justice of God bo restraine from the punishmentis crimes. Butis it u unlawsul sor us to impos reStraint upon him, Wh dow0 calumniato his minister. Paul ny os the magistrate, that me beareth no the word in vain for hecis the minister of God a QVenge to Xecuto ruth pon him that do thevit. V h Theres ore, is princos and other overnor lino that nothin Will e more acceptable o Godolian their ob dience,