장음표시 사용
NOTES. I 8 Ithe biddin prayer V Deum universitatis. In I 46 and 44 the are Separated a in Rob. by the econdonointin and the anthem Mane
Victit Iacola. Egb has Ecce odor Ilii mei. s. Fundamenta D. an Ramsey, Aedimavit Moy ses ΡS. Unus dominus. Singulare illuct. See bove note on p. 4. Rob. in lac in this and the folio vin prayer at therias stage of the anointing of the altar, may be sal to stive them Something of the Specia importance hichthe have in Claud. though in a disserent Way. 86. Sanctificotur Egb. Claud. D. Omit thi S.
Turio clemum DPQAut egPectiens, etc. Egb. Claud. D. Lan do notmahe mention Dan externat anointing. D. ha two anthem. O quam me Itendus. PS. Canta e domino . . . cantate, an L MES. S. -- tale Domino . . . laudati,). Egb. Claud. and D. have no Collect atthi potnt an has the No anthenis, an places aster the econ ofthem the two Collecis hicli appea in ob Ramse has the SameanthemS, but substitute another collect for Omnipotens evasiterne eus unis It also provides an alternative anthem an collect for Seoulside the church, si inea fueris. Egb ha no anthem at thi potnt, placingi quam metuendus jus after the anointing of the walis : 46 and 44 gree illi ob A later han in 146 provides for a ooden
87. Domine a te. Claud. and D. omit his anthem Egb omits both, haVin employed Ecce odor at an earlier potnt See note on p. 4). Ramse inseris aster the irsi anthem the collectimnipotens sempiterne eus e unde se las note . Domino Sanet Pater elemens Not at hi potnt in Egb. Claud., D. Egb has it earlier. Dcti Datris omnipotanti misericorctiam. The formis hi prayershows it to have been originalty the biddin prayer V precedin a ColleCt. Al th books, horuever, contemplate iis hein treate a a ColleCt, precede by Oremus, Iectamus genua, Levate. D. alter itinio the formi a Colleci. 88. Praefatio super altare Both in ψ and in RamSe another prayeris inserte besere this 'he two forins aremo identicat. 89. Sincte teneant, etc. Egb. Claud. D. Lan place his rubrict withslight variation a the ea of the whole series of benedictions os Church furniture, in hicli the include the two benedictions hichfollo here in Rob. PoSt tineo uestiatu altare, etC. Egb. Claud. D. an Lan POSt- pone the vestin of the altar ill after the enclo sing of the relicS. an. ha Ornaverun here, ut ithout an mention o Vestin the altar. Egb places immediatel aster the Praefatio super altare the anthem Confrma the two form for the Benedictio tabulae then astrariosoSt unctionem altaris the prayer Maiestatem tuam, followed by the rubri a to the benedictionis church furniture and the series os benedictionifo that purpose at the en of this series it proceed with theorde for the introductio of the reli S. Claud. D. and Lan PrOCeeda Rob. excepi that Claud. and D. omit ornaῬerunt, and that ali here omit the Collectiescendat. Asterion rnea the place the rubri a tobenedictio of the furniture, and the series os benedictions and then proceed illi the section hicli the entiti Ordo quomodo in Sancta Romana eccleSi reliquiae condansum his is in the fullest for in Lan. in . t is abriclged that in Claud is apparenti a legidevelopedform. O me paris of the Orde appearint a later potnt in Rob. ut Rob. I 46, 4, an Ram se regar the dedicationis the churchlas heingcompleted an inseri the fori of the commendatio of the church,
18 NOTESbe re the introductio of the relics. For his Ramge and 44 provide alternative sorm S, to e Sed accordin to the particula dedication-titie of the church. In I 46 there is a single form illi variable ClauSeSat the eginning and the Same method is followed in D. an Lan ., whicli provide a formis commendation after the encloSin os the reliC S. Egb an Claud. havem commendation. P. O. Tnei Di Denemotio, etc. The whole series of benedictions hichfollows here agrees closely illi the parallel Sectioni D. The Sectioni Lan has Some forins hicli do no appea in the serie in Rob., includin in iis collection om forms hicli in ob and D are the Subject of Separate sections-the form for les Sin a bell, formon Se- Cratin a CroSS, a font, an amemetery Most of the forin contai necli Rob are mund also in Egb an Claud. though no a a continuou SSeries, and with more variation os ex than in an and D. Egb., Claud. Lan. D. ali include in thei series the two benedictions hichappea in Rob a a preliminar to the vestin of the altar p. 80). p. 93 Deu qui OS tysicum This is precede in an by another prayer hiclici ab Sent romi an Rob.
Oramu to omino. This has in Egb the form os a bidding prayer, an Lan has it in that formiesore Dinare domine euS. ut Lan has it also in the formiramu Ie omine bes ore Deus qui accesto, placing this air e re Di nare an iis companion biduin prayer. The orde in D. is the Same a in Rob. P. 4. Deu qui aeYR Aeristura testante. Not in Egb. It is in D. and
Deus a Quius esulo rum Not in Egb. but in Lan and D. EXOPoizo te omnis ot in Egl, o D. but in Lan with the ille Alia oratio quando ergo avare deportatur. p. 95. Aeternam a iuAtissimam. Not in Egb o D. but in Lan. Dou qui ctiuersa Not in Egb o Lan. but in D. P. 6. POSt tineo StPa CeleAiam, etc. In his section, dealing illi theintroductio of the relic notos a par of the dedicatio butos an Ct SubSequent to the preliminar dedication, an precedin the dedicationmRSS, Ob., 46, 44, an RamSe are in genera agreement. In I 46 and 44 the formi the rubric hows that the dedication is regarde aScomplete besore this sectio begins Finua dedicatione ecclesiae induat Se sis suS, etc., 46 Finita autem edicatione ecclesiae grediatur pontifex, etc. 44). At four rescribe a change of est ment at thi Spoint. Sanetum est uerum lumen. his is the lastis a series of anthemSin Lan and D. It is no in the simila series in Egb or in Claud. Dou qui in omni loeo. Not in Egb. but in Claud. D. Lan.
Domum tuam. Not in D. IPSAE STOISta, etc. Egb. Claud. an Lan direct the Spreadin o a veil between the bisho and the eopte during the enclosin of the reli CS. his i no mentione in D. In Rob and the hindre books theseopte are apparently ulside the church during the Ceremony. ., a belare, Seem to regar it a possibi that there a be no relicS
Exultadunt sancti. his sine of the anthem in Egb. Claud. D. , Lan It is the ni anthem here in I 46. In celesti regno. his is no in I 6 or in o whicli has instead
identica with that in the Pontifical of Egberi and of S. DunStan in ΜS. Claud. A. i. an in Ponti cale analetense. There is nomentio of the se of the litan beiore the prayers, hicli theS bookS direCt. The Same prayer appear also in the Pontifical of S. Thomaso Canterbur Doua Library, S. 67), an in the wo Pontificalsalready cite as 146 and 44. In these ast three, however, there S Certain amount o further development. In the ouai S. his onlyamounts to the direction o a preliminar exorcismu aquae, an a proceSSion before the prayer at Da medio coemeterii. In 46 anthemsare added, and the use of incens is rescribe in the procession before the las of the ve prayers. In 44, after the litan an exorcismuSaguae t etve Candies are tot lighted at the seu Corners of the ground ;and the circuit of the ground is orae made three times e re the rst Prayer. The anthem appea also in his form and the proceSSion illi
orde in hicli the cardinat oints are alien The prayers stan in the fame orde in ali th books, and the differenc a to the potnt atwhicli thenare sat mant, meret arbitrary. The mas is the fame in ali the later books, excepi that 44 add an Episcopa benediction, an malae the Superpopulum a secon ColleCt. In Egb. an Claud. the rs collec is the fame a in Rob., ut theother prayers differ here i no prope prefac o Super osallum. Pp ΙO3-ΙO3. A Bignum eooleSin Denectieenctum his Orde is practi- catly the Same in Egb. Claud. Lan. D. The laSt two are more early in exact agreement illi ob than Egb an Claud. The rubric areno exacti the fame in any tw of the sive but agre a to thei generalsense. The firs praye in Rob. S a benedictio of the water and Sonis in Claud. In Lan and D. it is a formose in the washing of the hell, and begins Benedic domine hoc si num . . . et aSSAMI Super ud. This is a variation recogniZed by alternative readings in Egb and 46. Claud. ha no anthem attache to the Salms, eginning the psalma the anointin a Vox domini Super aquas that at the fumigatio atri erunt Ie aquae. Egb has the anthem audet anima mea in placeo In cisi aD omini, hicli in D. is adde in the margin In , 146 the office egins illi an adaptatio of the Exorcismus aquae for the dedication is a Church. In 44 the Exorcismus aquae is preceded by a litan the water is then prinkledipo the hell,ith the anthem Asperges, and the elicis tessed illi the or Benedic domine hoc tintimetabulum, dissering lighil sto the Benedic omine hoc si numo the earlier book the Orde end with a benedictio pronounCed elevam manu. As in the ex of the rubriCS, S also in the prayerS, the
pp. IO6-IO8. ConSQQPatio ruet A. Thi Orcle is almos identical in D. andRob. whicli combine illi Some addition the different elements of Egb. an Claud. In gh the office egins illi Asper es, and the anthemis followed by three prayer Deus gloriae sincludin the SectionKadie hic, hicli in Rob is separate an place at the end sor Se fili case requires th; e=redi domine hanc crucem an Ko amus e. These are the firSt three prayer algo in D. , here adie hic thoughno separate Dom the reSt of the prayer, is marhedis intende foroccasional Se only laud. omit the anthem and Deus gloriae, butadd after o amus D with the ille o Consecratio crucis the prayer Omnipotens aeterne deus pater, hic in D. and Rob. stand fourth. Neither Egi, nor Claud direct the anointing of the Cross. m. and Rob. orde therus o chris for this purpos : ob direct the anointinxto he accompanted by the word Co=aSecrare et Sancti care di neris, etc. Aster the anointin follo in D. and ob the two prayers, OmnipotenSSemsi eme eus qui fer si num and Deus cui cunctae r and with the last of these the office enes in both for adie hic though it standitas in Rob., a probabi meant tot annexe to the prayer Deus gloria in thos Cases hicli require iis Se. In Lan the materiat is early the fame, but the arrangement differs considerably. Three prayers Benedic domine hanc crucem, o amusu domine, an Omnipotens evasi eme deus qui per lignum precede thewashing of the rosS. The anthem Sser esci no mentioned Thewashing is followed by the prayer Omnipotens aeterne ens afer. The ros i cenSed, and aster the prayer Deus gloriae to hiChKadie hic is annexe sor se i requiredhit is notiate withaolymit; the word at the anointinxare the famem in Rob. Aster the anointinglallows a prayer hicli oes no appea in Egb. Claud. D. Rob. Sanusca quaesumus), and the prayer Deus cui cunuae hi chris thelas of the serie S, a in D. and Rob.
NOTES 185 In 146 an in the Pontifica os . Thomas, as in Lan. the anointingis illi holymit. In both Some additiona anthem are introduced, andalso ne or tuto additiona prayers. In the Pontifical of S. Thomas omnisolens aeterne esu pater appear a Consecratio crucis followed by Deus loriose excelse the Same prayer a Deus loriae illi Some variations as Benedictio crucis. In I 46 Deus Eloriae is place at theend of the office, to e sed is the roscis adorne with gol or gem s. In 44 the orde is surther developed, illi stili more additiona materialthan in I 46 Mere also the anointiniis illi hol oll. pp. IO8-ΙIO. Benectiotio CPinii. In his Sectio D. Lan. 146 are in Close agreement illi Rob. The Pontifical of S. Thomas and 44 have the Same prayers, but ad anthemS, in hicli the do no exacti agreetogether. Egb an Claud. have no this office. p. IIO. Decticatio fontis. The three prayer unde thisaeaxare originaltyparis of the massint the dedication an appear illi stigii variatio in this Connectio in the Gelasian Sacramentary. The res of the threeis the rs collecti the secon the post-communion, and the hir alengthened formo the secon collect of the Gelasia maS. Muratori, Lit. Rom. I. i. I 8 6 I9; or p. 42, 43 of the Oxsor edition). Egb has the Gelasia masS, omittin the preface and Hanc luetir, and
conredetis . Egb an Claud domo specis the Episti or GoSpel. In the grail, I 46 has as . Adorabo ad emplum. The prefac is omitted in Egb. an Claud. The ex of the benedictio in Egb. doe notexacti agree illi Rob. but the benedictio is o the whol the Same. For the communion Egb has Acces abitis; ut his is probabi only
Deu cuius Spiritu, butitherwis agrees illi Rob. laud. omit both Deus cuius Spiritu whicli it has elsewhere an Deus qui ecci iam: it omit also Omnipotens sempiterne deus prosiliare, an add other anthem. Tu es Domine, etc. at the giving of the tonsure. In 46 and in the Pontifical of S. Thomas the orde is ather more developed, illi an increaSe in the number both of anthem an prayers. The wO
186 NOTES books contain in his sectio ver much the fame material but differa litile in iis arrangement. In 44 the ossice is stili more different Domitia in Rob.
wori in his appendix to the Pontificalis David de Bernham, to e sonearly identica wit thos o Claud that halcis sal of the ne S in the followin notes it equali appl to the ther, save so the fac that whil a mali portio of the orna sor the Consecration o Bishops isto be found in Claud. the form is no represente in the idne Suggex IS. The ornas in the ouai S. 67 the Pontifical of S. Thomas, cite beto a T. agre closely illi tho se of the earlyaroup. Tho Seo the two Corpus Christi College SS. I 6 and 44 sho more
divergen ce, and an hardi be reChone among the earlies grou of Englis forms, though the are, of CourSe in agreement it that groupa regard the greater par of thei ContentS. The divergenc in IS more marhed tha that in 146. In the earli est grou of Englisti Pontifical the back-bone of the ordinatio formiis evidently the fame illi the forms hic are to beseun in the Gelasian Sacramentary. The basis of thei rubriciis the Serie of extractifro the Statura Ecclesiae Antiquae the basis of their Prayer ConsiSt almoSt entiret of the prayer combine in the GelasianSRCrAment Ary. In Some CaSe particula member of the grou followa texi no identica with that of the Gelasian Sacramentar in a fewin Stance there are variation which seem to e due to intentionalalteration or attempt to emend the ordinar teXt; ut the variations ofreadin are so the mos par not of a hin Suchis to require specialmention in these notes Wit regar to the matter hic is adde toth Gelasian sorm the member of the groumare so the moSt par in agreement a tocit Substance the differ, though no Ver Widely asto it arrangement. One ather curiou though not ver important variation is that whichconcern the numeratio of the variou orders. In Rob number aregive in theae ad ings of the sections e.g. Ordinatio hostiarii incipit frimus ira and the Episcopale is Sestimus Era S, this result
Claud has only the three initia prayers, hicli are place apari rom the therordinatio forins illi theaeading, Benedictio Episcoporum. Muratori, Lit. Rom. n. i. 5Ι2-517 6 I9-622 624-626 PP. 22 29. 44'I49, ISI I 53 of the Oxsor editionis the Gelasian Sacramentary.
The omission of the Acolyte froin the numeratio in Claud. and the Sidne Sussex S. is possibi tote connected with a Section, De Septem radibus ecci De quos adimplevit ChrisIus, hic si appear in Egb., Lan. and D. In his sectio the lis begins illi the Ostiarius and encis vitii the Bishop the AColyte is no mentione at all. an. ha alS a Section, no found in the ther bookS, reatin of the orders by way of queStio an anSwer, here the an Swe to the question Dic mihi, radus eccloiastici quo sunt is uin and where the eight orderihegin illithe Ostiarius an end with the resbyter, the number ein made pb includini a the secon order the Halmista. P. II S. Salmi Stri . . . DoteSt. Egb and Some thers insert bessire foust)soSteaquam ab archidiaco=lo inSIrucrus fueris These additionat worusare no in the Gelasian Sacramentar o in the ordinar texi of theo Iarum Ecclesiae Antiqua, henceolii Sectio comeS. T. add Someword to the ormula os admiSSion. P. II 6. Et tractat i ctiaconus ostium colosio. his is an addition to the ex of the latum no in the Gelasian Sacramentary. Egb and Some ther have archidiaconus T. add that the archdeacon i tolea hi in to the oor an bring him ac to the istio for thebenediction. Aeolo et eato. T. inseris besore this, at the en of the rubric, Mezί quod ore cantaS, etc. a above in Rob for the Psalmista . Benectietio leotoris. Egb an Lan have a formis biddin prayerbelare this, hicli the ther book omit. It is no in the Gelasian Sacramentar o in Minale Francorum. P. II 7. A Colitu Cum Orctinatur, etc. T. add formula for the delivery of the inStruments. The Gelasian Sacramentary, whichina the extractfrom the Statum relatinito the Acolyte, omit the form os benedictionwhicli solio in Rob. Nor are the in Missale Francorum, hici haSanother forna. The idne Sussex S. an Claud. have Only one benediction, hicli Seem to e made u froin the two in Egb. Lan., D. and Rob. The econ benediction, as it appear in these mur, SCVidenti Corrupi. In T. Some attempt Seem to have been ad toamen it thera ath-Centur Pontifical alter it Considerably. P. II 8. OTcto qualiter . . . orctinancti sunt. A Section simila to thi Soccur in the Gelasian Sacramentar before the fornis for the ordination o Priest an Deacons. A simila clause CCur in Egb. Claud. , Lan. D. and the Sidne SusSex S. T. has a correspondin heading, but the two pages followin i are est lank. In Egb the section Splace at the egi nning of the series of Ordination forins havin thelieading, Incisis ordo qualiter in Romana ecclesia presbiuri diaconi Subdiaconi vel ceteri ordine clericorum benedicendi Sunt, followed by matteranSWering to the content of the Sectio in Rob. an by Variou ruleSan Statement a to Ordination, Some of whicli are Mund also in Claud. and D. In Lan the correspondin sectio is placedietween the formSfor Subdeacon and thos formeacons. In Claud. and D. AS in Ob., the Sectio comes es ore the forins for Subdeacon ; ut in D. nomention o Subdeacon is made in the eading. In T. the eading as in Egb. illi the addition o de Sacris ordinibus aster ordo, and of the word a omnisonti re sedis asos olicae aster clericorum precedeSthe form for Subdeacons. Rob. Stand alone in malain no mentionos the Romana ecclesia in the heading of the Section. in tali lectionilaus Al the ther book of the groum T. excepted, whichia no the passage ad ad Sancrum Perermi. Antequum euangelium legatur. Egb. Lan. and Claud. have like
188 AUT ESth Gelasian Sacramentary fiu*Ἱmur antiphonam adin Nisum dixerint,
data oratione Lan infert bessire the proclamatio Auxilianu, etC., preSentatio of the ordinand by the archdeacon, it an inquiry Sto thei fitness, and hi reply. Deincte Recoctant, etc. In Egb. Claud. Lan. and D the Corre-
Spondin rubri follows that of the Gelasian Sacramentary, et foStmodicum . . . benedictione ferceptae an in alliut Lan. whicli proceedswith ordinatio Diaconio some adde matte follows the rubric eg the Casuulum S. Gre oris . Pp. II 8, I9. Orctinatio Sulactiaconi. his sectio is practicatly the Same in ali the books, excepi in regar to the rubri CS.
P. II 8 UTCeolum Cum aqua . manilo. The more common reading Scum aquamania tu i maniae in Rob is the equivalent of aquamaniae, the directio os iis rubri agrees it that of the Gelasian Sacramentary, hi Ch mentions both water an basin. an agree with Rob. Re manulePgium. Egi, add a directio for the provision of the Chalice an paten atready mentioned), an at the en of the addreSSVM cuius a directio for thei delivery, and that of the maniple. Claud. and the idne Sussex S. have omewhat Simila additionS, but omit the mentio of the maniple. P. II 9. enectietio Aulactiaconi. Aster the biddin prayer T. in Sert a rubri allowing the use of the respono Sint lumbi at the discretio ofth bishΟP.PP. I9-Ι22. Orctinatio Dinooni. To the form containe in the earlies Sacramentaries ali th books of the grou ad directions o formulae for the pulting on of the tolean for the anointing of the and s ali ut laud. and the idneySuSsex S. for the deliver of themo spel-book. As to the place of these addition there is Some Varinti On. The firS Dur prayers of Rob. pp. 2O, III lare Common to ali ut Egb., hi Ch has a Somewhat different formis the first, an omit thethird. his grou of prayers may be sal to represent the mattercommon to the Leonine an Gelasian Sacramentaries, though the firStthree are no exacti the fame a the initia prayers in ither of thesebookS, and the secon is no Containe in ither. The two prayerSwhicli stan last in Rob. p. III represent the additio made to the Leonine forna in the Gelasian Sacramentary. In ob the addeclCeremonte are place belween these two portions, hicli in the therbook of the grouinare consecutive. In Egb. Lan. and D the Puttingon of the Stole accompanie or followed by the form eginning IDa nomine Sanctae Trinitatis λ and the deliver of the Gospei are placedat the beginning hefore the prayer Oremus dilectissimi. In Claud. T., and the idne Sus sex S. the adde cere montes are deserreo ill aster the prayerS, here . places the deliver of the Gospe before that fili Stole. In ali excepi Rob the Consecratio manuum come lRSt. T. join to it a prayer hicli is no in the earlier book. Deu qui MOS
This form and also the benedictioni the stole, Deus invictae virtutis are placed in E b. besore thete inning os the section, ut are intended forius in connection illicit. Ita there is a rubri aster Commune votum permaneat enjoining the delivery book ut the direction is repeate aster the ex prayer, illi the:r attache to it.
NOTES. 89 Reliqui vero Sacerctote . . . tangant. Thi clauseris omitte byEgb. Lan. and D. it i mund in the Same extrac Do the ratiιωin the Gelasian Sacramentary, ut o in DSale Francorrιm. ItSinsertion is probabi due to an early error in the ex of the Statuta. p. Ι2O. Pomus ileotiSSimi. Thi is a variation os ne of the initialprayers in the Leonine an GelaSia SacramentarieS. Exaucti omino reces Thi i no in the early Sacramentaries, hut appear in Egl, as Asia benedictio diaconi Sive diaconissae.
Domine cteu . . . Pecte ΠOStΓRS. Thici common to the Leonine an Gregoria SacramentarieS.
p. 22. ConsectTenturimarius. Thi form occuri With very Slight variation in the Gelasian Sacramentar at the en os the form for Subdeacons, where as Tommas remarkedhit is evidenti miSplaced. The anointingo the hand of Deacon seem to have been Sed in England an toliave been no unknown in France, here the ArchbiShomo Bourges, about 86o, ad dresse an inquir a tociis propriet to ope Nicola I., an received the reply that a Romemei the Deacon nor PrieSt werethus anointex Martene, De Ant. EGI RH. Vol ii P. 22).pp. 22-Ι23 Thi Sectio follow very nearly the Same order hicli is Mundi Egb. Claud Lan. D. T. and the Sidne SuSSex S. The Leonine Sacramentar has the firSt three prayer of Rob., and thoSe only the Gelasian add the two hicli stan last in Rob. In Egb these standi the fame orde a in the GelaSia Sacramentary, Without breali, thedirectio a to the Changing of the toleraein placed, illi iis formula, hesore therars of the prayers, the ther addition after the las of them. In the other book of the group a in Rob. the later additionS, exceptiliat of the changing of the Stole, are placedietween the Leonine sorm sand those hici, the Gelasian Sacramentar add to them. p. 122. PQADyter oum orctinatur, etc. Al th book of the grou have this extraci stom the saluta Ecclesiae Anrigua. Egb. D. an Lan. combine illi it a directio a to the puttingi of the Stole, an a tolli mentio of the priest'. 'tille.' P. I 23. Hi mutatur Stola. Egb omit this Lan and D. have besore the correspondin rubri the form Iola iuStiliae circumdet, etc., hicli Egb places aster the initia rubric T. has a the Same potnt Tolli e
D. omit therias laur ordS. Egb. WhiCh entille the precedin prayer Consecratio manus has here a rubri directing that the Signi the crossis tot made illi chrism po the handS. Turio Vestiatu onsula. In Egb the vestin with the chasuble is accompanie by the words, Indue te omi=au veSIimento Salutis et coronam laetitiae sonat Super casu Iuum. There is an alternative formo benediction, hicli oes no appea in the ther bookS. an has aform for Se at the vestini Per haec indumenta, etc. whicli is no in an of the ther book of the roup. In the idne Sussex S. the directio sor the vestin with the chasuble is omitted but the vestingi reserre to a in Rob. in the benediction hicli follows the
p. 123. The readin et fer obSequirim plebis tuae corpore Ioan uine filii tui inmaculata benedictione transformetur ad inviolabilem caritatem is perhaps the reSult os an attempto improve the text. Claud has
I9 NOTES. variation among the SS. hicli contain it than in the Sections precediniit. The initia rubri varies a good ea in form. In Egh and Lan it is more early identica with the correspondin paSSage in the Statum Ecclesiae Antiqua than is the a se in D. Rob., and T. The three prayers hi Ch solio are Common to the wholearoup. Egi, addS Murth Exaudi domine reces ), hicli in the Leonine Sacramentaryan in Asale Francorum appear tot the collect of the maSS, and
in the Gelasian Sacramentar talae the place hicli in the five Englislibook is occupie by Adesto Susplicatio=ribus. In Egl, it is directed that the initia prayers are to e sal by at the bishops apparently the Character of Oremus dilectissimi as a formos bidding ha been
p. 23 Deu honorum omnium This in the early Sacramentaries andi Egb. an Lan. forin S, together illi Hoc domi=re cosisSe, ne Ontinuous prayer notirohen hy an directio for anointing. p. 126. Hi effunctatu oleum, et C. Though gb has no mention ofanointin here, iis Se a b indicate by Crosses hicli are marhedin the text. In Lan the anoint in of the ea follows at the en of the whole prayer, illi the se of the formula Vn et fur et sancti egur, whicli the correctio madet a laterian in Rob. ould infert at thispoint in the Consecratio. The Codem S. Ela fi and ittorpys r Romanu agre in insertingin natur et sanctificetur here, but direct the se of Chri Sm. D. an T. agree illi the origina arrangemento Rob. Ho domino oosioso. In his portio of the prayer there is amarked difference etween the texis The Leonine for differs Domth Gelasian in the omissionis Certain passages. Egb an Lan followthe Leonineri . Rob. and T. the longe formiontaine in the Gelasian Sacramentar an in MisSale Francorum. p. Ι27. Pate Srenet OmniPoten cteus This prayer is no found in theearlies Sacramentaries, and i abSent Dom)gb., ut appears in Lan. , D. an T. I maintain iis place in the later Englisl Pontificats, ut cloes no Seem to have been sua et sewhere Menar appears o have mund itini in book of Englisti origi an in the Codex atoldi, whicliseem to have been influencedi Englisti solarces. ut it appear also in the non-Englisti par of the Leoisi Missat, here it precedes Deus honorum omnimn and has the ille o Consecratio. Possibi it originalsour e may be the Same hicli supplied the Gelasian addition to the Leonine formim the ordination fari est an Deacons. Spiritus anetus ostiformis. his is no in the earlies Sacramentaries. Egb ha it S a final benediction. an. D. an T. placei as in Rob. p. 128. ConSeeTatio manuum Thi is no in the earlieS Sacramentaries. Therus o Chris for his an ointin is no mentione in the rubri ofEgb o Lan. bu Seem tote implied in the ex of the a companying formula. Egb add a horter alternative formula, in hicli there is no