장음표시 사용
ni midae. with a description of two new species, Neoparacryptogonimus sphericus and Para- cryptogonimus rama lani. I. Helminthologicit Soc. Washington 6S l29-l40. NAM A. H. S. sl 982) Further observations on the trematode Lecit hoc hirium ruso viride. I. Res. ASScim Agricultural Univ. 3 9 9J.
The type specimens of the ENDER EIN 's species are deposited in ille Zoolog
ical institute of the Pol isti Academ y of Sciences PAN). They are in fati ly good
condition and most of them were re-examin ed in delati. The type specimens of theother species studi ed are deposited in the Natural History Museum. London
Diagno sis: A large yello v species with conspicuous ly bicoloured wings. Legs usualty yellow, bocly pubescence politen vel low. abdominat tergites darkened in variable extent. terminalia 3 ello vis h brown wilh yellow hairs.
ocular arca dark. Upper frons tapered to variis frontal callus. narrower than anterior ocellus at narro est poliat. Frontal callus broad and relative ly low in prosile. distinci ly lcss hi gh than des th os sordtibia in the naiddi c. Antenna yello v. pedicet with usual subtriangular in ner projection flagellomerat
Taxonomic notes: P. aurifer is a typical member of the species group with the fame name whicli is characteriZed by Vein R ., being shori Shorter than R.) a welldeveloped postcubital ve in and conspicuousty bicoloured sorange and blackis h)wings. Relatively detai led descriptions have been published by KERTES Z l 909)and NAGATOMI l9Jβ). whereas BRUNNETTI's l 920) description under this name actualty refers to the related P. melia ruri X WALKER). KERTESZ l. c.) discus sed a series of specimens frona Taiwan Formosa) compared with WALKER's types. The Syn Onym po in ted o ut ab ove was suspected by JAMES l9Jβ) and is fully confirmed by the present study of the type specimens of both species under discussion. WALKER l8 4) did not specisy the number of type specimens but mentioned both sexes though only 2 males si rom both original type localities) are preserved in EMNH. There is no do tibi that both syntypic males are conspecific. The male si omChina sexplicit ly po in ted out by WALKER) is designated as lectotype here hec aufeit belongs to the apparently more widely distributed forna willi extensive dissu sedark markings on tergites 3-β, and purely yello v hi nil leg s. The seconii syntypic male originates frona 'India according to the original label) and it is probab ly the sanae specimen mentioned by WALKER l854) frona 'Hindosian V. It possesses partly dari ened hi nil legs that are almost hrown in the distat half of the hi nil tibia and the whole hi nil tarsus. Distribution A widely distributed species known to occur in the easteria partos the Palaearctic Region Far East of Russia, China. Japan) and probab ly the entire Oriental region India. West anil East Malaysia. Singapore. Vietnam and Tai-
Diagnosis Upper frons, vertex and occiput substitia ing black, scutum pre- dominantly shining metallic blue wings dari ened apicatly abdomen black wii hyellow patieria. Mediat process os male synsternite flender, consisting of two rod- like and potia ted projections.
index l. l6-l.20 in males and l. 33-l. 3J in semales, semate frontal index abolit d. 0. Male torminalia species-speci sic Figs i ). with very characteristic. long patred mediat processes on the ventral sideos the hypopygium visibie even in situ i. e. in undissected specimens).
Taxonomic notes: The extent of the dark patieria on the thorax seems to bequite variabie in both sex es. The dark fornas stlow the scutum pre dominantly blackwith only the humerat anil posta lar calli and subtriangular post humerat spois yellow and also the pleurat yellow palteria is limited narrow subnoto pleurat stripe upper hi nil corner of katepisternum and posterior half of an epimeron). In pales ornas sespecialty sonae females), the scutal dari ening is reduced to diffuse laterat notopleurat) longitudinal stri pes and a clarii mi illine. In the pleurat area the lower
pleura, an epimeron and late rotergites are entii ely yellow. The male abdomen canus ually be describe d as yellow with transverse black baniis on the tergites. Rare lythe hiack and osten the metallic si ining areas are considerably extended leavingon ly very Smali spois on the extreme posterior corners of the tergites yello see a
the type locali ty and 'In museo westet manni V for the deposition of the type specimens but he did not specisy the number os specimens originalty studi ed. In thewESTER VANN Collection Copen hagen) there are two males in excellent condi-
tion. both being conspecific and corresponding with the present concept of this species. There is no dotibi that P. longipennis and P. HodiVena are conspecific. P. HodiVena var. Striginotum is based on a specimen of the pale forna of the female. Distribution widely distributed frona India through west and East Malaysia Singapore and Indonesta Sumatra, Pulati Sinaeuiue, Java. Kalimantan) to the Philippines.
Figs 1-4. Plecticus longioennis: male terminalia i m laterat view. 2 α epandrium, procliger and cerci 3 synsternite, gonostyli and aedeagal complex in dorsal and ventral vlew
Description Similar to P. aurifer with ille sol lowing distinguishing characterso Male frons narrower than in P. aurifer. osten abolit hals as hi oad as anterior ocellus at narrowest poliat. distat margin os flagellar complex rather transverse instead os stightly concave. Wing venation os fame type but apicat darkening of wing more extensive . usual ly reaching anterior crossvein and distat margin os discat celi or closely approximate to them. Hi nil legs usual ly darkened: hi nil tibia sor at lcasi iis distat halso and whole hi nil tarsus dark brown and densely hrown haired, only brush- like Ventral pubescence os tarsonaeres more orange. Basal 4 abdominat segments usual ly bright orange and rest os abdomen contrastingly hlack and black haired. Male terminalia similar to those os P. tiurifer, with noreti able disserences found . Description As in male but with hroader frons and disserent terminalia. Frontal index 6.ls 6. 25. tibia-basitat sal index l. 60 l. 6J. Female terminalia as deep hlack and black haired as in male, apicat segment os cerci flendor and shorter than proximal one. Length: NKly lo. 8-22. O nam, wing ll. ld. 3 min.
Taxonomic notes: Disserences in the wing darkening be tween P. aurifer and P. meliani ruX seem to be sufficiently reli able sat least in abolit 30 examin ed speci mens os both species). Also the coloration of the abdomen and legs is mostly characteristic for both species but much more variable. The bright orange basal part of the abdomen is by far prevalent in most specimens though sonae s how dark markings on both si des of segment 4. Rare ly the abdomen can be predo minantly brownas in P. aurifer but also in these specimens, the abdominat apex frona segment f is black and black haired. The hin d tibia and tarsus are as a rule at least part ly brown
and brown hali ed. Seldom is this darkening only slightly visibi e . The male terminalia of both species are different at fit si glance: pale and goiden yellow haired in
Description holotypo): Head scini globular, frontal callus nasis orna in laterat vicw. markodly prominent. about twice as long as distat diameter os sore tibia. Upper frons, ocellar triangle, Vertex and entire occiput si ining black, frontal callus clongaled guttis orna in dorsal vicw and whitis hyellow: antennae, face and proboscis yellow. Pedicet only slightly arched on distat in ner margin without usual subtriangular in ner projection. Flagellar complex compresse l. about lwice as hi gh as long nearly transverse distat ly. arista brownish Head pubesce iace mostly erect and moderate ly long cntire ly yello visi, including that os frons and both basal antennat segments. Upper post ocular area with croci stiori pale hairs and appressed dense dark pubesce iace. Thorax wholly shining yellow and yellow hairod. Thoracic hairs long and erect c speciallyabove fore coxa, on anterior half os scutum, on late rotergites and mediotergite, semi-erect and shorteron posterior half os scutum and scutellum. ing resembling P. longiPennis. hyaline, with darkened apical part beginning distinctly be-sore naidpoliat belwecia discat celi and wing lip Celi R brownis h. R,. i Stai ting at anterior CroSSVein distinctly longer than R. and stightly converging to Ri. Anterior croSSVein relati Vely long Upper proximat margin os discat coli bare ly arched. posterior crossve in abolit half as long as anterior One, M, straight and parallel to M . iis apical foui th missing. Posicubitus very hyaline, virtualty indistinct. Halter yellowish with darkened apical hais, positegula with tust of hrownish hairs. Legs entire ly yellow. only hi nil tibia clui k hrown. Tibi a-basilai sal index sore leg) l. 28. Hi nil tarsi missing but whit isti according lo ENDERI ElN excepi sor extreme base of hasitarsus). ast three tarso meres of sore leg sonae hal brownis h. with dark pubesce iace on dorsal sui face. Abdomen yellow, with transverso h lack haniis on tergites. Tergite i predominantly dark hands on tergites 2 4 occupying less than anterior hals os cach tergite and leaving the narrow anterior
Taxonomic notes: A relative ly smali species of the P. longipennis group is characteri Zed by the darkened wing apex but differing frona the most Plecticus spe
s ills S X. Plecticus Xumal ramis: male terminalia β α laterat view. 6 α epandrium . procliger and Cerci J-8 synsternite, gonostyli and aedeagal complex in dorsal and ventral vlew
cies sexcept for P. minimus ROZKOS NY et KOVAC, l99J) by the ab se iace of a subtriangular in ner projection of the pedicet. Stirpi is ingly, structures of the male terminalia indicate a distinct relationship to P. Violaceus though the epandrium differs by the deel' proximal e margination, the postero laterat projectioris of thegonocoxi te s. the disti styli are much more flendor, and the mediat proces s of the synsternite a s weli as the aede agat complex display distinct disserences. Distribution Indonesta Sumati a). PlecticuX Violaceus ENDERI EIN l9l4
Diagno sis: A species frona the P. longi ennis group with a s hining metallicblue scutum, darkened wing apices, a stra ight ve in M, that is parallel to M . indistinci postcubitus, and a limited yellow patieria on the abdominat tergites Fig. l0).
Description lectotype): Head scini globular. si ontal callus rounded hut prominent in laterat vicw. slightly higher than maximum diameter os sore tibia. Upper frons, ocellar triangle, vertex and cntire occiput shining black. frontal callus guttis orna in dorsal vlewὶ and whitish yellow. antennae sace and proboscis yellow. Pedicet with usual subtriangular in ner projection, flagellar complex compresse l. much higher than long arista brownis h. Head pubescence mostly erect and moderate ly long hlack Dona upper frons to vertex. yellow on face and a bove antennae, dark brown on has at antennalsegments. Upper postocular area with erect long hairs and shori dense appressed hairs. Thorax shining black. with metallic reflections on scutum, scutellum, mediotergite and lower part of katepisternum. Humerat calli yello . postatar calli yello isti brown and posterior margin os scutellum broadly brownish. Pleura chi est y hrown to black only subnotopleurat stripe as bro ad asmaximum depili os fore femur) and ovat spol in ut per posterior corner of katepi Sternum contrastin glyyellow. Posterior hals of anepisternum, a nepi meron and late rotergites brown rather than black. Thoracic pubesce iace yello isti, mostly inconspicuous, longer On humerat calli, anterior margin ofScutum, abo Ue fore coxa, on laterotergites and mediotergite.