Dialogi Laurentii dunelmensis monachi ac prioris

발행: 1880년

분량: 140페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


totis us that aris the Battis of tho Standar in 1138,

Northumberland was a barro solitude Those ho ad escaped the word were ei ther secretin themsolves, in thedroad os fres disastera, o sesing in monaster oria assedlown coid ive hem the s et whic the countv nemnot. redator banda, eade by Scottis nobies, mades orays in orthumberland William it Duncan David snephew, ought ut the estates of his de the sires of Romille, in Craven to subject them to ad tho horror ofwar Alan artis Richmon buit for himsod a casus at Hesion onyers, hom hic herissuod fori to torris thoinhabitant of Ripon, an insul iis ecclesiastica chi M. William Ear of Albem te in his necessis garrisono thomonaster of Bridlington. Rogor de avi Iodgo himsinin Thirs Casus, and filiodrit,it in produce of his forvson both sidos of the eos. Reginal of Durham, in more an one passage in his account of St. Cuthberi, describes

Reginald, cap. c.


Wit much feeling the oppressio an miser of the times, homoer muthio possession die could os a castis, and

Quis custodes custodiet ipsost '

Reginald, capp. lxiv lxvii, c. Gesta Stephani m. 96, 97, 121, 122. Fornotices of prisons, etc. cf. capp. XX, iri, i, citi. istorians of the Churches ore , i, 302-307. Vita S. OsWini, p. 33-ε.


instincto chpse his for his future resting-place Thehoad of the promontor mas stagra mith ood, and theroa croppexout here and there me a narro sit oribo the round the hvsbandinan had Mawn his hare and scattered his seed Blaho Noune too possessionis therili, and with in hol of UM d aes of orthumboriandand the eople of the district tho limber a removed, and the ground levelladior the bullder On the fouinem portiono the sit a chum mas reared, in predecessor of thers, esto more states than ita foremuner, to ensesine St. Cuthberes bov. o tho nori mas the casus of the bishop, in palace of the reat hium' and amund churin and toWors, turret an long lines of batilemonte mans erodram for saraguard les potent indoed tha tho religio privileges and associations Which threm thei spoliis sanctiuove St. ut ores homo. It was the Jerusalem os Maenho ad been resues so long. he nam is hic it masorie known, s mel fro associatio a froin iis actualrosemblanco to the Salem of the East, as tho English Sion. We cannot say At What time in residenoe of tho bishopassumed the character of a forfresa. r. . . lais, hanwhom inore is no bellor authortu, is of opinio that homound of o in on hichahe presentieep is standing existedat an early period, and was sumounted prior to the NormanConquest, is a constructio es fimber of the characteri a

fortification. It was in this besidium mos probabin that


thylleutonant of tho Conqueror, Roberi Cumin Was assavited an stat in 1069, hen the indignant Northumbrians, nodo h ido by the oople o Durham issed, made horimor mit thei master' representative. Affer this utrage a foriressi a tronge hin Wa erected. No who Miltinis oriress O tho authorit of the pseudo meo Who has eo followed is more recent chroniciem, it hasbeen generali asserte that tho Conqueror mas in bullder, in Endnos to Bisho Walcher, an to prosoch him hom

the early payment hic that prelate ad roceived hominem for in Mildingi in casu es Durham. Tho dato of this exomption is subsequent to t. Calais' decease, Whio took placo in 1096, and theristes of this charte betagnecessar sheWs that lambard M. Calais' successor, had


the fame age and instructer.

It was in this orires that tho early bishops of Durham

Cf. Roginali, De Admirandis Cuthberti Virtutibus, cap. xxXix. ementions the frequenores stres at Durham, and describos one hic selae thecasue ilaeu.


had thei chios homo. Vis times mererio perilous then to permit them to rea tho peti, alf-fortifie bulldings in Whies the subsequently spendia great portionis theis time. Here, in Durham, the bishop layHown like a Watcrudoebeiore St. ut eis church, to nem tot at ali times etcome. e musicis the choi could almosti he d by the mainsas the went thoi round Mon the lostyaeep. In this placebisho affer bisho hol his couri, imitating, in his ossicors and in his ommsovoreim state, ad the pom and privileges Maling. It was in the early moming of this long da os emplae that David of Seotiand sam tho vas importance of minning ovor the loes of Durham to the cause of his Heco, or, is holailodin this, of puttiniinto that proud position, heneve he had

the chance, some friendis his ommon Whose hespcie could rob. Affer his prologus, come to the stor os miliam Cumin Which inspires the musaeos Laurene and possesses alline interest os a romance. The bisho o Durham in 1141,Was Geomo Rufus, or in Red - had for some time been chancello tomen M., and ad been sint nori ard tomes in turbulent population more closely to the nemdynasty Whilst Rufus Was atruen 's Court he had among his retainers a outh, o Englis descent of the nam of lliam Cumin, hom h Mought up and loved. I it botrue, as ome thiniuit is that his person a a relative of the Rober Comyn or Cumis ho as sitan a Durham in 1069, in interes of the sto ,hic fossoWs illi considerabi enhanced. For sommyears, I belaeve, revisus to 1141

Cumis ad hol tho distinguished post os hancellor o


Vir eximiae honestatis et operis. Reginald, cap. lax'



secure has Was indispensabie, a forma electio by tho aptor, o Cumis to the bishoprio. The mero old, inreply tha no electio Mut be canonica uadosa it sh udbo made affer due notice by the prope persons, and withtho consent finem bisho of Winchester, the legate, and tho mothemo rc of ork. At last the ali agros tosen representative to the Cour in the trian o David, who a focioin his petitions it inela to the legat indine einpress that he Churin, hi mino a formia electioni aco dance Wit iis ius right. Α the messingor of the Chaptor ero partigans os vinin the Prior mado thems a solemni in the in te ho e that the would ma nomine request than that Whichinad Men agreed to. Soonarior his David came to Durham, and the mana ment ofassalas a place in Cumis' hands. 0 had ribo thohing, it is aid, o famur his cause, an assume in comaequenos in tuis of ishop-esset. Affer his unda thepari men to the Couri, Cumin accompavin them, thecasu Miniteri in sati hespis in the intorim. honine mainod the Cour in legat Was absent, ut in partyurged omine e res the sit os adrising tho Ch oh of Durham to selech umin me subieci a deferre untdine legate arrised, Who, in the meanWhile had received duo intelligonoe of the conspirac by the vigilance of rota deaeo Radulf men the legate examine into the asohe orbado an electio o Cumin unies it hould bo canoniciat made, an tot Cumis himself that ho houldbe incommunicased is ho dis e d the decree. ho intrigus,

insecto by the e res o the M of uno it thopastoria sta in ring, ad notis sudde insurrectio in London oblige in empresso fit to deseri that est on


the ver da Whici ha been amed. Cumis fled a thesam time miti the e res and David. he Durham barons and Roberi, ne of the artadeacons, came ac toDurham it a lette to tho Chaptor hominati Ida. homordis mas cautious. he Wishe thoin to e consultodabout tho bishop, an particulari about the person homtho arindeacon hoci nam to them, an no ne else. Whon tho archdeacon a ashod Who this might e, he stadit Was Cumin. In the mean hilo Cumin and his frienta mero in a great striat. The e res mas statis in inchester. David, after many adventures, made his scape orthmardswit dissiculari an atmichaelinas, heu umin Was a last lario fosso his example heriound his old master attingior iam a Durham, an enlying the hospitalit of thoprior an convent. Cumi at nee Mered the casse, and again endem re to in ove tho rior an Ranes toris cause, but it ut the liotest success. Bosore David stario for homo e formali placo Cumis in in castioto hold it for the e ress an m anteed the maintenanceos peste betmeen the casu and the priory. As oon a David ent, uinin egan to ac a master instea os castellane. He received the omage of ad hobarons of the bishoprio except Roger de Conyers, and obligo tho iligens es Durham to in themath of tiatu. t Ranae the artadeacon e could do nothin at all. Tho fiore spirit o Bisho Flambard Was in his, and flamedout against the intruder Mnes Was rivo hom inodiocoso, and reac d or With dissiculty planderedis ove ining that horasit berind. Wit an unconquerable spirit,ho made his is to the in and legato, an stato his grievance. he legat denounce Cumi as excommunicate uvies in mine restitutio an compensation, and sent