장음표시 사용
Enteroclis cordinet to the et oi Parii ament of Canada in the ear nothousandisi litiundi sed an eighty-four, by . . GAGEM CO., in the ollie of theminister of A riculture.
Vipetit' aenein has dou aught in the selio is ithous interruption o pighteen centuries. Sevent generations ischnol boys avo been initiate into classical ors by Arma virumque cano. Anil stili the interes in the grani ob opio a batos no a Whit. The sigiis o the prophesi ed desuetudo fclassica stud ure uot ver apparent. In his so-callod Pas
cation and even scientisse educatiori a neglect tho ancient classies, ut a libera education eVer can. No unoertain
volui , conjunae, conubium, lulidit hiemps, olfu8 8uccepit,r tus, Iuppiter, adloquitur, dicisne Gi NOTit, Nectat, umeros, Obstipuit, Divom temptest, a Seem Strange alia si Sight, ut
Ribbock' orthograph in the main is supported by ali recent investigations in philology, aut at linteuer eos it is olito discar traditiones pelling. When it is clearly ho 'o ho