장음표시 사용
Linoag of Aeneas in MISCELLANY.)Pntri in in tho homo i Achillos Mycenas, itio cit oi Agamemnon Argis, the cit o Diomed-represent hors thewhole, Groece whicti Was subdused by tho Romatis in 146 B. C. Argis is probabina poetio dative. Someregarii aes an abl. 1plaee. 286. Cnesnx, i. e. Caius Iulitis Caesar Octaviamis August l. s. His original amo, ploro the reat Julius adopte him, asCaius Octavius Thurinu8. Ta Marios. Tho gratidmother of Augustus a Julia, a sistero C. Julius Cassar : so Augustus a b blood in the Julian or Trojan lino origine isti abl. o specification illi TroauuS, or an abl. idescription illi Caesar. 28T uoi terminet subj. 1 Pu OSe. Astris et horis to bo doifi ed. 289. ne ora abi. o Plaee. Augustus duringis mas honored
SpoIiis orio itis et om ibiti this rosors to tho deseat os Antonnat Actium and the conquestoi Egypt B C. 3 ther re-gard it as an allusion to the subjectio of tho Parthians. 290. Necox has probabi it etymologica signification, Dee
bo, a FrieZe remarks that Socia saliti, domestio purity, and publici armony ill prevail. Cana Fides 'hoary', ecause he was scrupuloUSi regardsediti tis primitive times o Rome. Greenough tranStates cana, ausulliost 'Vesta Anthon thinhithe poet hero hinis at the ro-est listi monti in national religion. Remo cum fratre Quirinus oc ordinito the common legendRomus res lain by tii brother Romulus in a quarret. So em translate, Romulus reconcilest it his rothε Romus', reforein to the restoration 1 Concor after the civit Wars. Quirinus,as a Sabine godii War Romulus uiter his apotheosis
Fati tho deeros o lato that Aeneas hould scitio Dot in Africa but in Italy.
305. At horo, as osten, introduces a transitio in tho narrativo. Volv os et is his equivaletit o qui volvebat o qui volverat ICommentatoridisnoee. 306-9. Ut Drimum, , Soon's. ExiΓΘ, e lorare, quaerere, referre, ad dependis constituit
Ve etc. vel talis virginis qualis ost Threissa Harpalyce euam fatigat equOS.
330. Sis precativo subjunctivo subj. Damigra.
Quos Sychaeus an Pygmalion Sychaeum horo has the stior although it is long in v. 343. Tho poetitoo great liberties witti soreign Proper ames.
86 NOTES.uFa Rum tho stor is that Dido bought rom in nativo
378. Sum Dios Aene M this gratos o modor sensibilities, as Oe fiam stiper aether notus Their ver simplicit os character retiove the ancient from the necessit os assumitig