장음표시 사용
olos to Yois inster, although but sommere present. hoVote as unanimo 1 in finis of miliam os t. arbo, Dean P in in spite of the oppositionis in emissaries of Cumin Who Mought a letter froin him undis the Chapter seia prohibitin in election Theraean a thon attendin a Councit at London, but the prior an arindeacon et i at infring in on ineruumber, an tollinthim has hadbeen done in his absonoe, returned Wit iam to York, and induce him, inuo against his mill to assent to their determination. tho 20t o June 1143 St. Barbe asconsecrated at Winchester, a many a te prelates Oining in the coramo . ho Darios Cumin had again his agenta present to protest against in act. The age of Cuman a no ungovemabie, an it Was
re unde a sentence of excommunication, andor of the in ch. Cumis resolve to talisis stom. The mois mere prostrate around
iring up all, and promisinito mine restitution and amendsto the ulterinos of his pomer. is ponitonos gaine iam absolution. he poet Laurenco says that When ad humanagene had assed, tho grace of God murat in change Whic evor ono ad despiam os. o spe s of the damning of repontano in in intruder' heari, and of the invitations to rotare hichino had sent to tho oxiles. Notunnaturalin the thought that ho mas temptis inem mith sorne of his es miles. ut the invitations ere repentedand the manderer came ach. omo is almays homo, butit ouid o long Mors Durham os in truces of the crueit an devastation hic had ora it in ieces, and many a generation Ouidias nWay before uinin s audacious and early successivi attemptis id bo largosteti. It is impossint notrio admire his energy, and versatilit os oris. But he was a bold, bad man, for hom iam had notounds, in conscienceio chec unti he had mado his last cast indlost R. se morda more about uini an his famib. Johno Hoetham telisos that Robori de Amundovisse, ho Mithhis mira, bisho Gomors aurator, ad been greatly injured by uinin struch tW Scottis linights, one of Whommas in infinder' nephew, the ther a se te adherent. t Richard do ovetos, mundovisse s inaman, oo a