The benedictional of archbishop Robert

발행: 1903년

분량: 259페이지


분류: 미분류


Same position in the Leofris HSal P. O. P. 3. Heriectiotio ipso cti a Missam. his is Common to at the Series. Alia cto passion clomini. Common to alliu Th. 326 Leost. 329. ConSeoratio otivismati et olei Thi textris CloSel relate to the parallel portioni Egoert' Pontifical p. Ι2O , whicli Seem to have been derive Domin early Ordo Romanus. ut the ex o Rob. omit thementio of the Lateran whicli appear in Egb., and the mentio of the Cardina deacon. I also modi fies in Some ther reSpeCt the ordingos the rubri CS. The orde in Lan agree more CloSely ith Egb. P. I S. Benectietio a Manctatum. Common to alliu Th. 326, 339. p. 6. Benectietio in Salatiato Sancto Thi is ne of two form in Eth., but is no in any of the therS.


I7 NOTESTictis asotias Theirs of these formiis common to ali the Series. The SeCond Deus qui calcatis appears in Egb as a benedictio in PaScha ad Vesperum, illi severa additiona clauses, an in Eth. Ithas ni the firs clause in common illi a form contained in Severat of the ther Series for the Saturda o Easter eeh. p. Ι7. In dealing,ith the benedictions rom Easter Dant Rogation unday Some of the collections o no assignoti benedictions o particulardayM; Other malae an SSignment differing more or es Dom that ofRob. O these differences it oes no Seem neceSSary to tali minute account. The orde in Rob is in genera the Same a that in Egb. theoni exception heing on the Saturda o Easter,eela. Feri Aeeuncta This is common to groups Alandra except 326 an Pam. Feria tortia. his and the other benedictions to oria metata inclusive are common to groupi an manu Pam. p. 8. Benectietio in alahato. his is Mund in Eth. Egb. an severatothers have for the fame da a form eginning Deus qui calcatis See

it for the Vigil Egb for the unday but places it e re that so the

festivat. In vigilia Pont Common o alliu Th. Vat. and 329. p. 22. ictio Pent Common to alliut Vat. Pe totam Sestimanam. Common to roups A and B and 29; but Sometime speciali assigne to the Saturday. Dom. et Pent Common to groupi an B. P. 23. Alia om. et Pont his is in D. an in h. In the alter it is assigne to the oth unda aster PentecoSt. Most of the benedictions hicli Rob provide so the undayisrom PentecoStrio Advent are common to groupi an B, o to the majorityo the collections include in hos groups. h. has sewer of the et than the reSt, an Some of those hicli it includes appea in t asbenedictiones quotidianae, notis assigne to these undayS, O to any da in particular These, an other of the et in ob appea alSoa benedictione grιori ianae in Pam. O. an Koll. an a se of themi Vat. Os these collections ni Pam provides specia benediction SD the unday after Pentecost anxiis et is different rom that o Rob. throughout To this et the editor has appende another se of eleven benedictions talae sto an trecht S., assigne to the firs eleven Sunday after Pentecost These together illi the et o benedictiones quotidia=rae found in Pam. O. and Koll. mali up practicatly the whole series of the Pentecost benedictions hicli Rob. hares illi the Pontifical of Egberi and the ther collections of groupi an B. ItSeem o the whole mos likel that this series has been made u by


variation in the firSt,ord S. p. 44. In Nat. S. SCiliae. Eth. Lan. D. W. have his for . Clement,

mutatis murandis.

ChriSogonuS, mutati mutandis.


dominuS, nolo mortem peccatoriS, Sed ut magi Convertatur et vivat. Ps. Miserere mei deu Secundum.

The follows with the eadin Dem alia absoluti, the prayer Deus innocentiae restitutor p. 6o , an after it an Absolutio episcosi, hic his no in D. o Rob. D. SubStitutes for the Absolutio episcopi another prayer, an addidirections for the admonitio of the penitent. pp. 6I-63. The ordo Containe in theSe pages S, a ha been sat above p. 6o, note), an addition to the origina Content of the S., maderat adat at hicli it ould appea that the book Wa a Rouen, since theradditions of the fame periodieton to that locality. Their oris to befound ais inmittorpys Ordo Romanus, and abillo states that he had collate severat SS. for the texi hich e includes in his series of Ordines Romani. O thes it i mos lihely that our S. a one, since abillon appear to have made Se of it for ther purpOSeS.pp. 66 67. The fragment of the Canon, lihe theiraeo hicli precedes it wasmos probabi writte a Rouen. The mos notabie eatur of iis textis the mention o S. Hippolytu among the aint commemorate in the Communicanus. No ther unuSua nam appear either in his orin the later Clauses hicli Contain the names of SaintS, and the insertiondoe not Warrant an preci Se inferenc a to the Source of the lex copi ed

by the scribe. In the ouen S. A. 566, hicli probabi came rom S. Denis, the nam o S. Hippolytu i only one o a large number funusual ame inserte in the Communicantes. Se Deli Ste, Mem. Sur 'anc. Sacramen aiVES, P. 294. pp. 69-72. The Se of the malle type employe so the later addition to the original S in thes page i the result of the anne in hic thesermon ad been copied by the transcriber Though the sermon is perhaps an addition to the origina content of the book it appear toti actuali the work of the origina Scribe, an may therefore beregarde as havin been intende for use in England It Seems, however, mos probabi that Martene' Suggestion a to the originat author-shi of the Sermo is right, and that apar stom Some interpolations)it is reatly the work of S. Caesarius o Aries. Thus it references toliturgical Sages are primarit eviden e for the Custom obServe insouth-easter Gaul in the firs hal of the fixili centu , no for those observe in England in the last years of the tent o the first years of the leventh. ut it a b reaSonable perhapS, to SuppoSe that thecu Stom mentione in the Sermon ere not holly unknown to tho Sesor hos edification it was copied: ad the bee so the force of the illustrations drawn Dom them ould have been light, an injunctionsio observe them ould ardi have been delivered. The sages inqueStion re not Ver numerous. Referen e S made to the Cleansingo the hand of those ho remnea the altar to communicate, an to the practice that omen comin to receive the Sacrament hould Covery o Germai Morin, ho spealis illi speciat authorit o Such a question, inform me that he is strongi of this opinion he has hindi potnte out o me that the sermon appear With Some variation o readings, and with the omission of thelastra lines on p. 72, in the Sth centurwHomiliaritimis Burchard a collectio sor themost par made uino diScourses of S. Caesarius. Se his artici on the Homitaaritim in Areue Benedictine, vol. xiii p. IO5 March, Ι 896).


is regarde a the norma time for iis administrationa in the case filiose ho ere baptize at an other feStivat, a preparation o Sevendays is erioined in hi Ch the candidates ere admitte ad oleum vel ad manus impoSitionem V p. 7Ι that is to say the were admitted asthos tot baptize at Easter ere admitte durin Lent to the statusos catechumenS, an to the preparatio sor Baptism on om danhelarethatin hicli the were baptized. It is perhaps, hardi lihely that theancient order of the preparatio for Baptism a So generali obserVed in England at the date to hicli them S. belongs, a thi paSSage ould seem to imply but it is no improbable that iis observance waSregarde a a thinideSirabie, an one hicli might properi heueCommended although it a no longe ensor ed. o long the primitive customo delivering the Eucharis into the hand of lay communicantSwa retained in Englan is uncertain. In France it was prohibite bya Canon omelime cite a an enacimen o a Counci of ours Some- times a that os a Counci of Rouen, hicli Martene De Ant. Eccl. it., lib. I. Cap. v. reser to Rouen an aSSign to the ninth century, while Sala, in his notes o Bona De Reb. Litur . lib. II cap. vii.), alSO referriniit toruouen, SSign it to a date bout 63o, o the authorit of recent edition 1717 of the Counciis of the Province of Rouen. In Englanxit certaini existe at the time o Caedmon's death, c. 68, See Bede, HAL EGI. iv. 24 , and may have continue much later. The Sthos abillon' ordines Romani spealis of priest receiving in thei hand S, a though the ut for ther than priesis a disserentu the fixili provides a may be See o pp. 64, 63 of this volume that the riesis an deacon assiStin a MaS Should receive in thei hands, but not

Both these potnis are mentione in another sermon o S. CaeSarius the alter usage, hic t here commended, is erioine by a canon of the Counci of Auxerre. Se Duchesne, Origines duiuue Chrelim P. I q, ed. I 898.



78 NOTES hymnis et laudibus et luminaribus V throughout the night, ill theirremoVal to thei ne resting-place. In the Same position 146 has a listo the things require for the dedication. . 73. Primitu enim Convenit, etc. Egb. Claud. Lan. and D. ali eginwith thi rubric, to hicli Egb. oin the directio for placin lightest candies round the church Obegins With the irs portio of the rubriC. but mahes a rea a debent, insertin directions for the Se asterVeSting, of the Sal Deu misereatur, Certain prece an a Collect Deus qui fatern , and the proceedin Dein e veniant, etc. RamSeybegins illi the forins to e Sed after vesting 146 with the directioni Say, after Vesting the Collectieu qui paterna. ZRetino fostinans QEoencte. Egb place besore thi anthem, andaster the Setting of the candies the collec Actione nostras; after theanthem it proceed at once it the litany. Claud. omit anthem, collectS, an litany. Aetione noAtras. I an omit this collectiere, addin it later. Deus qui nos. Omitte by Egi, and D. 44 adus a thir collect Omnipotens et misericora deus, qui SacerdotibuS . Et illuminentur, etc. his actio in Egb talae place earlier. nD. it is accompanie by an anthem Ab orienu fortae res, etc. , and followed by a collect Deus qui asoSIolorunt . Et te Ciroumeat, etc. In Egb an Claud. no preciS number of circuit is rescribed D. order that the procession S to Star stomthe S. oor, by hicli the entrance into the church is sterwardsto tali place 4 direct that the relic are to e carrie in the

. 73. Praeveniat nos. This Collec and that whicli follorus Dare omitted in Egb an Claud. D. 146, an Lan ad another Deu caeli Ierraeque ominator , an addin also Actione DSIras Ramse and 44 haveas a thiro collectimnisotens evasite e deus qui per lium tuum. Et ingrectitatuP, etc. Egb. Claud. and D. malae no mention O nnyprocession round the church at thi potnt. The dialogue proceed Swithout interruption, an is follo ed by the psalm, ung, with iis antiphon, utSide the pene door, and by the colleC Domum Iuum. Lan Agree ulmoSi verbalty illi Rob. Ι46, 4, an Ramse follow thesam lines 44 indicates thera cloor thus agreein With D. a. 76. Hae Patione finita, etc. There is no mentio of the Cros Carried by the bisho in Egb. Claud. D. which also omit the anthem Crux fellit hostem o 44 direct thetishoprio malae, illi the Cros Sae Carries, the sign of the ros in long Dudine et latitudine pavimenta, illi thewords, Crux ChrisIi expellat hinc hos emo crux Christi Iriumphet hic et in aevum, and thereaster to plant hi Cros in medio ecclesiae r Ramseyomit the forme direction, ut order the fixin of the ros with the Same Variatio of the anthem. In the texi, with hicli an and 146 agree, themidst of the church is no reache tit Some potnt in the CourSe of the Salm Fundamenta eius, and there is no inStructio a towhat the istio is to do illi the cros he Carrie in his hand Egb. Omit Fundamenta eius, an places the anthem Benedic domine in different form after the collectiens qui invisibiliter. Tahernaculum hoc. his collectris placed earlier by 44, hici has here the psalm Be=aedixisti domine, illi anthem Domine qui Moy Si locutus es, followed by a long collect Deu qui Moy si famulo uo ei mille nivibus . Ramse adus, after Tabernaculum hoc, a thir collect Copiosa benescia), hicli appears also in a lateriand in Lan.

Inter se orationem faeientes. In 44 the are directe to saySecreti the even penitentialisaim et aliaS rece Sive orationes: 46also mention the penitentiat SalmS.


Eonectieen Salom et aquam Cum inore. The benedictions and exorcisms,hicli folio Seem tote ather ut of thei natura SequenCe but Claud. and 46 have them in the Same order. Egb. Lan. and D.

place them in the orde I Exorcismus alas, a Benedictio Salas, 3 Exorcisvetus aquae, 4 Benedictio aquae, θ Benedictio cinerum. Egb has an alternative fori for I . Ram se and 44 place 3 between a and 3 , an ad wordisor se at the ingling of the ashes an Sali,

an at the admixture of the wine Ramse has alternative form fortite exorcis an benedictio of the sal and water. The ex of the whole series of formii 44 an Ram Se Seem to have been retouched. 8O. Deus Pento et OonServatoP. Besore this Collectinamse inseris ahidding of prayer Deum omnipotentem fratres carissimio aster it Lan. D. I 46, 4, an RamSe ad a Secon collect Domine deus rem

Et mittat in ore otiriAma. D. and laud. add dicenS, Da nomine, etc. Ramse dicens, Sancti cetur aqua sera, etc. The addition os chris isno mentione in Egb. In laud. Lan. and D the rubri proceedSwith the directio that mortar is tot prepared with the holy ater, ob used in enclosing the relic D. SeemS like ob at a later potnt tocontemplate the possibilit of there bein no encloSur os relic S. Cantancto antis oriam ASDEPgo me Lan an I 46 also Seem toprescribe therage of the anthem Without the psalm uiserere at the signing of the altar, the anthem ein repeate an solio Ned by the psalmduring the circuit of the altar Whicli follow. Egb. D. and 46 prescribethe se of the anthem and Salm durin both Stages 44 rescribes the anthem an pSalm at the Signing repeatin the anthemini for thecirculis Ramse direct the Se of Consecrator word Sancti cetur hoc altare, etc. at the Signing and of the anthem an psalm at the

Paterent actio altare. Claud. omit this Collec : Egb. Substitutes for it the long benedictio of the altar Domine Sancte pater clemenS)whicli appears late in Rob. 44 has a forna algo beginnin Palean ad hoc altare different Do that in the majori L of the Pontificats. Circumstat intus ecclesiam. At the SS. agre in directing thesprint ling of the interior an exterior of the Church, an ali provideanthem tot Sun duringi aster the Circuit made for thi purpoSe. But there is a Certain amount of divergen e in detail. i. While mosto the books direct that the externat prinkliniis to e performe by the bishop, attende by at the clero, Claud directS, and D. permitS, that he is to en some of the clergyiu of the Church to discliarge this function, himself remaining ithin. ii. While mos of the books direct a threesold prinkling of the exterior a wellis of the interior, Claud anum indicate that themulside is tot sprini lectini once Forthi D. assigns a reaSon,-that while the three interna circuit signisy the faith in themoly Trinity the ne externa circuit signifie the onebaptiSm quod gerit extrinsecus ecclesia. iii. While sonae of the books

Seem to contemplate the se of the anthem an collect at the close of each circuit, ther Seem to direct the singing of the anthem during the circulis, a Collec following at the Completion of the circuit in acticas : Egb an Claud provide no CollectM in Lan the arrangement of the collecis and ais of the anthem is rather confused iv. There


IS NOTES.are severa minor differences in the selectio of psalmS. In his matter RamSe agree with ob sociar a the anthem an collecis for the interior Circuit are concerne : D. Substitute Exur at for Laudare: M and 46 have at the Same potnt Laudare dominum de caelis, whicli is probahly the psalm indicate by the corrector o Rob. Se p. 8O, note). A to the externa CircuitS, 46, 4, an RamSe differ fro Rob and stom ea hither AEgb provide only one anthem Asser e me I Claud. ha none: D. though enjoining only one circuit for hicli it provides the anthem Fundamenta, provides a secon anthem Vidit acob Scalam. PS. Deu noSter resu Anthio e Sun dum ascendan Sacer- ou sfar ente Super culmina ecclesiae This is followed by the collec Deus qui Pacob famulo. In Rob. Lan. I 46, 4, an RamSeythe anthem Vidit acob is omitted, ut the collect, hicli evidentlyhelong to t. remain in Lan the collectri described probabi by a clerical error las an anthem. Egb an Claud. omit both the anthemand the colleci. p. 82. Eonectio omino omum istam. Egb. Claud. and D. omit his


Et actat o ipso altari, etc. his directio is ound in ali thetexis illi light variation o expreSSion ut the Stio a good dealo divergenc in respect of the number an order of the anthem and collecis hicli follow. The prayer Deus Sancti carismim a probablythe consecrator formis ne of the early Ordines on hicli the various texis are based ascit is in the M of Magistretti' Milanes Pontifical), havingie fore it, as a preliminar collect Deus qui loca The Prefario in medio ecclesiae has SuperSedeurit in this capacity, but Deus Sancti a-IOmιm has been retaine in the majorit of the texi an to this the divergenc is probabi due . . diScard Deus qui loca an has be rethe resacemne anthem Benedictus es an one prayer Deus Sancti carismιm). Claud. Rob. Lan. Ι46 kee both Deus qui loca and Deus sanctis Itomom alS doe Egb. but it preserves the traditio osmahin Deus qui loca precede the consecrator form by placiniit justhefore the reiace. It has undamenta a the anthem e re Deus sa=actimationum, an place bes ore Deus qui loca two anthems, Benedic domine no identica with the anthem eginning illi the Same ordSi Rob. and Domus mea domus orationis. In RamSe and 44 the System Panthem an prayerci S urther developed, and there are threctanthems Bene ic, Benedictus es, and Tu domine univerasrum), achfollowed by a prayer. The additiona prayer Deus qui caelestium is linked with Benedic in G, it Benedictus es in RamSey Deu qui locabein linked with Benedic in Ramse and with Benedictu es in in both Deus sancti cariomιm S therias prayerie re the reface. p. 83. Ingrectienctum At a uitare. Claud. an Lan adisos extensum velum. 44 place besore thi a benedictio of the ite of the altar, whic is no in an of the therS. Eoo talaemaeulum. Egb omit this 44 put it aster the prayer

P. 84. Domine Sanete . . . miSerieorctiam Claud places here instead of this praye and the nexi, an add after them, Wo prayers hichappea later in ob. Singulare illud and Deu omnipotens universarum . Egb ha a Variation f Domi=re Sancte . . . misericordiam at a later potnt, in the formis a biddin prayer but Omit Domine Sanu . . . crearor. At hi potnt, ill the completion of the unctio of the walis, it has anthem only ithout prayers. The anthem aremo exacti thesam a in Rob. p. 85. Mane Surgens Egb has Sancti cavi dominus. Deus qui a Saevineandum. I an places thi immediatel aster