장음표시 사용
529. Non . . . . Victis, there is no suo hostilo intention inour indior bolong Auch insolenco to the conquered.' Victim alluding to the destructionii Troy. 530. Hessextam et tho ester land Oenotriam tho landit vives Italiam e the land of hords. What counir diu tho Romans osten cali Hesperia 2
Cognomine abi. 1 specification. 531. V sere iubertate, fertili V.
534. Hoc et tho common readiniichto. Thicis thoirs of Virgil's incomplet Verses. What reason has been ivon to the presen e lis many
It willio notiood that nostri ait tho hemistichiliave ono potnt
554. l . . . . Et miris dependiu o subduccre, stare, stri istere.
Exa at although si intron a se a Virtua indirect queation, stili tho indieati vocis usod ait sero is aliut that th tbinii So.
an allusion to the Epicurea notion that fior particlesii aethor inritis atmosphoro sed tho perpetua fir initio stars.
61T A v rso dissiluit to can. It is spondato. It has moelision and a hiatus. 619. Euoiclem, i tho Way. TeoCνram et his a tho sonis Telamon os Salamis ho on his sturn rom the Trojan war a banis sed by his altior fornos sivinithois of his ali-brother Ajax. Teneor Iounde a socon Salamis in the istaD o Cyprus. his Teucer must notho consolandost mitti Teucer in iounderintho Trojan lino. Nic orint acoeli limit. Venive memini alie tho pressent int. Whon the action is vividi re ali d. 62l-2. Dei et Virgil represent Belias, tho mythica sathor os Dido, as ulingive Cyprus at this time,-a bold nachronism. 624. Pe1asgi, Graeci, Greeli. The Pelasgi an propor ero in earlier inhabitatit os Greeee, Whomere proad likeWige vera partis Asia Minor, and ove Crete, Latium and Etruria.
69T-8. Venit the scansion stis v that this is ibo historical prosent- ,hen o arrive the queen tias atready reclinod uitio gilde covoti,itti it splendi Mapseris audias talion herplace in the idst.' AHIn is abi. os description mitti sponda. AMYene serenused a a dis Syllabio by Synizesis.