Dialogi Laurentii dunelmensis monachi ac prioris

발행: 1880년

분량: 140페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



secular canona, and in hic his om mansed rematas mere

'his account of Waltham is tinendmm the trae De Insentione Sanotinomina, edited is Professor Stubbs.


xxviii PREFAcR. North. When a canon or cler of Waltham longod for astricte rese 110 orion ent orthWard an cast in his lotamong the enodictines a Durham. In the obituaries of that hous tho names of numerous canona o Waltham arerecorde a participator in iis prayers. Compare thearchitecture of the two churines, and yo cannotriail f see in both a sisteri resembliunee. At Waltham, tho blath placo os post an soldiers, sine telisos, Laurence a bora.' e oves an enthusiastic description of the natura producis of the placo, ut is provorini silotit,hen herio hes Mon the in in Here, among the secular canons tho poet an a lituo brother of his mere educated. ho author of themistoricia rict ontho oundation o Waltham has preserve the ames of hel Mand his son eler, a tho tW firs schoolmasterso in placo It was unde one of thes that Laurence and his rothor ero brought M. M oachin at Waltham Was that os in German schools. Reading, composition in PTOS an Verse, an sining forme in chio par of thocourse. The pupila ent in procession rom in school totali thoi pari in tho services in the church, and eve ining the di thero a fro memory, a the se of choir-booksWas prohibited. The conducti the lad mas expoesod toto

a grave a that of thei seniors, and When the service Was

socula habit at Waltham and went om ham to


Et cujus tunc cantor eram, pater ille beatus, Praesul Cuthbertus, qui cohiberet erat. Ossicialis enim tanti patria undique corpus Cinctum luminibus debet habere suum:

But Laurence Was tot to pas ali his time in tho cloistor. His popular manners and Volce Won him in favour os Geome Rufus, in bishop, o hom e mas greatlyattached.

Quid poteram i quam dives eram i quid honoris habebam, Qui sub Gaufrido praesule praesul eram lorius in obsequium sumptus sua pontificali Dextera pontifici saepius ipse fui.*


stiem ho numerous the were, Laurence totis us that thoproduce of the mares in one particula summe amounted to

ensuing Winter by the olves, a valvabie testimon to tho presence and the number of thos destinctive animias. When Laurence mas in the cloister, a considerable portionos his time a spint in in in a metricia versio of the Bible, Which, meagro and imperfect ascit is, Won him a greatnam among the mediaevia poets. e tellarus, it regret, that istorino ecam a courtier his inus could ni create fori linos in a V. NotWithstandin suc a melancholabarrennes the poemina gromito a Ver large lae, hen, in an erit ho , it had ani appyriate.

Thetisho mas hespinthio revel a Christinas in his


it, calliniit by the uncouin titio Minypognosticon. It ischiony devoto to the old estament, concludin With a farrago of shorti in o litus orio interest excominit - three hic are priste in the ppondicto his

Bisho Geomo Rufus dio in 1141 and the connexiones Laurenc mit the episcopa cour immediates cestaed. Ηencelamis hecis Hyanown to in ossicies of themon tery, and a poetis renom. The intrudor, illiam Cumin, found in Laureno a mos persistent opponent. sinanter o precentor in the cathedral ho could no holat ingraides, and he spe si in intrigues and misconductos tho pseudoinishop mith detestation and abhorrenoe. Manomer in the churchia ence mas ne of those homMe beri, Mot of Roxburgh, hen ambitious os eiu electodbishop, aini endemoured to secure a a client ' andine mas probabbine of the -- Whom Cumi expello affer hetoo the monastery byratori Laurence, in his Dialogues, introducos imo friend called Peter and Philip and tho throe narrate thoi experiences in that imo of disma an confusion Peter go ama to the ea, and ining hi Wascauot is a terribierat m, a morae erit than in commotionat minam Laureno seem to hine revisited Waltham, and describes, at the eques of his companions in tranquil


Maut an peacoquines of his homo. Veryonexpectedly, after hope had Minos vanishod in exiles find themsolves recalledrio Durham by Cumis himself, and Laurence a Poemcloses in a Veis of serious rogard for the fut 0, shominithathis past reverse had teri thei tesso MMnd. It was affer his retum to Durham, an bes ora he was made Prior thattho Dialogues ere composed In 1149, Roger, rior of rham, ted an Laurence had the hiis hono i Minginosen to succoed him. The sacris a ut the samo timowas Richard formeri Dean o Waltham, ho camerio Dum ham in 1135, and about Whom Reginald telis a curious sto . In Richard Prior Laurenco ad a compatrio a mellis a

tho Otho eloctor Gose gh de miset, re ureris or achis successor. t esset Was a Franchman is blath, and sistor' son to in Stephen, in Was a person os energyand magnificent fastos, an mell-fitte tot a reser of men. me selection, homover, excite much criticiam. Hen

Murtac, Archbisho of ork, mas Moly indignant that his opinion hin no been ouot, an St. Bern αἶ in arbitero Europe in spirituat matters too in fide of his id

G S. Cotton Claudius D. v. m. 80-1, is in confirmation is Prior Lauretice and the Convent, os a grant of lan in Wolfinoam, hic Bishopes Barbe hau made to the monis of Ne inster, iandam sicut rivulus de Wolsynoam currit in et etherstane id and Almecrost a Mor usque in Thomehope urna.' his deed is no intered in the Newminater Chartulary, and it is in oesy document Wit Whicha have found rior Laurence' name



Erat enim iuris peritus, eloquentia praeditus, divinis institutis sussicienter



his abbo by the fossoWing epitaph:

Clauditur hoc tumulo vir quondam clarus in orbe; Quo praeclarus erat hic locus est, et erit. o meritis vitae dedit illi laurea nomen, Detur et vitae laurea pro meritis tris Durham pari sol out attracting the admirationis ali ho a them by their venerable appestrance, and their

Reginali'sisse of S. Godric pp. 33-4. Gesta Abbat. S. Albani, i. 159. PDugd. n. e. i. 269.



mith somo attendant to minister o his anta. hei caremas o no purpose Laurenc die Where e mas struch dom, and after a se years ad passe over, his bonos mere removed to Durham and were buried in the cometer of


xxxvi PREFACE.on book alone remindsis of the passionis Laurence' lisse. Α Versαrius mas generali a collectionis chures music and hymns It is possibio, homover, that this mas tho autographcopyi Laurence' - metricia compositions.

Laurenceris in most musical of tho poets of tho twelf thcentur that Lam acquainted With, and tho reputation Whichhe evi'ed Was ovi a prope achnoMedgment of his merus. Unline many of his contemporarios hod a nos lose himself in a mage of morda, but his meaniniis evident an is tersolyan Vigorousi expressed Tho rosidor of vi an Virgilmili, of courae, detoc violations o quantit an metricia reses,aut every one mill admire the eas and the polisti os

The Dialogues of hic a description has been giveniaready me printed in this Volume, for the firat time, hom ver fine S. of early Latin posse in the libris of tho

prinis in the Appondicto this voluino Arior in Prologus

there appears in some of the SS. in fossomin motricia summis of the content of the or by an unknown tWolfin contur poet of tho nam os Galienus, Who prOVes

'his fine S. contain the Hypognosticon ine Consolatio demorte Amici, and the Dialogues of Laurence the poems of Arator, Sedulius Prudentius, Hildeberi, an Alexander the rior the work of Methodius, eter Abelain Do Sacramento Altaria 'he Anticlaudianus fiaster Alam; and wme of the poetr of eos re Minonmouth. ah volum Was Writte inter 1200-20.