장음표시 사용
NOTES. I9Ievident that the origina purpos o it a to provide that in the caseo the consecration o a POp tW Change were to e made in the Consecratio eginning Deus honorum omnium: a the insertio ofcertain ordS et Neen Ita famulo uo quem an ad summi sacer fortaministerium se p. 126, line I OD and b the Substitutio of the ordioni calem for sis salem in another ClauSe, here in Some texti asin ob.hthe reading hicli in hi Sectio i preScribe a a specialvariatio has been adopte to the excluSion of the more ordinaryesiscopalem Se p. 27, line ). ut the egi nning of the prayer in whicli the change were tot made, the word precedin an following the inserte an altered wordS, and the Spectat word themgelves have been run together a though the forme a Consecutive prayer. It isto e note that hil in Egb., in enard' Codeae S. si ii an in Martene' Or o alien rom Lan and D. the phraS sor inSertio runs, siuem aposIolicae sedis iraesulem e primatem omnium qui in orbe
Ierrarum sunt Sacerdotum ac miseraalis curatae uae octorem dedisti,
i appears in Rob in a modi ne forna. The last par of the sectio isalso linked on to what precedes by the omiSSion o Iribuas and the insertionis, in iis place, and by the additionis aScenda after universam. What the earlier use of the sectio in England may have been it ouldbeii cultri say ut in the form hicli it S Sume in Rob it appearsalso in later Englisti Pontifical in the definite character of a prayerso the istio at his enthronement an it Seem probable that this character is meant to belon to it in ob also, here it is followed by the orms hicli in thera ath-centur Pontificat are combined illi itto mali up the orde of enthronement. In Egl, and the other books of the rou the Same prayer folio v the aeditio Da co=ISecrarionem.
In Egb the benedictio Spirisus sanctus Sestiformis folio rus that beginnin Populus I honoret, an is followed by the Sufer oblata fili maSS. D. an T. ad Some alter relatin to the Consecration of
Rober os umieges have a much fuller introduction That in T. is different, resembling hat is Mund in D.
Pater noster an preceS. The Mur prayers hic li folio are in ali thebook of thi grOUP. p. 32. Deu honRTum uiPtutum. In Claud.' Lan . . . and 44 Deus qui vestimentum precede thi SQ o alS in D. and 46. Hoth prayers are in rather longe form in ali th book excepi Rob and the Missat in MDeus bonarum uirturum S Xpande to a great tength. p. 133. Actesto omine. Claud. allo S, and 4 direcis, a respondist hispoint.
havin therars in a lighil different form to the blessing of the habiteither of Virgin or of wido S. The two are found together, a the Benedictio vestium vir inis vel viduae, in the Supplementar pari os the Gregoria Sacramentarie See Muratori Lit. Rom. Vest. ii. 83,18 the firs is mund in the Same form hicli it has in Egb. Deus aerernorum in the GelaSi an Sacramentary, a the Benedictio ratimen- Ioram vir in D. In thi form With the neceSSar Variation, it appears again in the sectio a to the Wiclow's habit in the even later books. Esnoctica te onctitor. In Egb thi is the rs prayer of the Benedictio viminis monialis, the econdiein Benedicatae deus, hi chlallows it in ob and the Dur book whici agree illi ob It is inund together illi the firS ClauSe o Benedicat te deus, in Missa Francorum. Both in DSale Francorum an in Egb it end with a clause, omitte in the later Englisti bookS, hicli serves o lin it,iththe followin benediction in Claud. and 44 two ther prayer. Omni- fotens evasi erue deus adiuua an Te inuocamuS are place before Benedicat te condi or, hici is made to precede the iving of the veli, while Benedicat te deus is place aster that action. p. 136. Omnisolens Semsiterne eu Rctiuua ThiS a has been aid, is place earlier in Claud. and 44, here it solio S Deus bonarum. In Egb it is separate Dor Deus bonarum by the formula for the givingo the veli, and like the form Whicli tand just e re it is made to serve either sor Virgins o for ido S. In Missale Francorum it is the firs prayer in the sectio relatin to the Benedictio Virginum. p. 137. Deu QRStorum OPPOTum Thi i the principat benedictionii the correSponding Sections of the Leonine and of the Gelasian
NOTES. 193 Sacramentaries, and of Missale Francorum I ut there is a disserencebetween the three books. MDSale Francorum omit a passage hicli Scommon to the Leonine an GelaSia texi the Leonine, o the therhand omit the last par of the forma it appear in the Gelasian and in Missale Francorum. In the Supplementar par of the Gregorian Sacramentaries the Benedictio Ciminum includes liat a b callecla hor recenSion oscit, beginning in the fame way, and containing the part whicli is omitte in Asale Francorum, combine with a differentendin Do that in any of the ther early texis The Englisti Pontificals have both the horte and the longe recension the longe in thesor in hic it appears in Minale Francorum. In Egb the wo re Consecutive the horte form folio in the other. In the later books, the longe forminione is retaine in the fe=aedictio irae inum, the therbein approprialed, illi Stight alteration eg the Substitutionis Se graimi ructaιs for cent imifructu' and of viduarum for mr inunio tolli Benedictioni Wido . Se p. 39 . Besore Deus casIorum corporalyn, Egb and the Dur books hicli are in agreement illi ob throughout hi Sectio inseri the praye Te invocamus, hicli is found in the Gelasian Sacramentary, and whicli in theS book Seem to Serve a a Sor of introduction to the principalbenediction. In laud. and 44, Te invocamus i place jus besore Benedicat e condiror, hi Ch in these two MSS. immediatet precedes the iving of the veli, an So far CCupies the fame place hicli Rob. an iis group assign to Deu cas omina corsorum. In laud. and 44 Deus caStorum corporum and Benedicat D eus p Ι35hare place aster the giving of the eil. p. 38. Aeois Duella Pallium Thimis in Minale Francorum, butio in the Leonine, Gelasian, o Gregoria Sacramentaries. The whole of the rou of Englisti book haverit, but differ, a we have Seen, a toit position in relation to the ther prayerS. Effuncto omino. his is in ali th book of the group. In Egb. it scioined with Benedica D conduor an Benedicat te eus, an iis Character a a portionis the maS i no specificali stated a in thelate booRS.pp. 38, 39. Benectietio uesti uictuae. Theirs of the three prayers of this Sectio is mentione above in the notes nolle Benedictio, tium uir inis. The the two are the form for the Same purpos in MisSale
p. 39. ConSolaro ctomine This is the Benedictio viduae of the Gelasian Sacramentar it appear algo in MisSale Francorum. Egb. oin withit the prayer Deus castitatis amator, hi licis also found in the Gelasian Sacramentary. The prayer a qua umu i no apparenti to helaund in an os the early Sacramentaries cit is no identica with that whicli inmittorpys oris Romanetos is combinest,ith ConSolare. Deu QRStorum orsorum. Se the notem the longe form p. 137)srom hic this form may be Sal to e derived. P. 4O Famulam tuam. Thi appear in the Supplementar par of the Gregoria Sacramentaries, a a prayer ad ancillas dei velan s. t has the Same ille in Egb., here it is arrange for Se either for Virginsor for Wido S. pp. 4 I47. Conseoratio Regis. The Orde so the Consecration o a in Containe in ob is that norun a the econ Englisti Order. It is ound also, illi very light variation, in D. T. I 46, an in Μ6nare' Co ex atoidi, an in an imperfeci forin part of the teXthein now losthin the fragment cite a Claud. A peculia recensionos it, it considerable changes an additions occur in 44. Thi has
I94 NOTES an his caresul note malae it superfluous here to discus minutei thesmal amount o variation exhibite by the SS. hicli contain the Secon Orde in iis usual form. p. 4 I. In Melaus eius. The diversit between the different MSS. in thetexi of thi prayer Some beginning In diebus mis malainiit an addressio the ing, thers a Rob. mahin it a precator benediction, is notice by r. ichham Legg. The prayer feem to e reali parto a long form, of hicli Te invocamus is the firs portion the alter par has been altere so a to avoid the abrupi an unu sual eginning whicli is found in Rob. his, though iis awkwardness,ould notiave been marhedris the prayer ere impi divide belwee two or moreo the assistant hishops one of whom egan his portio at In diebus EAS, VS have been ad more noticeable hen Deus qui posulis was inserte between the divisions. The variou Stage are illustraled by different SS. In the Ith-centur ordo, printe fro a S. at Milan by Magistretii in the appendicto his Pontiscale cc Me lol. Saec. ix. p. II 3), the prayer i unbrohen. In the Leosti Missa it is divide into two paris, the secon heginning at In diebus eius; ut Deus qui rosulis does no appear. In Egb. Deus qui populis is inserted belween the two portion an in ome of the lateraroup the beginning of the secon portion is altered, and the remainder of the prayer modifiedio correspond with the ne beginning That the par heginnin fu iobus eius reatly belong to Te invocamus is evident sto the rem arkable alliteration hicli is a Datur of both paris. p. 48. Consecratio Reginae This Orde is generali attache to the Secon Englisti Orcle of the ing's Coronation in the MSS. hicli contain it. In Ponti ale analeunse whic in the ing' Coronatio agrees illi Egbert' Pontifical the Queen's Coronation appears apari rom the Orde for the ing. Egbert' Pontifica provides nosor so the crowning of the Queem nor oes the Leosti Missal. In 44 the Orde for the dueen has hare in the proces of revisio appliedio that for the ing. For the variations in the different book of thegrou referen e may, a be re, he made to Dr WiCkliam Legg's notes in Three Coronation Oraeera H. B. S., Ol. iX. . The remaining content of the volume consis os later additions, omenearly Contemporary, and perhap written hile the book was stili in Englanx other of later date, the mos importantiein formisor se in the province of ROUen. 9p. 49-Ι3 I. The form relatine to marriage elon to the wo period of the histor of the S. The mas Ad sonSam benedicen am asprobabi writte in England The benedictions for Se in the maSS,
or sufer rosulunio, and the portio relatin to the SpouSat were probabi writte in Normandy but contain nothin distinctive. Themas Ad sonsas e=aedicendas in the Mina os ober of umie ex H.B. S. Vol. i. ha the Same colleci, Secret, an prefac as ob Itha two form ad complendum, the second of hic splace aster hebenedictio Deus qui potestate, an probabi reali a Suser populum is the Same a the post-Communionis Rob. The Episti an Gospe areno thos mos commoni Mund As to the benedictions and ther
It is perhaps et to note that them S. hicli in the notes to this volum is cited by the symbola is in Dr Wichliam Legg's notes cite a Dou. that nown a the Pontifical of S. Dunstan here referre to as . he cites a Dun. The ex of 46 has recently been publiShed in r. L. G. Wichliam Legg's vlis Coronation
VOTES. I95 adde matter, it a be sal that ille contain nothing hicli calis for Specialis Otice. P. 32. Dctus uita uiuentium. Thi formis episcopa benedictio is Mundi other Englisli Pontificalx eg. S. Magd. 226. Orationes in tamDore Synocti. The firSt portionis these prayeriis
repeate in the ollowincorde for a Counci of the Province of Rouen. The alter portion, beginning on fol. 75v. Nulla domine is probably
Both paris are Mund in Englisti books, an also in book of Frenchorigin and the fame may be said of the benediction whicli sollows them. pp. 133-Ι37. The Orde for a Provincia Counci was printe by abillonin his Velera Analecta, vol. i. Paris I 676 , stoma op furnishest hyPelehester, the Libraria of the Church of Rouen. abillo notes the fac that the Orcle is a later addition to the origina content of the ΜS. ut he had probabi not seen the book iself, and formed his dea of the date of this par of iis content froin the eviden e hi h hecollected Dom it text. e suppose it tot of the time of ArchbishopGuillatim Bonne-Ame IO79-III O , o the solio in ground :-
who is referre to a venerabili memoriae p. 33, line 6 . a That i seem to regar sonae of thos present in the councillas havin assiste at a forme CounCil of the province, hel in the time of laurilius, hen the definition against Berengarius a made Thisii Supposes to have been in I O63. 3 That it contains p. 37, line 9 a reserenCe to an enaCiment made in the time of the fallier of the eignin prince, pro coercenda frincisum cupiditate, hicli e conneCt with the decree o a councilhel a Lillebonne in I O8O. Theclas of these reason Seem to e ungound The whole paSSage in hicli the claus o whicli tris based occuriis alien Dom the EighthCounci o Toledo, illi litile variatio beyon the omission of thenam of the princeps and the allusion to particula enacimenis, whether in favour of the ille of the fallier of the rincesso dominion sacquired by him, o againSt the rapaCit o tempora powerS, annot Salal be understoodo have Specili reserenCe to any event in the histor of Normand or of the province of Rouen. The rs reason Seem sufficient torax the date of the Compositionis the documen after IO67 ut the phras referre torus implying that iShops present ad also been present at the counci hel by S. Maurilius may no implymore than Such corporate identit as a later provincia counci may
It is, of courge, possibi that the document though apparently writtentoward the en of the Iath Centvry, i Copied from an orde drawn up while gome member of aurilius Councii ere stili bishops of the provinceri ut in that case the phrase, is abillon' interpretatio oscit
be adopted musti regarde a a SurVivat. p. 34. De onctilio aloectonenSi ieram Hiii. The wor heram aerai used here, an also a se lines later in the SenSe of capitulum. P. 33 Corcte Pectimu et ore Politemur Danem, etc. his definitionappears again in the examinatio of the bishop-elec p. 164). p. 56. Item e oontemptorilaus anonum in oletano orioilio vii. labillo observes that what follows is no found in the decrees of the Seventi Counci o Toledo. The clause Si qui . . . uuetur SeemS like a condensatio an combinatio of two paSSages, ne in the decrees of the fixili, the other in tho se of the eighth counc it - Quod si in quidpiam horum quiSquam noStrorum temerario USU praeSumptor extiterit' Conc Tolet vi cap. 18 et honoris sui et
196 UTES.Communioni Sanctae lugeat amissione mulctatus Conc Tolet viii.
The nex clause, Genecleus essecosus dixit . . . Sesarabit, i Dom the Secon Councilis Carthage. Possibi both have been extracte frona Some Catena O pasSages rom Concilia decrees de contems oribus canonum, in hicli the firS passage was drawn Do the eventi Councilos Toledo the est bein referre in error to the Same OurCC. Diuinae trinitatis inseparalatio num n. From his potn to theend of the sectio the ource is the Eighth Counci o Toledo, cap. I 3. The purpOSe of the extract i no evidentu ut it a perhap have been Chosen a a mode for the ConcluSion of the acts of a Synod .pp. 37-I39. hi Orde for the investitur of the Duk of Normand is reprinted frona Du Chesne, Hira Normannoru=U by Martene, De Arariqui Ecta Ritibus, vol. i. p. 3 3. It will e een that it followsthe Orde for the Coronation o a in g, illi neceSSar omiSsion and Some alteration os ording. Themath is the fame is followed by Te invocamus and Deus qui rosulis, SubStituting ducatus sor regnum even in the petitio that the fovereig may be brought ad aeterminargnum : In diebus eius is omitted the Consecratio re is an ali that relate to the anointin are also omitte the formulae sor deliver of the in and the girding of the wor are adopted, illi the Same Substitutionis ducatus for re num e the form relatin to the Crowningare omitted an algo thos for the deliver of the sceptre an rod the last benedictio is alien Dona ne of the forins os benedictionprecedin the enthronem ent. The enthronemen and the benedictions followiniit aremo included. The ni addition are the anthem and verse aster Te eum laudamus and the collectinanipotens sempite e deus qui edisti, hici naturali,
pp. 6O, 6 I. O the three benedictions Containe in these ages the hirclappear alS on p. 37 the firS i in Lan with omissions.pp. 62-Ι63. In die Orctinationis Diseopi, etc. The whole of the directions containe in the firSt twenty-seve line of thi Sectio agreewith hos in one o Martene' ordines De Ant. Eccl. H. Vol. i. p. 36)taken rom a Pontifica writte formesanςon and afterward adapte foruSe at ourS. The date whicli Marte ne assign to this book would aheit early contemporary illi the writin of the sectio in Rob. The Besanco Pontifica contain the fuit order of the Consecration the Sectio in ob is evidenti no intende to e complete in iself, ut to eoahen in conjunction illi the earlier Order hicli form par of the original content of the book pp. 23 - 13O). The earlier Ordercontain no formi examinatio of the bishop-elec such a that hichinmittorpys Ordo Romanus is describe a Secundum Gallorum institution , or a the formS hicli appea in the Englisti Pontifical froin the Iath centur onward s. his omission is here Supplied. The formos examination differs in soni respect froin that contained in the BesanconPontifical: the exac formi question is a matter on hicli there is a considerable amount of variation in different books Belare the questions begin the Besanco book direct the readin no Ont of the paSSage Dom the puriou decretalis Anactetus, but also of a paSSage froin theletter of Celestine . to the Bishops of Gaul Nullus invitis detur episcopuS, etc.), of the Murth Nicen canon, and of a passage ex tuis Leonis fasae, the extrac fro in Anactetus' being the las of the series.
thi is omitted, and the ni preface to the examination is the addreSSby the metropolitan, hici, as a ule egins illi the word Antiqua
NOTES. I97SIatuta omittin Audisti arissime quod The answe to the questionwith whicli his adclres end. II ex toto cor e volo in omnibu obedire e consentire is omitte in the texi probabi by a Clerica error. P. 63. Vis Dor ei gratiam, etc. his ComprehenSive question i notusuali include in the Series. Where it appears, it seem to talae the Place of Some ther question whicli are a a ule included but here omitted. The fame arrangement appears in a Lyons ontificat, adapted for Se a Tarentat se stom hicli Marten extracis ne of his ordines Des Ant. Eccl. it. Vol ii P. I). Vi QRStitatem . . . et in ea filios tuos nutrire P Theirs parto thi question appear in a hape ut lighil different in a large number of book the alter par is apparenti a least unuSual It is Sometime replace simpl by the word et docere the Lyons Pontificalalready cite has et cam tibi subditos orere, illi a further inquir a tolli ensor ement of the eachin in the casei Sacer oleae, diaconi, and ministri. Filios may, o Courge, eoahen a equivalento Sub GDSIbut it seem mos lihely that the wor hamat firs it ordinar SenSe, and that iis retention here is a CaSe of Survivat. Vi Deato Potro, etc. his question is no vnsrequently omitte ;but it place is supplied by a question a to illingnes to receive ano observe the traditions of the orthodox athers and the decretalconstitutions of the apoStoli See. Uni eum Q unum sum cloi filium. Some ord seemo have been accidentali omitte before this phraSe. The Sual for runS, Deum verum et hominem Verum, proprium in Utraque natura atque Perfectum, non adoptiUum, ne phantaSticum, unicum et unum,' etc. p. 64. Pecti sanem, etc. hi and the ex queStion re Concerneclwith the acceptance of the definitio against Berengarius, mentione onP. 33. arten Spealis of them a s CCurrinii two Pontificats, ne of
Rouen perhaps this book , he other the Lyon Pontifical already cited. The are mund also in sonae Englisti Pontificali se Maskell, Montι- meum uualia Ecclesiae An sicanae, Vol. i. p. 265, ecl. 882). Actosto sus. his and the followin collec appea in the earlier Oraeo p. 23 a prayers aidive thetishop-elect when hecis preSented before themos pel in the ouen Orde the Seem to e intende to Serve a the collects of the mas whicli egin aster the examination Sconcluded This is the case in the Besangon Pontificat, here the are Separateo froin the Consecratio, hicli in the earlier ordo Seem tofollo them immediately by the EpiSile, grati, GoSpei, offertory, and
Secret. The Secret, Hanc tuur, an post-Communion of the maSSare the Samerus in the Besanςon Pontificat.
p. 63. A Dollioe oonSeoranctum This is intende to supplement orpoSSibly, a apparenti in Hiitorp' Ordo Romanus, o replace thec IISecratio manuum of the earlier ordo p. I 28 . here it appear itis generali adde to the Consecratio manuum ascit is in the Besangon Pontificat an this is probabi the intention illi,hicli it is inserted here. The Lyon Pontificat Martene, De Ant. E I. u. Vol. i. p. 93)has a disquisitioni the different modes of anointing the hanclS. Eenectiotio Daculi. his is apparenti a substitute for the metrical forna of the earlier ordo p. 128 , he se of hich wa apparenti notgenerat. The forminive here appears in the Besangon Pontificat. Benectietio anuli. The earlier ordo has no form for tessing the ring This whicli is mund also in the Besanςon Pontificat is apparenti intende to supply hat accordin to later Sage ould e
os a throne, par from the enthronementi a ne bi Shop. p. 166. The lis of person to e calle an excommunicate is apparently one of the Norma addition to the content of the S. one of the perSon mentione can be certaint identifled. Guillelmu cte Mois. Probabi one of the famil of the Counts of