Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 403페이지


분류: 미분류



Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae is publis hed quarterly frona February l 994 other is sues in May. August and November) by the Hungarian Natural History Museum and the Biological Section of the Hungari an Academy of Sciences with the financiat support of the Hungari an Academ y of Sciences.





Collection. preservation and preparation os the specimens are described in SEY and NAHHAs l99J). Ali specimens were obtained frona the stomach of their hosts. Date os collection, preValence mean intensity. and abundance as desined by BUSH et ah sl 99J), and accession numbers are presented in Table l. Mensurements are expressed in micrometers and indicated as a range, longili sol-lowed by wid th and the mean in parenthesis: numbers are rounded to the nearest decimal.


Mensurements On species si ona multiple hosis a re presented in Tables 2-4 and combined data in cluded in description os cach species. Draxvings were made by tracing photomicrographs, and delatis sit ted in frona microscopic observations. Representative specimens os sonae species are deposited in the parasitological collection of The Natural l lis tory Museum BV NH). London. others wili ho Tahle 1. Prevalenco P). mean intens ity M. l.). abundance Ain os 8 species of hem iuro iiis frona mari ne sisties oss the Kuwaiti coast Hostili genean Collection date

l0 May l99 3644

l999.2.25. 22 Locithocles ium

2 Jun. l 995 2

20 4

20 20

20 Jul. l 993203642






inculum semini S was present, ille o Vary was tetral obed, specialty the foui th iobebeing a litile iobate in appearance and the number of Vitelline iubes was seVen V. The thic k muscular sub cylindrical hody of the Kuwaiti specimen made itdifficult to de hydrate, clear for mouia ting, and consequently measure and describe certain paris. The Organs anterior to the ovary were qui te visibi e in the wholemount. Most of our observations, howCVer were made On the specimen after it was returned to the clearing agent methyl- salicylate. One particular difficulty was determining the origin and number os vitelline tubes: four tubes On the right si de and three indistinct ones on the lest were observed: coiled iubes longitudinalty arran ged and extending frona the testicular levet into the ecfoma were also seen onboth fides. No vitelline reservoli was evident and the connection of the tubes toeach other or to their origin could not be determine l. Our specimen is referred tot his species chi est y on the basis os similarities of the terminat male and se male re- producti Ue structu res, topography of the other organs including extent of the Vitellaria, and prese iace of caecat shoulders as described by S RIVASTAVA sl 93 .

as host for A. Secundi S. None of these authors, or any Other in Vestigators, as sar aswe Can determine, made any referen Ce to the discrepancy bet ween S RIVASTAVA 'sand CHAUI AN 's descriptions with respect to the number of vitelline iubes and presence Or absence Of a seminal receptacle. GOPAL et Π l 984) who described indetati the terminal structures of the male re productive system Os A. SECHM HS COllected frona the wallair coast. reported position of the genital pore as ventral to thepharynx. Howe ver except for indicat ing that the metraterna joins a s hort ejaculatory duci to forna the hermaphroditi C duci, nothing et se was mentioned abo ut male


Structures. A. Chirocentri, described frona severat specimens frona the intestine os C. doriab frona the Karachi coast, has P vitelline tubes, a spherical OVary, a Seminal receptacle, sucker ratio of l Q2 their figure suggesis abolit i l. 2), eggs 20 23κ ld. f. but no caecat shoulders. A. te turre vi, described frona one Specimen has caecat shoulders, 2 vitelline iubes, bean-Shaped ovary, sucker ratio of abo uti l .P, and eggs 28-3οκ 20-2J but no seminal receptacle: iis seminal vesicle is described as being pre- acetabular, not extending beyonii the anterior levet os the ventral sucker. Considering the variations that were se en in the variotis taxa of Stomachicola and iis synonyms, we belle ve that sui ther study of specimens, includ ingsectioning frona the ni Stomachicola grotis' to confirm presen ce or absence of a seminal receptacle, determine the origin and number of vitelline iubes and the po


Remai ks: At least id nominal species have been reported in Ectenurus frona different paris of the worid including frona carangi d s. Our specimens are most similar to. and show many intermediate seatures in topography of internat structu res of E. trachuri YAMAGUTl. l 934) YAMAGUTl. l9J0 and E. lenidus LOOSS.l 90J. In E. triachuri the hermaphroditic fac is longer and cylindrical compared with that os E. te iduX. MANTER l 954) suggested that the 'stio in and thici V her

Canani halla

V. S. l260 380 260 395350 500

O. S. V. S


occurre l.

related genera, OuPenursi EX, Uterve viculuruS, Clu eriuri S and Erile turi X hylack of union of the excretory canals dorsal to the orat sucker-pharyngeat region in the former and iis presen ce in the lalter mur. It should be noted that whether the excretory canals at the anterior levet of the wornas unite or not is not known for severat Species in this grotis'.


caeca extending partialty into ecfoma. Testes inter-caecat, diagonal in most, sonaewhat symmetrical in se , tandem in two, contiguous Or not, Stightly posterior to ventral sucker: anterior testis 85 335κl 30 400: posterior testis 90 280κl35-3J0. Seminal vesicio l00 600κ80 3 30. thick-wallud in some. less so in others, postero-dOrsal to ventral sucker, large in sonae, sin ali in others even in specimens frona sanae host, extending to mi d-le vel os ventral sucker only in large onos: dotalis os terminal Tahlu 3. Range and mean) os Erile iurus hiamtili si ona sive host species. For abbreviation sce Tabie 2

Soma l

V. S. l

O. S. V. S.

A. testis l

P. testis l